Mom: As Mom Would Say -By Karla

Years ago, I was in church listening to a sermon when a pastor told a story about a woman who was cooking a roast. She cut the meat into two pieces and placed each in separate roasting pans. Year after year, the lady did the same thing. One holiday, the husband said, “Honey, why do you cut the meat into two piece? Does it make it cook differently?” The wife replied, “Ummm, I don’t know why I do that. Mom did it, so I’m sure there’s a reason.” Shortly after their conversation, the lady phoned her mom. Her mom paused; then she answered with the same sort of wording. “Ummm, I just did it because mom did it that way.” Luckily for the mom, her mom was still living. Out of curiosity, she called her ninety-two-year-old mama. Her mom kind of laughed, “Because I did not have a pan large enough.”

Mom and Music

That story cracks me. It is so true. The older I get the more I seem to say and do the things Mom did. I love music just like Mom. In the mornings, it peps me up while I am getting ready for my day. I listen to it often during my planning period at school, which helps me accomplish more. When I get home from a long day, music helps me concentrate to grade papers or get a second wind to clean my house. At night, I commonly set the timer on my Pandora app, so I can settle to fall asleep with my instrumental praise.

I can so recall Mom stating, “Girls, turn down the radio, or just leave it off please. I need some peace and quiet.” Just like Mom did, there are days I am driving home from school when I say the very same thing to myself.

Mom’s Sayings

At school, I have grown from the young and hip creative teacher to much more of a grandmotherly figure over the years. I seek every opportunity to affirm and brag on their accomplishments both large and small. However, I also fuss at them when they do wrong. I strive for my students to know that I love them unconditionally. In the instant world youngsters live in today, having to work for something is foreign to them at times. I have refrained from letting loose with Mom’s words, “I’m gonna pinch your head off!” But in recent years, I have found my lips mouthing her familiar words, “Don’t just sit there like a bump on a log. My mom would’ve looked at you and said, ‘Am I gonna have to lite a fire under your bottom?’” The kids seem to like my mom’s little country sayings, motivating them to get busy.

Mom’s Advice

Mom passed over fifteen years ago. During this time, many things have happened in my life that I wish she had been here to help me through. When I get into a mood, Mom’s words invade my mind. I have even said aloud, “Yes, Mom, I’m having pity party. And yes, Mom, I remember what you taught me. A pity party should only last so long! Don’t invite too many people because not many people really want to come. I remember that my sweet friends who are willingly to come don’t want to stay long.” So, I rest, and even pout a bit. Often I call Donna to vent or cry. Then I get a hold of myself to move forward little by little.

The other day my sisters and I were in a group text trying to encourage each other. I stated that God does not desire us to live with guilt after we have repented to the Lord. Continuing, I reminded the four of us that God does not want us to be trapped in a place that Satan wants to confine us, but to move forward to do His will. For a short moment, one sister commented on how wise I was. Another sister quickly deflated my pride stating my insight came from Mom. We had all heard her say so many times, “Satan, get behind me!” I just died laughing when that sister texted those words. I replied with my thoughts, “I used to think that Mom was kind of crazy when she declared those words, but the longer I live, the more I profess those words myself.” Mom was the wise one! We just try to follow in her footsteps.

I once saw a tote bag that said, “Sometimes, I open my mouth and my mother comes out.” I started to buy it because it is so very true and it cracked me up. However, I could hear Mom saying, “Just window shop, Karla, you have enough bags already.”

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Cousins: Fruitcakes –By Karla

Recently, “the cousins” got together for a snowball fight! Okay, actually our reason for our gathering was a Christmas celebration. However, we did not leave before large, synthetic snowballs started flying! As Donna and I drove over the mountain back to our houses, I started thinking about how my cousins and I are a bunch of fruitcakes! 

At first thought, the word fruitcakes can conjure up a negative connotation, but chew on the following and let these words simmer in your thoughts. 


Like most fruitcakes, a variety of fruits add to the mix. In our cousin mix, we have a lawyer, some bankers, a receptionist, a dental hygienist, some insurance specialists, some housewives, a nurse, a seamstress, some government workers, and a home title-researcher, and teachers a plenty! We are unique as are the different fruits in the cake, and when the fruits blend together, it creates something special Over the years, all fruitful cousins have bonded together to help each other survive and thrive. 

Nutty Cousins

Nuts! Oh, we have those too! While none of us are truly nutty enough to be institutionalized, we have questionable moments. I will simply share a few because if I shared them all, you would be bringing several straight jackets!

One was known to have carried a leftover biscuit in her purse to have when needed, and her daughter once brushed her teeth with Preparation H! One of us must not be drinking anything when a funny story is told, lest she spew it everywhere. Another was testing out a media chair in Walmart, when it unfolded. She was sprawled out on the floor and laughing so hard that she could not get up! Perhaps one of my favorites is the one who was searching for funnel clouds because of an apparent “newly installed city tornado warning siren” only to remember ten minutes later that she had changed her ringtone. And during the “snowball fight” that evening, we caught a glimpse of one of us stuffing her bra with two! I guess our nutty sides add spice to our lives resembling the nutmeg in a fruitcake loaf. 

The Holy Spirit

Many recipes call for the bread to be soaked in “spirits”. Honey, I tell you the truth when I say that my cousins know the true spirit that we need to immerse ourselves in: The Holy Spirit of God. We’re bred from a lengthy line of Christians. Fruitcakes can get better with age, so can we! Christians that don’t just say they know God; ones that desire to learn more of the true bread of life. (John 6:25-59). 

December is declared the fruitcake month; these breads are made for special occasions. They are not intended to sit on the shelves taking up space, but given to others. As we are God’s special creation, we are to give of ourselves to others. 

Fruitcake Cousins

While doing some quick research, I learned that fruitcakes can get stale. To refresh them, one only needs to steam them. Christians too can become stale; life can beat us down. By spending time in God’s word, we can revive. God amazes me! He designed Christian fellowship to help us out. Fruitcakes are known for their solid consistency. Well, my friend, my fruitcake cousins have serious substance.They know the Lord, and they surely know how to rejuvenate me with laughter, listening ears, kind words, and hugs.

Did you know a fruitcake once traveled into outer space? Yep, it launched its way on Apollo 11. I have no idea why, but it did! Since it was not eaten, it now sits in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum! But, I do know where my fruitcake cousins and I will be traveling one day: to be with our Savior far beyond the space we can see in this world.  

While fruitcakes are known to last for a long time; some even say “forever”. I know my fruity and nutty friends will live eternally with the true Bread of Life. 

Snowball fight!

(Thanks Mental Floss: 15 Fun Facts about Fruitcake; April 16, 2016 & Fill Your Plate: Interesting Facts About Fruitcake; Dec. 9, 2011 for providing me with some quick research.) 

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God Knows Best: The Planner – By Karla

When I was 21, mom remarried. Berry immediately gained four daughters and eventually gained twelve grandchildren. Sometime over the years, he affectionately gave my sisters and me nicknames. Lynn, the oldest, became “The Boss”. What a perfect name for her! Gail, my twin separated by two-and-a-half-years was called “The Planner”. The youngest Julie earned her title easily, “The Princess”, and Berry gave me the name “The Sweet One.” While I am not sure that I am the sweetest one, I do enjoy the name he gave me.

Our family: 2007

The Planner

God-love Gail! She really is “The Planner”, desiring to know when and how things will happen. Gail doesn’t care for the unknown and operates best when things are just so. When the sisters are discussing some event, Gail is the one that makes sure the plan is carried out with as few hiccups as possible. I just love her inquisitive mind that is always thinking ahead about the what ifs. Her gift of planning has helped us all  many times over the years. With such a large family, we often have to change the plan. Gail deals with this well, as long as the alternate plan develops quickly and firmly. 

Truly, I don’t think Gail is alone. Many of us take comfort in a neatly formed and executed plan. If the truth be known, I think some of my most frightening times in life were the “unknowns” that leered ahead. In fact, I have had stomach aches, raw lips (where I have peeled off the top layers of skin), and added wrinkly lines by fretting over what lay around the corner. 

It is not always that the plan is unclear that upsets me. Quite honestly, the problem is I question God’s plans. At some point or another, hopefully not after too much time has passed, I remember that God’s ways are not my ways. (Isaiah 55:8) 

God’s Orchestrated Plans

Below are just a few events God orchestrated that I never would have thought was the best plan:

  • Crossing the Red Sea:  (No way would I have been brave enough to walk through on the dry land believing the walls of water would not come crashing down.) But, God knows best! He created a safe path for all Israelites to get through and destroy their enemies with His perfect timing.
  • The Battle of Jericho. (I wouldn’t have believed an army we could make the walls fall down just because we were marching around blowing some horns.) But, God knows best! To beat it all, no Israelites got hurt! 
  • Jesus’ birth. (If I had known Mary was in labor, I would have knocked on every door insight, trying to find a ”proper” place for Jesus to be born.) But, God knows best! He wanted Jesus born right where He had him, in a meek and lowly stable, The King of King, but not of earthly royalty. 
  • Jesus’ death. (I certainly would not have wanted my Jesus to be beaten, mocked, and crucified!) But, God knows best! He knew how to give us the most incredible gift; Christ taking our sins away. Thus, He provided the way to eternal life if we accept it. 

God’s plan for all these situations was just that–God’s plan! His plans are never too late, never too early, never too big, nor never too small. 

An Unplanned Move

In 1992, a series of events led my young family to move from Oklahoma back to Georgia. The move was not what we had planned! In fact, the events caused a serious financial issue and uncertainties for several months. Many times I cried out to God trying to understand the reasons why the situation occurred, which caused so much turmoil. 

However, around March of 2004, I had a realization. While I had not been toiling over the situation all those years, it hit me one afternoon. Nana died in December; than six weeks later Mom passed away. As I was grieving and processing that day, I finally understood that God knew exactly when Nana and Mom would leave this earth. He knew how I needed their guidance in the years while they were still with me and the advice that I still live by today. 

All that time, what I had thought was a bad plan, turned out to be a precious gift from God. He led me home, so that I would be only a short drive from them both. He gave me 21 years with them that I would not have had if life had followed my plan. 

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Temptation: In Need of a Sign -By Karla

Panama City Beach or Bust

For the past 6 years, several precious friends from church have packed our bags and head south for a long weekend. Like always, I hesitated in my excitement. Those hurricanes seem to enjoy the Gulf of Mexico every Columbus Day weekend as much as I do. Even still, God has always provided some hours of sunshine to brighten our weary souls. (Red Tide and No, Karla, You Get To)

On the Road Again

Though this past weekend came with the threat of disappointment in the weather, we forged ahead. Friday at four fifteen, the car was loaded and off we zoomed to pick up Donna in Rome. Our traditional first stop, Olive Garden, always begins the weekend of feasting and fellowship.

Along the journey, we played board games that we have altered into a point system, but honestly, none of us care who wins or loses. The point of our games is to pave the path with laughter and memories. Occasionally, a forecast update was shared as we anticipated our beach time.

Beach, Here We Come

Rolling into our Panama City Beach condo spot around 12:00am, we had realized Saturday’s beach time would be shorter than we hoped. We were a little tuckered. So, we opted to sleep in a little and stroll on down around ten in the morning. Leaving our floats because we knew they would only serve as kites swirling in the wind, we decided to leisurely lie in our chairs. 

Double Red Flags

As our toes touched the sand, we noticed not one–but two red flags, which forbids swimming in the ocean. Within minutes a lifeguard was pacing down the shoreline followed by a beach patrol vehicle. Clearly marked signs protruded from the shore, demanding that beach dwellers stay out of the water and threatened arrest if a person did not comply. I have been to Panama City Beach many times over the past fifteen years, and I have never seen such safety measures. They monitored the shore all afternoon. 


Donna and I discussed the incident that we observed in fear a few years ago. Though double red flags flew, a mom had her three young children in the water with her. Perhaps, it was the first time they had experienced the pleasure, which persuaded her to risk any danger, but within minutes, two of her three had swiftly drifted from her reach. She began yelling for help.

Dining at the time, we were at a distance too far to be of assistance. We watched and fretted while a man ran to the aid of the two kids. In the meantime, the mom was frantically attempting to get herself and the youngest child safely to shore. The situation was unnerving. Danger can so easily overtake sometimes.

Too Risky

Over the weekend, the four of us watched the waves bounce, swirl, and spray in a fashion I have rarely seen. While we had strong desires to swim and splash in the waves, we knew to respect the mighty strength of the warned riptide.

But, others–not so much! We watched as the on-foot lifeguard protected his stretch of the water. Over and over he stated, “Get out of the water”. When he would make his announcement, the defiers would leave the water. The patrolman would turn his back as he walked to the next perpetrators. But the people would be right back in the foamy swirls within minutes. The same scenario was happening with the patrol vehicle. As the driver drove alongside the water, her voice projected through the speaker.

“The water is closed today. Get out of the water!”

People reluctantly walked out. But as she drove away, they would return.


As we watched the waters churn, we were delighted with a flawless work of water Fantasia. I thought of how the show seemed to taint us into its illusion of thrills. It looked so fun, so enticing, so harmlessly filled with pleasure. And yet… the riptide was rippling underneath.

To the spontaneous, the excitement was too great to simply stand on the sidelines. Still, there in plain sight was a warning. The writing on the wall could not have been any more plain! In addition, lifeguards were tirelessly urging people to stay away. Did many listen? No, the illusion was too tempting. We heard sirens in the distance.

As we shook our heads at the boldness of others in the face of danger, we discussed how God must get frustrated with us all at times like these. His word tells us to resist temptations just as clearly as the “stay out of the water” sign aims to deter the foolish swimmer. 

“Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Matthew 26:41

But nevertheless, in life, we ignore the signs of danger and are lured in by the appeal of fun. Later to find ourselves trapped in sin. We flail about desiring to be rescued. Luckily for us, God walks alongside us with a presence abundantly stronger than any lifeguard. Although He warns us many times, with His loving grace, He forgives us and guides us back to shore, where He longs for us to abide in Him.

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Drawing Nearer: Just a Closer Walk with Thee -Karla

Sunday Night Madness

Loving music as I do, when I sing in church, I feel so close to the Lord. The songs draw me nearer to God as I prepare my heart and mind for His message. With the peace that only God can give, I always love Sunday mornings as I feel God’s spirit nestled within me. For years I longed for that peace and closeness to stay with me throughout the week until I could be in the Lord’s house again.

However, Sunday evening would rear its annoying face as I thought of Monday’s stress engulfing me like a hurricane. The weight of the undone laundry hung on my shoulders and the load of ungraded papers would leer at me from my bookbag. 

  • ungraded papers
  • laundry basket still full
  • dishes in the sink
  • floors unvacuumed

Sure enough (as Nana would say), as Monday’s sun would rise, I rushed around getting the girls and myself ready for school. I was lucky if I remembered to whisper a prayer asking Him to be with me throughout the day. As the hours ticked and Tuesday dawned, my sprint continued, hoping to survive the day. Often I would make a promise to God that I would spend some time with Him that evening, which might or might not have been kept. 

Monday Morning Rush

Sure enough (as Nana would say), as Monday’s sun would rise, I rushed around getting the girls and myself ready for school. I was lucky if I remembered to whisper a prayer asking Him to be with me throughout the day. As the hours ticked and Tuesday dawned, my sprint continued, hoping to survive the day. Often I would make a promise to God that I would spend some time with Him that evening, which might or might not have been kept. 

Hump Day and Beyond

Wednesdays were better; I knew that by dusk I would be back in church with the kids for their activities. At times, I drug myself through the motions after a long day. Still I enjoyed the Christian fellowship and felt a little recharged. 

On Thursday mornings, I might have remembered to murmur a prayer at the red light while the girls were talking in the backseat. 

Gracious! When Friday would roll around, I was beyond thankful. Saying TGIF was about as close as I got to thinking of God. 

You might think that on Saturdays I could have found time for Him, but usually I was busy sleeping late, doing chores, and chauffeuring the girls to and fro. 

Come Sunday morning, after fighting the devil to make it to church, I would feel Jesus’ peaceful presence embracing me again. 

Drawing Nearer

Why was it so difficult to feel His companionship Monday through Friday? I was like the kid dashing out of a department store, obliviously running in the parking lot with cars everywhere. Meanwhile, the mom is trying to help guide the child safely to their van. Likewise, God had been by my side trying to guide me all week, but I kept wandering around amid the hazards of life.

I roamed from daylight to dark and meandered from Monday to Saturday amid obstacles, trying to find strength and peace to survive, but discovered little. I was attempting to navigate my daily life alone, while I had put God on a shelf during the week. Yes, I acknowledged Him as I stumbled along, but I was not asking Him to travel with me holding my hand. 

Though I don’t recall the words from the sermon that prompted the desire for change, I can distinctly recall tears in my eyes as I claimed I didn’t want to walk my daily path alone ever again. I wanted Jesus nine to five, five to nine, and repeat. 

close up shot of an elderly woman reading a bible
Photo by RODNAE Productions on

The process to have Him with me in my highs and lows and everything in between was so simple. Connect everyday. 

  • Read His word
  • Talk to Him in prayer
  • Be still and know that He is God

After making a commitment to spend quality time with him each day, I have found these words to be true: “The closer your walk with God, the less room for anything to come between.” 

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Armor of God: Never Leave Home Without It -By Karla

Dining at Cracker Barrel, Donna and I noticed an elderly man. Simultaneously, we said, “Bless his heart.” We whispered about him having to eat alone. At a second glance, I noticed he did not have his teeth in. 

Donna and I often joke about how we promise to make sure that the other does this and that or does not do this or that when we reach that certain age. Please note that I mean no disrespect to anyone who has dentures; we all have things we must deal with. (I especially mean no disrespect to Aunt Anna. She has entertained the little ones over the years by flipping hers in and out with just the push of her tongue!) 

It was no surprise to Donna that I mouthed, “Never let me leave the house, forgetting my teeth.” Of course, she agreed and added some other words that I could not hear. So, she suggested I need to buy a hearing aid and add it to the list of things I should never leave home without. I shook my head as I realized my list was getting longer; I made a mental note to add my glasses too. 

When the waitress brought his food, Donna grew concerned about him getting sore gums noticing he had ordered crispy tater tots. 

Our Mom’s List

Our conversation then wandered into the list of items our mothers made sure we were never without when in our cars. 

  • Always have a blanket in case you are stranded on the side of the road on a frigid night
  • Make sure to have a flashlight in case you need to walk at night because your car breaks down
  • Have a pair of scissors–though I am not sure why…maybe in case you meet a bear while you are walking with your blanket and flashlight! (But, honestly, those scissors have come in very handy over the years!)
person holding flashlight during nighttime
Photo by Wendelin Jacober on

My List

Among Mom’s advised car list, I have added a few “musts” for my purse as I have aged.

  • Yes, like the American Express commercial said, “Never leave home without it”: your credit card (It comes in handy during emergencies or if you see a really, cute little dress.)
  • Your phone cord and charger (I have learned a dead phone and worried children can be a problem.)
  • A healthy snack & a bottle of water (No one wants to hear a growling stomach in church.)
  • Safety pins (Those buttons can pop off at the most inconvenient times.)
  • Band-Aids (Nobody wants blood on their clothes.)
  • Hand sanitizer (Covid-19…Need I say more.)
  • Tissues (I’m snot kidding)
  • Lip Gloss (A shiny smile says so much.)
  • Breath mints or gum (You remember the Big Red commercial: “say goodbye a little longer.”)
  • Small tube of lotion (Who wants rough hands?)
  • Power compact (Will this oily skin ever end?)

In my young adult life, I would have included an extra tampon or pad on the list, but at my age I will have to say a clean pair of panties. Mom might have said those are needed in case of a car wreck, but I am much more concerned about getting tickled with a friend and need a pair to change into. 

 We can powder our noses, gloss our lips, stick on the Band-Aid, clean and smooth our skin, pin a hole, quench our temporary thirst, and disguise our breath, but to be prepared in life, we need more than supplies from our purse.  

The Armor of God

All kidding aside, “Mama said there would be days like this”; ones filled with the devil’s schemes. The Bible gives us a list of things never to leave home without. We must guard ourselves with… (Ephesians 6:10-18)

  • Belt of truth 
  • Breastplate of righteousness
  • Fit your feet with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace
  • Shield of faith
  • Helmet of salvation
  • Sword of the Spirit

The armor of God is the thing to truly never leave the house without! When we make time to read God’s word, pray, and listen, we armor ourselves with a relationship with the Lord, the most important thing to never forget!

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Trust Fall – by Karla

1, 2, 3…jump. The preschooler leans over the vast depth of the pool water, eyes wide with excitement, trusting the loved one to catch her.

Peddling and swerving; peddling and straightening. The youngster continues, believing the parent will keep holding his bike, guiding him until he is balanced and free to continue on his own. 

The “flyer” on a cheerleading squad is tossed high above the others, trusting her teammates will be waiting below ready to protect her descend with wide open arms.

“Take the keys to the car and run to the store,” are perhaps the most exciting trust words ever spoken to the sixteen-year-old.

The Concept of Trust

As we age, trust can become more difficult. According to the dictionary, trust can be defined as having confidence, faith, or hope in someone or something.

Sadly, in today’s world, the concept of trust has grown rather weak over the years, like a man’s handshake that has been diluted into a “yeah, whatever” agreement.

Most of us have dealt with the feeling of mistrust when it comes to others. Some days, it might seem the only one you can trust is your faithful dog, but he might even run off if tempted with a juicy bone.

Christian Friends

Let me tell you, I have some wonderful Christian friends: companions who have listened to me cry, rant, cheer, and laugh. Some pals have stood with me through thick and thin. How did I get so blessed to have such truly trusted friends? I looked in the right place. I found the ones with their hands stretched out ready to serve. Although Christian friends will not be perfect, they will give of themselves to the best of their ability.

God, I thank you for your creation of Christian friendships and what they mean to me. I will end with a short summary of recent events which illustrates the kind of friend I wish for you… 

Moving Day

Donna and I were moving boxes, most were very heavy. Scorching heat steamed around 95 degrees! Arms loaded, we traipsed back and forth getting boxes and moving them to the car. At times, when we were heaving and hoeing, we laughed until we cried. We’d pick up a box and look wide-eyed at each other as if to say there’s no way we can get this box of lead into the car. Our giggles started draining even more strength from our weak and flabby arms, which usually resulted in the box dropping. Though some of our laughter left us snorting and almost having tears run down our legs, we somehow managed to get everything loaded for each trip to and fro.

While moving the contents, we often used hand trucks. Stacking the boxes higher and higher, we discussed how much the dollie could hold. Many times, Donna would say, “I’m telling you; this thing can hold a refrigerator!” So, we stacked on another box. Driving the loaded cart was not an easy task, but Donna continued to say, “This thing can hold a refrigerator!”

Somewhere along the path when I had an empty cart and exhaustion had about set in, I said, “Hop on, Donna. I’ll take you for a ride.” Her tired eyes cut to the corner, “You already pushed me and let me surf on the flat utility cart. It’s your turn!”

“You can’t push me! I replied.

Without skipping a beat, she replied, “This thing can hold a refrigerator!”

Trust Fall

“You can’t hold me.” I repeated as we continued walking in silence. I glanced over, seeing her eyes calculating my weight and her strength. Then her mouth twisted to the side. Donna has been my best friend (and cousin) for as long as I can remember. I knew the determined look: I can too! I immediately stopped the hand truck leveling to the floor and took my rightful place, standing on its flat metal platform.

Talk about a trust fall! The thought that she could NOT hold me steady never crossed my mind. She is my devout friend with whom I trust. Crossing my arms over my chest, I felt my body leaning slowly backwards, and backwards, and backwards. Uhhh, I’m not stopping!

Gradually, I reclined until I was jolted flat onto the floor. Now crashing to the ground while lying on metal might sound very painful. But when you have a good friend, she will do everything in her power to protect you. And that is exactly what Donna did. She broke the fall and went down with me.

Then we just sat and laughed and laughed.

Trust God

God is the ultimate trust. He, and He alone, will never fail us.

  •  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6
  • “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.” Psalm 125:1

God is so good to us, being available 24/7. However, He knows His creation well. He knew we would need fellowship. He knows we need someone that we can physically see. Thus, Christian friendship was born.

*Even if you totally trust your friend, human strength can give way. However, trust in God, for He will NEVER fail you. 

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Figurative Language: Along these Lines -By Karla

Alike in our Randomness

Donna and I are so alike in many ways. I love words and their origins as well as she. Figurative Language: Hope You Are All Ears. In fact, I like to Google many things and people to discover interesting facts. If someone peeked into our Google searches, they would crack up! Our quests do not show much of anything along similar lines: One minute we are investigating the story behind The Beatles’ song, “Come Together”, and later trying to find out if “Hey you guys!” was really in the Electric Company’s opening.

Many Different Lines

When thinking of my bi-monthly blog subject, an idea popped into my head swiftly. However, when I began googling my line of thinking, I became distracted by the number of phrases that contain the word line. One idiom phrase with the word “line” popped up, and I was like a racehorse behind a gate ready to bolt.

Out of Line & Crossing the Line

I was forever getting a out of line. Mother LOVED to shop though she did not always buy much. Once Julie, my youngest sister, and I were with Mom at Loveman’s department store. She was searching for new housecoats in the children’s area. Finding a white, terry cloth one in my size complete with a belt, Mom made me try it on to make sure I had growing room. Thus, she began looking for one to match for Julie to wear because she loved her girls to coordinate. Boredom overcame me, and silliness set it. I vividly remember being inspired to begin kicking as if I were in a tournament with the karate kid complete with wax on, wax off. Julie followed suit, and our hands were chopping all clothes in sight. One look from Mom led us to know we had crossed the line! 

Walking a Fine Line, One the Line, & in the Firing Line

Of course, that is not the only time Julie and I walked a fine line. Our baths caused our butts to be on the line more than once. Strawberry Suave shampoo allowed us to transform our hair into Martha Washington’s wig and Santa Claus’s beard regularly. Other times, we slid from the back slant of the tub. We had lathered it until it was slippery, and with our legs crossed, we made the ride last as long as possible! Mom would stomp into the bathroom and nearly slip on the linoleum floor splashed from soapy suds. Our wet behinds stung all the more in the firing line! 

Draw a line

At night, I had to draw a line in the bed. Julie loved to tickle me! When I got tired, I got cranky and still do. She paid little attention to my line and would continue to poke and wiggle her fingers into my boney sides until she made me laugh. 

Party Lines, Hold the Line, & Hang Up the Line

In the 70’s, Nana and Granddaddy had a party line. My sisters and I stayed with them often, so when we wanted to call Mom to ask a question or just say hey, we had to follow Nana’s instructions. “Remember, Girls, your granddaddy and me share our line with the people up the road. So, quietly pick up the receiver, and see if anyone’s already on the phone. If no one is there, hold the line, and we will call your mom. But, if Mrs. Bessie is on, hang up the line ever so lightly. We don’t want to eavesdrop on her, even though she does it to me sometimes.” 

Educational Lines

As a teacher over the last 28 years, I have noticed numerous lines as well. If I had a penny for every time I have said, “Line up, get in line, or stay in line,” I would be a quadbillionaire! “Don’t give me that line” are words some kids have heard from me at times as if I am going to buy their lines “hook, line, and sinker”! In my top desk drawer, there is a small sign that reads, “Danger, you are walking a thin line,” that I quietly lay on students’ desks from time to time when they need a quiet reminder to get it together.

As a middle school teacher, I have a theme of encouragement in my classroom. I want students to choose the line of least resistance in life. 

Life Lesson Lines that I Share

  • Even though there are times you will step out of line, the bottom line is to always respect yourself.
  • Find your line in the sand and be true to yourself.
  • When life becomes too overwhelming, don’t cast your line so far ahead that you fill yourself with anxiety. Deal with today, taking one step at a time.
  • Line your pockets with good deeds, not money.
  • Drop a line to say thank you to make others feel appreciated.
  • Toe the line at school and in your future jobs to work your way up the line.
  • Remember there is a fine line between need and want. Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure you can reasonably afford your purchases.

End of the Line

As for you and me, we must realize we will all come to the end of the line one day. Flatlined! Where will we find ourselves? On the front lines for eternity. I don’t know about you, but when my life is over and my destination is on the line, I will be headed up the line toward my Creator for I have chosen the One, True God to be my master.

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Listening to God: Follow the Leader—by Karla

The Game

This game is not my favorite! I always felt like there was too much pressure on me to “think up” something everyone would want to do. Then I would have to hope they were following me and enjoying the actions. It’s not like I had eyes in the back of my head (like Mom did) to see people’s facial expressions. Yes, I liked words of affirmation, or at least looks of affirmation and still do! 

Birth Order

You might be familiar with some reports of birth order studies and the middle child. Third among four girls in my family, I am a peacemaker. I think I got a double dosage. My adult dad had nicknames for us: Lynn (The Boss), Gail (The Planner), me (The Sweet One), and Julie (The Princess). These names so fit us! 

Growing up, I did not have to worry about being a leader much because The Boss did her job very well. Though we kid her often, she did and does her job effortlessly. Next in line is The Planner, and my, my…she is an expert at her job too. With the two of them ahead of me in line, I learned to follow well. (By the way, The Princess’ job is performed perfectly.)

As my girls were in their young years, I directed the preschool choir. Let me say that I use the word “directed” mighty loosely. My duties consisted of finding fun little songs about Jesus, singing them with the kids, banging on a few instruments now and then, making movements to music, and praying with them. (Side note: My favorite request was praying for a Mom’s nose.)

Preschool Choir

One Wednesday evening, we were playing Follow the Leader. My job was to lead the kids around the room moving to the various instrument sounds. I turned my head slightly making sure the kids were repeating my actions. To my dismay, one boy had his hand in front of his face. Perplexed, I watched him trying to figure out what he was doing. Low and behold! He was attempting to protect himself from the possibility of my big butt trying to smush him! (Another reason why the game was never my favorite –even as an adult.)

Mom taught us the importance of being a team. She often declared, “Girls, we will make it or break it as a team.” Teams consist of leaders and followers, without both, there is no team. Mom ingrained the importance of being a good follower, one who cares, maintains, listens to directions, and supports! 

Mom’s Words

I cannot imagine being a single mom of four when we were all in our teenage years. There must have been many days when fret and frustration would almost overtake her. During these times, Mom exclaimed another one of her frequent saying of “Get behind me, Satan.” 

One of my favorite attention grabbing, church signs reads, “If you give Satan an inch, he will take over as your ruler.” I want to be a good follower, but not one of Satan’s. No one I know purposely says or acts in a way that allows Satan to take charge! But in my lifetime, I have known many who have unconsciously permitted Satan to acquire them one act at a time.

Following the One, True Leader

In a time where sin runs rampantly, we cannot consent to casually walking along, meandering here and there. We must proceed with diligence—asking God to be our leader. Then, we must follow The Ultimate Leader!

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Thoughts: Can You Hear Me Now? -Karla

Donna was having the tires rotated and balanced. She sat outside enjoying the sunshine while she waited. What better way to kill time than to call her BFF, share some thoughts and shoot the breeze?When my phone rang, I paused from my house cleaning to sit a spell (as Nana would have said), so we could catch up with the last 24 hours of our lives.

What Happened?

After chit-chatting casually about current quarantine dilemmas and on-line school challenges and successes, she broke into another conversation. The topic was one that only besties would share. I listened intently as she unfolded the details. All of a sudden, I could not hear her. The call was not dropped. Clearly, she was there; I could hear noises in the background.

“Donna, can you hear me? Donna? What are those noises? Did you drop your phone?“ Maybe her phone broke. “Donna? Hello? Can you hear me?” This is weird; I hear male voices in the background. “Hello, where are you? Can you hear me now?” I laughed mocking the older Verizon commercial. 

With no reply, I shrugged my shoulders and hung up. That was one of the weirdest phone call issues I have ever had. Where did she go? It wasn’t like the call dropped. Hmmmm. Hopefully, she’ll call back; she was just getting to the good stuff. Maybe I should try to call her back?

Don’t Call Back

As the familiar “you have a text message” ding came through, I read, “DON’T call back.” Now my mind was totally intrigued as I was left dangling wanting to know the rest of the story and why I couldn’t call back with a capital DON’T! What had happened with her phone?

Within 15 minutes, my phone rang. Neither of us could hardly get a word in as we tried to recall the events of the mishap. I snorted when Donna revealed, “Oh my gosh, Karla! Apparently when my car was cranked, my phone automatically connected to my car speaker. They guys in the shop were listening to our entire conversation!!” 

“Wait, they just heard what we were talking about! Can they still hear us now? ”

“No, that is why I told you to wait so that I could disconnect it from the car.” 

She continued with the story, as now we were safe from outside ears. However, it was not without hoots of laughter because we were continuously visualizing the mechanics’ faces as they were listening to the beginnings of our conversation.

God Hears Our Thoughts

When I got off the phone, I was still chuckling! I believe the truth that someone is always listening, but I don’t think it is usually mechanics. Rather, it is God. He hears everything we say; in fact, he hears everything we think!

Many of us grew up hearing, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” We tend to think that as long as we didn’t say it out loud, we did nothing wrong. But your thoughts are heard. Matthew 12: 25 “Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them… Luke 6:8 “But Jesus knew what they were thinking…” Matthew 9:4 “knowing their thoughts, Jesus said…”; these are just a few examples of Jesus’ all knowing power.

God knows everything about us. 

Psalms 139:2- 3 (NIV) You know when I sit and when I rise; You perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.

I think God is not listening to be nosey. Rather, He listens because He cares. 

Yes, we often remember to curb our words, realizing they should not be spoken, but God would love us to go one step further and be aware of our thoughts. So, that they will both honor God.

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