Pandemic Guidelines: Separated -By Karla

Graduation Seating

As I looked upon a graduation field, I saw the candidates were adhering to the pandemic guidelines with chairs spaced the correct distance. Noticing the parents in the stands, they were spread appropriately six feet apart too. While the students were presented with their diplomas, I observed the principal and students elbow bump rather than shaking hands. Although their faces were masked, their pride was conveyed in their stride. Only my nephew’s mom and dad were allowed in the stadium. The rest of the family was left watching on a TV in the front yard of my sister’s house with space between our chairs. 


All this separation. I keep feeling like we are in a sci-fi movie. Everyone standing and sitting far from each other adorning masks to block “the sickness”. Every good movie has a villain. In my imagination, this one is a huge metal-made, silver dinosaur-looking monster invading our planet with a virus that will destroy the world as we know it. 

The Real Enemy

Presently, we are guarding ourselves against the enemy, Covid-19. However, how well are we at guarding ourselves against the true enemy, Satan, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). His desire is to completely separate us from God.

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, (Romans 3:23), and these sins separate us from God (Isaiah 59:2).

Satan separates us from God by confusing us about what is right and wrong. At times, we let the world’s culture define what is and isn’t sin. Truth is found in God’s word, not trends of the times. How will we know the truth if we spend more time with worldly things than in the presence of God? We don’t get to choose what is sin in God’s eyes, and we cannot rationalize sin into “right”. Oh, we try justifying what we have done by comparing our actions to others’, minimizing its wrongness, avoiding what is true, or blaming our actions on others. However, sin is sin to God! 

Ultimate Separation

Many believe we are Christians because we know who God is, but there is more. God longs for a relationship with us. In Matthew 7:22-23 the ultimate separation is foretold, “Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ 

I don’t know about you, but I am NOT loving this separated life. I miss hugging on my family and patting my students on the shoulder, and I do not like sitting six feet apart and wearing a mask that keeps others from seeing me smile. But when I sin, I am separating myself from God. He cannot hug on me in the way He wants because I have separated myself from Him. God is the one being we do not have to stay 6 feet from, it is our choice as to how close we get to him?

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Thoughts: Can You Hear Me Now? -Karla

Donna was having the tires rotated and balanced. She sat outside enjoying the sunshine while she waited. What better way to kill time than to call her BFF, share some thoughts and shoot the breeze?When my phone rang, I paused from my house cleaning to sit a spell (as Nana would have said), so we could catch up with the last 24 hours of our lives.

What Happened?

After chit-chatting casually about current quarantine dilemmas and on-line school challenges and successes, she broke into another conversation. The topic was one that only besties would share. I listened intently as she unfolded the details. All of a sudden, I could not hear her. The call was not dropped. Clearly, she was there; I could hear noises in the background.

“Donna, can you hear me? Donna? What are those noises? Did you drop your phone?“ Maybe her phone broke. “Donna? Hello? Can you hear me?” This is weird; I hear male voices in the background. “Hello, where are you? Can you hear me now?” I laughed mocking the older Verizon commercial. 

With no reply, I shrugged my shoulders and hung up. That was one of the weirdest phone call issues I have ever had. Where did she go? It wasn’t like the call dropped. Hmmmm. Hopefully, she’ll call back; she was just getting to the good stuff. Maybe I should try to call her back?

Don’t Call Back

As the familiar “you have a text message” ding came through, I read, “DON’T call back.” Now my mind was totally intrigued as I was left dangling wanting to know the rest of the story and why I couldn’t call back with a capital DON’T! What had happened with her phone?

Within 15 minutes, my phone rang. Neither of us could hardly get a word in as we tried to recall the events of the mishap. I snorted when Donna revealed, “Oh my gosh, Karla! Apparently when my car was cranked, my phone automatically connected to my car speaker. They guys in the shop were listening to our entire conversation!!” 

“Wait, they just heard what we were talking about! Can they still hear us now? ”

“No, that is why I told you to wait so that I could disconnect it from the car.” 

She continued with the story, as now we were safe from outside ears. However, it was not without hoots of laughter because we were continuously visualizing the mechanics’ faces as they were listening to the beginnings of our conversation.

God Hears Our Thoughts

When I got off the phone, I was still chuckling! I believe the truth that someone is always listening, but I don’t think it is usually mechanics. Rather, it is God. He hears everything we say; in fact, he hears everything we think!

Many of us grew up hearing, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” We tend to think that as long as we didn’t say it out loud, we did nothing wrong. But your thoughts are heard. Matthew 12: 25 “Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them… Luke 6:8 “But Jesus knew what they were thinking…” Matthew 9:4 “knowing their thoughts, Jesus said…”; these are just a few examples of Jesus’ all knowing power.

God knows everything about us. 

Psalms 139:2- 3 (NIV) You know when I sit and when I rise; You perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.

I think God is not listening to be nosey. Rather, He listens because He cares. 

Yes, we often remember to curb our words, realizing they should not be spoken, but God would love us to go one step further and be aware of our thoughts. So, that they will both honor God.

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Struggling Children: When in Doubt, Let Them Paddle it Out -by Donna

I have watched ladies sob when the Titanic sank, and Jack slowly disappeared into the ocean or during Ghost when Patrick Swayze went to the light and faded away. I love those movies, but they do not bring out emotion in me, like a dog movie can. Give me Marley and Me or White Fang, and you will see my tears. 

During quarantine, my daughter and I have been walking her dog around a nearby lake. One morning as we stepped onto the path, we simultaneously noticed something black in the water following the geese and ducks. “It’s a dog!” I yelled!

The house I used to live in had a small lake and for several years we had a black lab. So, it was not surprising to see this. But as I approached the family, who was watching the dog, I became concerned. The woman was on the phone saying, “But I can’t swim!” She was standing with a pregnant lady and two small children. When we got within twenty feet, one of the little girls ran toward me in a panic. 

“Can you swim?”

“Yes, I can.” I smiled.

“Save our dog; he’s drowning!”

 I wasn’t worried until I talked to the lady on the phone. The woman called out to her daughter, “Boundaries. Six feet back.” She apologized for her daughter’s close proximity and then began telling me the events. “He has been swimming an hour! He won’t come back.”

How Long Can He Swim?

The dog was far out in the thirty-six-acre lake, and his head was barely above water. So, I watched and wondered. How long can this dog keep swimming? If that woman wasn’t exaggerating in the midst of her panic, he’s been out there an hour. That’s a long time! Dogs are smart, but when he gets exhausted, can he realize how far the swim back will be?

Several people had stopped walking and were gazing at the dog. While the family whistled and called, I began to worry. At times, his head would go down and only his snout was visible. My daughter frantically asked, “Are we going to just stand here and let it drown?”

“No, but I’m not sure what to do?” Having a big heart for dogs, desperation had already been building inside me. And he was swimming further out!

“We have a kayak!” She reminded me.

A Possible Plan

We went back to the car, drove the five minutes home and tried to see if the Kayak would fit in my small car. But the paddle was nowhere to be found, so that plan was out. I started back out the door, but saw two floats that belonged to my son in the laundry room. I grabbed one. 

As I walked back around the lake, holding a float and leash, I thought, can I do this if I have to. Am I strong enough to pull out a sixty-pound dog — if necessary? It’s been over thirty years since I was a lifeguard.

The little girl ran toward me with excitement. “You have a float! You’re going to save him!”

I turned to the woman asking, “Is he a friendly dog?”

As people continued to whistle, to our delight, he began swimming back. But when he was almost to shore, a goose honked and around he turned. He swam and swam. When he was far out, he gave a bark here and there. 


Is he calling for help? It was agonizing to watch him swim around and around in circles, and then his head submerged briefly. I could take it no longer. As I started to take my shoes off, I heard a man behind me call out, “Wait.” 

I turned and saw a man standing with his dog. “He is struggling, but he is strong.”

“They said he’s been out there an hour! And his head went under a minute ago!” I desperately whined.

“You can’t see underneath. His legs are still strong. I can tell by his stride in the water.”

So, I stood hugging my float feeling helpless but hoped the man knew what he was talking about. He stood with me for a while, but at some point, I turned around, and he was gone. Oh my gosh! Where did he go? He’s supposed to be watching and letting me know when the struggle is real? 

About five minutes later, he suddenly reappeared and stated, “I was watching from my window. He’s still strong.” 

He sensed my extreme anxiety over the situation and said, “If someone has to go in, I’ll go.”

“If someone has to go in, I will.”

Later at home as I pondered the day’s events, I smiled as I recalled how the dog emerged from the lake and the excitement on the families faces. I thought about how the dog scenario was so much like life as a parent and even as a teacher. Watching a child (no matter the age) struggle is so difficult. You want to step in and rescue them. But often we just need to stand on the shore to encourage and cheer them on. They will make it.

The man who stood behind me was like God, metaphorically speaking. God is watching our children struggle too. He wants to remind us, we can’t see what is happening below the surface. We just see the struggle on their faces. They are often stronger than we give them credit. At times we may feel like God has disappeared and left us alone with the problem. But like the man who was watching from his window, He is still there. Perhaps the most important thing is, “If someone has to go in, I will!” Deuteronomy 31:8 states “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you…” 

The dog made it in, though tired and wet. When our children go through struggles, they may come out weary, but the struggles help them grow. As hard as it is, we must sometimes sit back, encourage, and resist the temptation to jump in and save them. If we do, they may miss the lessons learned and the opportunity of growth to help them avoid making the same mistake twice.

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