Receiving Is Better, Sometimes -By Karla

Mom taught me that it is better to give than receive. Perhaps, when it comes to talking and listening, this is not so.

Giving Instructions to Others

When I was a mom of young children, they liked to tell me how to play and what to do. “Mommy, sit here and put this dress on my Barbie.” When I looked at them with my Mama face, they would add, “please”. Of course, I happily did as they asked. They enjoyed giving me instructions. But they did not always like receiving mine. 

Loosely Receiving Instructions from Others

“Girls, five more minutes and then we need to leave,” was not even heard at times. “Pick up your toys, please,” was weakly acknowledged with a weak okay. Then my words went out of their ears just like it did with my little ears when my mom spoke similar words. They much preferred giving the instructions rather than hearing them. Following my directives, that was an entirely different situation.

Loosely Receiving Instructions from God

Isn’t that the way we are with God’s instructions sometimes? We hear His word on Sunday mornings, but it often goes out the other ear on Monday through Saturday. Most of the time, we have good intentions, but our follow through is lacking. 

As my girls grew, I tried to encourage open communication between us. Some days they clammed up, but more often they were JabberJaw (the cartoon character from the 70’s), and I couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

When I reflect on my relationship with God, I realize that I am similar to my  girls and JabberJaw. I’d much rather talk to God than to listen to Him. I pray more often than I read His word, giving Him my list of wants and needs like He is a genie. 

To give myself a little credit, I will ask Him for guidance at times and ponder for a while. But time after time, I go on my merry little way, usually because I want a quick resolution. His instructions for a better life are found in His word, and He continues to wait. 

Probably, I am an eighty/twenty percent girl. I talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, and only listen, listen. How prideful am I that I could think God should listen to me more than I should be listening to Him.

I need a balance! 

That’s what I need to do. Find the time to be still and know that He is God. In His omniscience, He knows best for all my needs and for all my wants.  

spiral notebook and bible on white textile
Photo by Tara Winstead on

Yes, I believe there are many times when it is better to receive than to give. God cares for us so much that He desires for us to spend time with Him. So, let’s sit and rest in His love. Read His words. Listen, and receive His wisdom.

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