Accepting Help: Plant Yourself -By Donna

My house and land is bordered on three sides by 200 acres owned by an out-of-town family. For twenty-seven years we have been surrounded by a forest. This year, what we have always dreaded, happened. The owners had their land clear-cut. Now on the outskirts of our 40 acres is a thin line of trees, and many trees that stand alone.

When a storm comes through our area, my daddy always calls to check and make sure no damage occurs.  Besides the Blizzard of 93, we have had no damage. But since the cutting, the last two big storms have knocked down large old trees, both times across our long dirt drive. One morning I had to drive down a small hill around a fallen tree on the driveway to get to work. A few stormy nights ago, Tucker called saying, “Bring me a chainsaw, I can’t get up the driveway.”

I pondered why the high winds were blowing over trees when it’s never happened before. Right or wrong, I have come to this conclusion. When there were 200 acres of trees standing side by side, together they were like a wall or barrier.  But now standing alone, they lack protection from one another.

I think life is that way. When you try to go through life, preferring to handle it alone, you may bend and break. During the last few days before my mama passed, my parents’ life-long forest was so obvious. In the hospice room, there were days when additional chairs would be brought in for the circle of friends and family. A nurse once commented, “We have never had a patient with this many visitors.”  My Daddy was well taken care of after her passing. His forest made sure of that.

“You can’t see the forest for the trees.”

My mama was my protection tree. When my tree began to wither, fear set in. I called my Aunt Kathy, and she arrived at the hospice, staying until the end. She has been there for me ever since. I have always kept things to myself and dealt with things alone. I just don’t want to burden others, or appear to be weak. You know the expression, “You can’t see the forest for the trees?” that was me. I had always been surrounded by my forest, but didn’t realize it until my time of need.

I came back to work, and my lesson plans for the month were complete.  Friends brought meals and gave gifts (which at the time I thought it was strange to receive a gift when a parent dies, but oh how I cherish them now).

I have had many challenges over the past year, and it has enabled me to see how big my forest is. I have a forest of co-workers, church family, related family, and friends. There were times I hesitated to accept help, but as I attempted to decline help from my Uncle Lynn, he told me, “the polite thing to do is accept and say thank you.”

Don’t be the tree standing alone. Plant yourself in a forest. Don’t let pride prevent you from the blessings of others. Someday you may need their strength. In return, you are a part of their forest. Reach out to those who may be looking for a place to plant their roots.


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Christ-Centered Home: From Behind -By Karla


This past week, a dear friend of mine lost her dad. My friend and much of her family go to the same church as I do. We have grown close over the years. Since I have grown up being allowed to call my parents’ close friends with the title of Mrs. or Mr. preceding their first name. I only addressed Mr. Floyd in this way to show him the proper respect I held for him. He immediately had a special place in my heart for his years of military service and his love for God and his family. He and Mrs. Ruth were married for a little over 64 years! Mr. Floyd was 84, and he was just a joy to visit.

Accidently Observing

At the funeral, I sat by some dear friends toward the back of the chapel. I did not mean to stare during the ceremony, but from behind, I found myself observing the love of a family. A fifteen-year-old son draped his arm around his mother and provided a shoulder for her to lean on. An eight-year-old son looked into the eyes of his dad needing answers to this eternal thing called death. That father comforted the son by kissing him on the top of his head numerous times during the ceremony. I watched a grandson rub his grandmother’s back while she in turn patted her mom, Mr. Floyd’s bride.

A precious young lady sat with the family because she was a beloved adopted-in granddaughter by choice. I smiled when I saw how she was consoled by Mr. Floyd’s grandson as they now shared the same loss of their papa. Another granddaughter, who has struggled from time to time, spoke about her grandfather who always encouraged her to never give up. Sitting close to me was a first-grade great-grandchild, from a second marriage, draw a picture of the casket with the American flag proudly displayed. She added about eight small boxes with squiggly lines inside. See looked up and whispered, “These were all the tissues to wipe everyone’s eyes.”

The Eternal Life of a Christian 

There was sadness last week, but good news as well. Mr. Floyd was a Christian. The family took great comfort in knowing he was out of pain because the Great Physician had healed him completely.

Changes in our Culture

Sadly, I think the number of Godly family matriarchs and patriarchs are dwindling in numbers. It doesn’t take a data analysis to notice the decline in the American family unit. Today’s family often looks different from the ones just a generation back, and there is a drastic contrast to the ones from the 1940’s and 50’s. Today, there are many single-parents, parent and step-parent, young parents living with his/her parent, and grandparents rearing grandchildren homes. As a teacher, I am seeing more and more single grandparents raising one or more grandchildren. I know several situations in which a child lives with the step-parent and new-step-parent, not related at all.  Most recently, we have the newest family unit, the same-sex parents.

The Same God 

The good news is that the same God who helped those more traditional families raise their kids has not changed! He desires to help the current parenting generation. He longs for us to make Him a priority in our families today. I think many more households in the past revered God in such high esteem and knew He was essential to their existence. What is holding us back from incorporating God in our daily family lives? God intended family to support, encourage, and comfort.

I long for a world where God is the center of all families.

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Uncertainty: The Unknown Path -By Donna

A couple of years ago when Karla was between moves, she needed a place to keep her dogs. So Katie and Lucky came to spend six months at our house. We had large fenced-in kennels on the other side of our lake that we weren’t using, so that was where they made their home. Each day Tucker and I would walk down the dirt road to the pens, release them, and take them for a stroll. Some days it was later than others due to after-school activities. Even if it was dark already, I was going to make sure they saw freedom each day.

Tucker has a spotlight that can shine 300 yards. When we prepared to walk over, I always grabbed it first. Why? Because I quickly learned the difference in the way we each held the light. Tucker shined the light out in front of us to see ahead. He often scanned the woods just to see what he could see. I, on the other hand, shined the light directly at my feet. I needed to see where my shoes were walking. It didn’t matter to me what was up ahead, I was worried about the snake that I might step on or the rock that might turn my ankle. My Mama didn’t call me Grace for nothing!

In uncertain times, I find myself like Tucker and want to know what is up ahead in my life. But when I look at 2 Samuel 22:29 I am reminded that God is my lamp, not my spotlight. “For You are my lamp, O LORD; And the LORD illumines my darkness.” I suppose it’s for many reasons He doesn’t want us to know what is up ahead. Maybe what we would see is scary and is not what we would have hoped. Then we would want to travel another route rather than the path He has chosen for us. But I think the main reason is so that we must rely on faith. By trusting in him, we acknowledge that His plan is best and He will prepare us. All we need is the lamp that guides us one step at a time.

I was sharing this thought with Emily, and she commented, “Oh, I totally understand that concept, focusing on one step at a time. Did I tell you I almost died the other day?”

Now she tends to be dramatic, but also knowing that she is my adventurous one, I cringed. “No, you failed to mention that.”

Trains still run through Rome. She and her friend were on a train trestle above the river, when it unexpectedly came around the corner. They began to run as fast as they could. She kept her eyes on her feet, watching them to make sure they hit each plank, not to slip in between the boards, and fall into the water below. But the moment she looked ahead to see how far it was to safety, she began to stumble.

When I try to look to far ahead, not totally trusting God with each step, I am not allowing Him to be …a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path (Psalm 119:105)


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Smiling: Some Things Yellow -By Karla

I don’t think I have ever reached for a yellow crayon as my first choice to use in coloring. Certainly, you would not find me in a yellow shirt, not my best color!

However, sometime in my adult years, I must have realized what a cheerful hue it is. Maybe my life is a little like Julie Andrew’s “These Are a Few of My Favorite Things”. For there are days filled with moments when the dog does bite and the bee does sting, and I do find myself a feeling a little sad. Perhaps we all need a few of our favorite things, so then we don’t feel so bad! I am realizing that many of mine are yellow.

Little Yellow Duckies

What fun I had in my young years at the cow-smelling country fair deciding on the perfect bobbing little yellow ducky. Slowly while I held my breath, I turned it upside down to see the large number printed on the bottom hoping to get my preselected insignificant trinket which would thrill me for all of thirty minutes.

Fresh Corn on the Cob

Over the years sitting on Nana’s front porch with the mounds of corn transports such a powerful yellow memory to mind. Granddaddy shucking as fast as he could with his wad of Beech-Nut in his cheek. All the grandkids brushing the silky strands off. Nana, Mom, and Aunt Anna, would cut while the yellow juice ran onto their fingers to prepare the dozens of cream-style corn containers.

Peanut M&Ms

I’m not a big candy eater unless it involves chocolate! Peanut M&M’s in the yellow pack brought me such pleasure when I was pregnant with Lindsey. I carefully watched what I ate—except this one indulgence. It never failed; every time I had given in to the temptation I would run into a friend when I had a Coke and my yellow pack! Try as I might, I just don’t think he believed that I only had them rarely.

French’s Yellow Mustard

Come to think of it, I loved yellow mustard during this time of life too. I had never liked hot dogs, until then. Every Thursday night while I was pregnant with her, I greatly desired one drenched in mustard.  Waddled around with my fellow teammates at the bowling alley, I also squirted as much mustard as I could. On Sunday, one could find me making a huge batch of potato salad! I ate it for dinner, but it was not contained to the evening meal. I took it to lunch almost every day, and I think several mornings I had a big spoonful before I left for school!

The Little Yellow House on the Knoll

When we built what I thought was our home, I wanted it to have yellow siding. It was a farm house set on a small knoll overlooking a quaint pond. So many precious memories there. Although that yellow house is not mine any more, I can sit in my little yellow kitchen that has gathered so much family and smiles, and I am content.

First Signs of Spring

Looking out the window at the neighbor’s house this February, I saw some beautiful daffodils that bloomed early this year. I love to se their simple yellow color as the first signs of new life. They seem to bloom outwardly calling the other flowers to wake and spring out of their beds as well.


I believe my most favorite yellow thing is a gift given to me. Living by myself now, I have not spoken to anyone on my 6:50 drive to school. Sometimes, I find myself still a little sleepy or sinusy many days, but when I round a certain curve, I see it. I marvel at the sunrise!

Yes, the yellow things do overshadow the dog bites and bee sting moments of life because He loves us! Just like the Christian song says, “Lord, I’m amazed by You.” “You would paint the morning sky with miracles in mind. My hope will always stand (as) you hold me in your hand.”

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Kids Say the Darndest Things -By Donna

Kids say the darndest things! Being a teacher I could tell stories in this category for hours, but so can most moms.  Having three kids, the entertainment never stops. For instance, Aunt Anna cooks the best chicken and dumplings hands down. Over the years at family reunions, Travis and I always scan the table for those first. Tucker who loves chicken, always refused to eat them as a child. One family reunion as we were sitting on our blankets eating, Tucker looked at us with sad, sad eyes, shaking his head back and forth.

“What’s wrong, Tucker?”

“How can ya’ll eat those?”

“Eat what?”

“Chicken and ducklings; how can you eat cute baby ducks!”

Tucker was always tenderhearted, even though he was physically tough.

Tucker took a lot of hard knocks! When learning to walk, he fell in a parking lot and hit his mouth on a curb.  He hopped up, with blood running down his chin and neck, and just kept toddling right along, never a tear.

When he was about three, he decided to swing lying on his stomach. At some point, he slid off head first and skinned his entire face!  Still no crying!

Later at around age eight, he began enjoying baseball.  We had a Hit Around. (It’s a ball that is fastened around a tree. For batting practice, you hit the ball, and it always comes back around for you to hit again.) One day I was eating a snack in the recliner. He walked up with a very strange look on his face. “What’s wrong?” I asked in a panicked mom voice. He calmly leaned over my plate and spit out blood and a hunk of his lip!


On the exterior Tucker was tough as nails, but on the inside he was my compassionate sweetheart. Movies like The Incredible Journey brought a tear to his eye. One day we were watching a comedy. Office workers were having a birthday party, and they ran out of cake. The guy, that always got mistreated, didn’t get a piece. Tucker saw no humor in it!  He was disturbed for days, even though we kept saying, “It’s just a movie! It’s not real!”

He does not like anyone being mistreated.

In second grade, he told me about a boy that didn’t have clean shoes and wore old clothes. He was very upset because two classmates kept picking at him and calling him a hobo. I asked him if he knew the boy. He said “No, but Mama, one of these days, if they don’t leave him alone, I’m gonna knock their lights out.”

Well, he did! It was one of those times when as a parent I had to hide my proud smile as I signed the discipline note. Though I wasn’t proud that he got in a fight, I was pleased that he was standing up for someone less fortunate.

“Well that explains it.”

One day after Sunday school, the children’s teacher said to me, “Tucker told me about his uncle, that’s in the military and is currently overseas. I would like his address so our class can make him something.”

My reply was, “My brothers aren’t in the military.”

“Well maybe he means your sister’s husband.”

“I don’t have a sister.”

She looked very shocked. I was baffled.

“Well, he said his uncle was over there.”

Does she think he is lying in Sunday school?  “Oh wait!  I bet he meant my cousin, Karla’s husband. She has always been close to our family. Her kids call me Aunt Donna and mine call her Aunt Karla.”

When we got in the car I said, “Tucker, Ms. Kathy said that you told her about your uncle overseas. You don’t have an uncle overseas.”

“Yu-huh, Larry is over there.”

“Yes, but you do know he’s not really your uncle.”

“What?” He said with surprised eyes.

“Tucker, you do know that Karla isn’t my sister; Don’t you?”

Tucker gave the biggest sigh of relief and said, “Well, that explains it!”

“Explains what?”

Looking sad he said, “I always wondered why Granny never hung Karla’s picture on the wall with the rest of the family.”
I burst out laughing. Bless his little heart. I wonder how many times he looked up at the family photos on the wall and wondered, “Where’s Karla in all these pictures?”

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