Hope: Oatmeal, Sunrises, and The Good Book-By Karla

Woes in our World

Glance in the mailbox, and there is a way-larger-than expected medical bill. Flip on the television to see North Korea threatening. A couple of weeks ago during the hurricane, I heard that several friends had to grab towels and buckets for the leaks in their roofs due to the massive raining in our area. In the church service, we listen to so many who are sick or having heartbreaking situations. In addition, spiritual warfare is so real. Sometimes, it feels like Satan is standing on a balcony watching for our weakest moments to swoop in and attack.  I often wonder where I can go to escape it all!

I reflect on Pastor Scott’s words and know he is right.  “In today’s world, a person is either coming out of a storm, going through a storm, or one is brewing up ahead.” There is no wonder that we have serious addiction and depression problems in America.  Without God, how do we stand a chance?

Discovering the Wonder in the World

Often my prayer is to notice the little blessings that God weaves into my day.  He is faithful, and when I am looking, they are easily seen.

Early in the school year, I running late.  Thus, I forgot my breakfast. Dashing into the lunchroom, I searched for a yogurt. I am no fun without food or sleep! My face lit when I saw the metal bin of oatmeal. The sweet lady got me a double bowl of oatmeal! It was delicious! Oatmeal takes me back to being a kid at Nana’s. Thus, it warms my heart and has become not only a healthy breakfast but a treat that provides comfort. This lunch lady greets me each time I go into the cafeteria . Now, she saves me a double bowl every Tuesday and Thursday!  

Most mornings God paints me the prettiest sky for my drives in school.  Pinks, yellows, and blues form my wake up blessings.  Sometimes He adds puffy white balls, but other times He stretches the white patches into thin, scattered layers with a hint of color glowing through. Other dawns share the sunshine cascading onto the ground that allows me to vision Christ’s ascension into Heaven.


I strive each and every morning to pause and spend some quiet time with God. His word, and I am amazed at how often He speaks directly to my current circumstances or the situations that a loved one might need to hear. I talk with Him, and He talks to me while I pray.  He never asks me to hold on until He has time for me.  He considers me His friend, and I am blessed.


My oatmeal, the morning skies, or even reading my Bible will not ease the horrid news broadcasts, the leaks in the roofs, the bills that are due, or the weather catastrophes. But these everyday blessings remind me He is with me throughout my day. Because He walks with me and He talks to me, and He tells me I am His own.  And this makes me smile!

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Hope: Everyone Pitching In -By Karla

September 2017

  •  Many families mourned for their loved ones lost on that horrible day 16 years ago.
  • Hurricane Irma wreaked havoc in Florida and surrounding islands and states.

     Some weeks seem like there is a flood of tragedies. Thankfully, we have our national guards, our police and sheriffs’ departments, our firemen, and EMT’s. Don’t forget our power company workers; they often go unrecognized for their sacrifices. But, when emergencies occur…they are there.

Uniquely Designed

     I believe God equips each person with particular talents, and when we use these gifts for His glory, our world is a better place. Numerous people volunteer their time to the Red Cross, Salvation Army, and organizations like Georgia Baptist Disaster Relief.

     Help reaches others in the specific ways needed . Supportive and honest insurance company employees often go far beyond the call of duty. Doctors and nurses give extra hours.

A Family Example

     As the reports of Irma’s power was building in the Atlantic last week, Aunt Laurie from California called me asking if her friends from Tampa could stay with me if needed. Not having a clue who they were prior to her phone call, I still readily embraced the possible opportunity, including the statement that they had a place as long as they needed. I know I was among thousands who got a phone call similar to that request.

The southern old-fashion ways of taking care of others seemed to resurface and kick into overdrive. I noticed this kindness was on a large scale too.

Businesses Rallied 

     Six million people were asked to evacuate Florida. Moreover, schools, churches, and campgrounds were opened. Thus, Working together some solutions developed for the millions needing shelter. One media source stated that the state of Georgia opened their homes to strangers, who had traveled long hours to find hotels with no vacancies. The Atlanta Motor Speedway opened its doors for people to seek refugee.

     A veterinarian in Atlanta sent emails, offering to board pets–fee of charge; an equestrian center in Alpharetta gave a shout out to house up to 150 horses for free.

     Our Braves wanted to help, donating free tickets to residents of Florida, who have had to evacuate here to take their mind off their worries.

Media Showed the Good

      Even the media! I notice the news focus on some very sweet pictures. One showed two rescue workers carrying an eighty-year-old from her house in her chair, and I saw a hug exchanged between another emergency worker and a young child.  Among the madness that was happening, someone from the media paused to record a volunteer pick up an American flag that had blown from a house and was washing down the street.  The man held it up, and its stripes waved in the winds.


     With all the yesterday’s sadness, we have hope. God gives us that.  In return, He wants us to share His love and hope with others around us in need. There are many days that I shake my head at how far we have drifted as a nation, but yesterday was not one of them.

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Clutter: Let It Go -By Donna

Lately, I have had to let go of a lot of things. Some bigger than others; some easier than others. I am moving into a new chapter in life and with it comes a physical move. As I have boxed up items, I have attempted to also clean out. I consider myself a sentimental gal. I have things that many people would hold on to like my mama’s bible, or my grandmother’s apron, or special Christmas ornaments.

But I also found things that I’m not sure most people would keep. I have a paper plate from each of my three children’s first birthday parties, Simba, Barney, and Winnie the Pooh. I have my retainer that I wore in middle school. I never wore braces, or I probably would have kept them too like Karla did. The button from my college years that reads, “member of the vanishing wisdom teeth club” is still in my possession. I love keeping things from the past.

After being at my daddy’s house recently and visiting the basement and his workshop, I thought to myself, when something happens to my daddy, how will we ever go through all this. My parents built the house in 1966. Fifty-one years of “stuff” has accumulated.

Let it Go

I decided I didn’t need to hoard as much and some things needed to go. After mama passed away, I was given some of her stuff. I slowly realized, that maybe I didn’t really need to keep things like her favorite gown. So over the past years, I have managed to depart with some things. I chunked her makeup, and several years later I even disposed of bandanas she wore when she lost her hair.

But then came…. Well, let me back up…

After mama passed away in 2007, Karla and I were at Daddy’s house going through her belongings. I was collecting more possessions to bring back with me as keepsakes. My mama labeled everything. There was a Nike shoe box marked miscellaneous so I took it. A few days later, I decided to open it and see what to keep and what to toss. At the bottom of the box was a small white Tupperware container. It sloshed as I picked it up. As I opened the lid, I was shocked to see Mama’s false teeth! I took a picture and sent it to Karla, and we had a good laugh.

But, what to do with them?  I could not bear to toss them in the garbage. Call me crazy if you would like, but they were a “part” of her, and I just couldn’t. One relative, who shall remain nameless, offered to bury them at her grave. Instead, I shoved them in the back of a kitchen cabinet. Out of sight, out of mind. But I was comforted by keeping them and not throwing them out.

Ten Years Later

While packing up yesterday, ten and a half years later, there they were! I knew it would be silly to move them with me. My mama would have been laughing at the entire scenario and calling me crazy for keeping them.

Sometimes I just like someone to tell me what to do. I often text Karla and tell her what to say. It may be, “Text me and tell me I am doing the right thing.”  She always obliges, not even knowing the circumstances. Needing a little push, I sent her a message that said, “Text me and say, Donna it’s time. Just do it.”

She replied with, ‘Oh Donna!  It is time! Be Nike! Just do it!” As I read her reply, I tossed them in the trash as tears rolled down my face.

Memories vs. Stuff

Memories and stuff are not the same. Memories are encoded in your brain not in the item. I don’t have to see Grandmother’s apron to picture her standing in the kitchen by the sink humming. An item triggers a memory that is already filed in one’s mind.

I have decided to let some items go, but keep them in another way. I will take a photo of them and on the back, write something about it. This would benefit my grandchildren or great grandchildren who might pull out strange items from a box, wondering whose they were or why they were kept. So as Queen Elsa would sing, “Let it Go, Let it Go!”

Will I get rid of everything? When H-E-double hockey sticks freezes over! Somethings I will never part with like my dead dog’s collar! And that’s ok.

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