Redemption: Laundry -By Karla

laundry hanging on washing line on an alley
Photo by Awwad Baradan on

Comfy Clothes in need of Laundry

Teachers see different students’ personalities, learning styles, and unique needs. Often students will wear the same hoodie for several days in a row. No big deal, it’s like a jacket–and we all wear jackets many times before we throw them into the laundry. However, one of my students once wore a soiled pull-over the entire week. In addition, by Friday she began to smell as badly as her clothes looked. While I prayed for her and her home situation, I also submitted her name to the counselor and social worker. 

Our Dirty Souls in need of Cleaning

Without Christ, our souls are a matted mess like that of my student’s hoodie, in need of the laundry. No amount of laundry detergent, stain-free spray, good intentions, or good deeds will remove our sins. Only submitting ourselves to God and accepting His sovereignty over our lives can detangle and cleanse our corrupt nature. 

Cleansing My Soul

Many years ago at age eleven, I walked forward in church and asked God to be my Savior. I prayed the sinner’s prayer, and God entered my heart. God’s Good News is that simple!

While it is not the words that saved me, my salvation emerged from God’s grace. When we stand In the moment of accepting His precious gift, we can be speechlessly in awe! The sinner’s prayer gives us some meaningful words to begin our relationship with Him. 

For years, I walked in the knowledge that I would go to Heaven when I died. I often made different choices than that of my classmates. I tried to be kind to others, even when they mistreated me at times. Was I perfect? Heavens, no.

Growing up, perhaps I was making better choices than some of my classmates, but I was far from living my life in God’s will. On Sundays I was more intuned with God’s desires, but during the week my habits were still present; my selfish thinking was still self-serving. At best, I was striving to behave a little above my peers’ standards. But I was not asking God to show me His ways. 

Keeping Myself Clean

Somewhere along the clothesline of life, it occurred to me that His ways are not my ways and my ways are not His ways. I realized I was wearing dirty clothes over a soul that I had asked God to continuously cleanse. What a dishonor to My King, who made such a sacrifice for me. 

Over the years, I have grown as a Christian. Most days I start my mornings in fellowship with God. Then sometimes during the day I put the dirty hoodie back on as I slip back into my old ways. God’s abounding grace gives me the opportunity to remove the hoodie and let him wash it clean. But I must take it off and hand it over by repentance. 

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55: 8-9 (ESV)

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Mom: As Mom Would Say -By Karla

Years ago, I was in church listening to a sermon when a pastor told a story about a woman who was cooking a roast. She cut the meat into two pieces and placed each in separate roasting pans. Year after year, the lady did the same thing. One holiday, the husband said, “Honey, why do you cut the meat into two piece? Does it make it cook differently?” The wife replied, “Ummm, I don’t know why I do that. Mom did it, so I’m sure there’s a reason.” Shortly after their conversation, the lady phoned her mom. Her mom paused; then she answered with the same sort of wording. “Ummm, I just did it because mom did it that way.” Luckily for the mom, her mom was still living. Out of curiosity, she called her ninety-two-year-old mama. Her mom kind of laughed, “Because I did not have a pan large enough.”

Mom and Music

That story cracks me. It is so true. The older I get the more I seem to say and do the things Mom did. I love music just like Mom. In the mornings, it peps me up while I am getting ready for my day. I listen to it often during my planning period at school, which helps me accomplish more. When I get home from a long day, music helps me concentrate to grade papers or get a second wind to clean my house. At night, I commonly set the timer on my Pandora app, so I can settle to fall asleep with my instrumental praise.

I can so recall Mom stating, “Girls, turn down the radio, or just leave it off please. I need some peace and quiet.” Just like Mom did, there are days I am driving home from school when I say the very same thing to myself.

Mom’s Sayings

At school, I have grown from the young and hip creative teacher to much more of a grandmotherly figure over the years. I seek every opportunity to affirm and brag on their accomplishments both large and small. However, I also fuss at them when they do wrong. I strive for my students to know that I love them unconditionally. In the instant world youngsters live in today, having to work for something is foreign to them at times. I have refrained from letting loose with Mom’s words, “I’m gonna pinch your head off!” But in recent years, I have found my lips mouthing her familiar words, “Don’t just sit there like a bump on a log. My mom would’ve looked at you and said, ‘Am I gonna have to lite a fire under your bottom?’” The kids seem to like my mom’s little country sayings, motivating them to get busy.

Mom’s Advice

Mom passed over fifteen years ago. During this time, many things have happened in my life that I wish she had been here to help me through. When I get into a mood, Mom’s words invade my mind. I have even said aloud, “Yes, Mom, I’m having pity party. And yes, Mom, I remember what you taught me. A pity party should only last so long! Don’t invite too many people because not many people really want to come. I remember that my sweet friends who are willingly to come don’t want to stay long.” So, I rest, and even pout a bit. Often I call Donna to vent or cry. Then I get a hold of myself to move forward little by little.

The other day my sisters and I were in a group text trying to encourage each other. I stated that God does not desire us to live with guilt after we have repented to the Lord. Continuing, I reminded the four of us that God does not want us to be trapped in a place that Satan wants to confine us, but to move forward to do His will. For a short moment, one sister commented on how wise I was. Another sister quickly deflated my pride stating my insight came from Mom. We had all heard her say so many times, “Satan, get behind me!” I just died laughing when that sister texted those words. I replied with my thoughts, “I used to think that Mom was kind of crazy when she declared those words, but the longer I live, the more I profess those words myself.” Mom was the wise one! We just try to follow in her footsteps.

I once saw a tote bag that said, “Sometimes, I open my mouth and my mother comes out.” I started to buy it because it is so very true and it cracked me up. However, I could hear Mom saying, “Just window shop, Karla, you have enough bags already.”

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Change: Smiles, Not Miles — By Donna

I don’t like change. I am a creature of habit, a tradition lover, and very sentimental. But, it seems the older I get, the more change I must endure. Life seems to be changing at a faster rate than before. Change can be exciting or difficult, but what it cannot be is…avoided. It will happen. The verb definitions of change are to make different or to substitute with something else. Whether something is modified or replaced, it has an affect on us, and anything that affects us affects those around us. 

Types of Change

Exciting changes, that you know are coming, bring happiness and adventure. Events like buying a house, starting a new job, or adopting a pet are changes you chose to make, possibly even prayed for. You are able to take the steps necessary to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Difficult change, big or small, often brings worry. But when you have the hindsight, you have time to prepare. You are able to get ready physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

I am a processor. If something is altered, for the good or for the bad, I must think things through. With expected change, I am able to pray about it, prepare myself for emotions that may be coming and set my mind to a positive vibe.

Other times change comes out of nowhere. It is like a Jack-In-The-Box. You are going along listening to a merry tune and POP; it’s in your face. If it is a good change, we are all about it. But if it is an undesired change, you are unable to brace yourself. It is like an unwelcome demand for something you aren’t ready for. We don’t like these modifications because they are hard, uncomfortable, painful, or humbling.

When negative, unexpected change occurs, we often react in a not-so-good way. We may wallow in self-pity, lash out against others or God, or become apathetic.Don’t! Don’t cling to what cannot be recovered. Don’t focus on the loss involved. Instead focus on the good memories before the change.

Smiles, not Miles

My son, Tucker drives a large Ford F250 that has a lift. I drive a small SUV. Recently, he was going somewhere and I offered for him to take my car. He is known for his sense of humor, so I wasn’t surprised at this response. “That car is embarrassing. It’s so close to the ground it’s like driving a go-cart down the road.” My reply was, “Well, it gets great gas mileage.” He replied, “It’s not about the miles, it’s about the smiles.”

That phrase is so true in life. Rather than focus on the miles of disappointing change we have all faced in life, focus on the smiles that happened on the way. When you do reflect on the way things used to be, keep your mind set on the happy moments.

The year 2021 will be filled with change: expected and unexpected, good and bad. No matter what each day brings, God will show you the way.

“Whether you turn to the right or turn to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)

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Cousins: Fruitcakes –By Karla

Recently, “the cousins” got together for a snowball fight! Okay, actually our reason for our gathering was a Christmas celebration. However, we did not leave before large, synthetic snowballs started flying! As Donna and I drove over the mountain back to our houses, I started thinking about how my cousins and I are a bunch of fruitcakes! 

At first thought, the word fruitcakes can conjure up a negative connotation, but chew on the following and let these words simmer in your thoughts. 


Like most fruitcakes, a variety of fruits add to the mix. In our cousin mix, we have a lawyer, some bankers, a receptionist, a dental hygienist, some insurance specialists, some housewives, a nurse, a seamstress, some government workers, and a home title-researcher, and teachers a plenty! We are unique as are the different fruits in the cake, and when the fruits blend together, it creates something special Over the years, all fruitful cousins have bonded together to help each other survive and thrive. 

Nutty Cousins

Nuts! Oh, we have those too! While none of us are truly nutty enough to be institutionalized, we have questionable moments. I will simply share a few because if I shared them all, you would be bringing several straight jackets!

One was known to have carried a leftover biscuit in her purse to have when needed, and her daughter once brushed her teeth with Preparation H! One of us must not be drinking anything when a funny story is told, lest she spew it everywhere. Another was testing out a media chair in Walmart, when it unfolded. She was sprawled out on the floor and laughing so hard that she could not get up! Perhaps one of my favorites is the one who was searching for funnel clouds because of an apparent “newly installed city tornado warning siren” only to remember ten minutes later that she had changed her ringtone. And during the “snowball fight” that evening, we caught a glimpse of one of us stuffing her bra with two! I guess our nutty sides add spice to our lives resembling the nutmeg in a fruitcake loaf. 

The Holy Spirit

Many recipes call for the bread to be soaked in “spirits”. Honey, I tell you the truth when I say that my cousins know the true spirit that we need to immerse ourselves in: The Holy Spirit of God. We’re bred from a lengthy line of Christians. Fruitcakes can get better with age, so can we! Christians that don’t just say they know God; ones that desire to learn more of the true bread of life. (John 6:25-59). 

December is declared the fruitcake month; these breads are made for special occasions. They are not intended to sit on the shelves taking up space, but given to others. As we are God’s special creation, we are to give of ourselves to others. 

Fruitcake Cousins

While doing some quick research, I learned that fruitcakes can get stale. To refresh them, one only needs to steam them. Christians too can become stale; life can beat us down. By spending time in God’s word, we can revive. God amazes me! He designed Christian fellowship to help us out. Fruitcakes are known for their solid consistency. Well, my friend, my fruitcake cousins have serious substance.They know the Lord, and they surely know how to rejuvenate me with laughter, listening ears, kind words, and hugs.

Did you know a fruitcake once traveled into outer space? Yep, it launched its way on Apollo 11. I have no idea why, but it did! Since it was not eaten, it now sits in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum! But, I do know where my fruitcake cousins and I will be traveling one day: to be with our Savior far beyond the space we can see in this world.  

While fruitcakes are known to last for a long time; some even say “forever”. I know my fruity and nutty friends will live eternally with the true Bread of Life. 

Snowball fight!

(Thanks Mental Floss: 15 Fun Facts about Fruitcake; April 16, 2016 & Fill Your Plate: Interesting Facts About Fruitcake; Dec. 9, 2011 for providing me with some quick research.) 

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