The Game
This game is not my favorite! I always felt like there was too much pressure on me to “think up” something everyone would want to do. Then I would have to hope they were following me and enjoying the actions. It’s not like I had eyes in the back of my head (like Mom did) to see people’s facial expressions. Yes, I liked words of affirmation, or at least looks of affirmation and still do!
Birth Order

You might be familiar with some reports of birth order studies and the middle child. Third among four girls in my family, I am a peacemaker. I think I got a double dosage. My adult dad had nicknames for us: Lynn (The Boss), Gail (The Planner), me (The Sweet One), and Julie (The Princess). These names so fit us!
Growing up, I did not have to worry about being a leader much because The Boss did her job very well. Though we kid her often, she did and does her job effortlessly. Next in line is The Planner, and my, my…she is an expert at her job too. With the two of them ahead of me in line, I learned to follow well. (By the way, The Princess’ job is performed perfectly.)
As my girls were in their young years, I directed the preschool choir. Let me say that I use the word “directed” mighty loosely. My duties consisted of finding fun little songs about Jesus, singing them with the kids, banging on a few instruments now and then, making movements to music, and praying with them. (Side note: My favorite request was praying for a Mom’s nose.)
Preschool Choir
One Wednesday evening, we were playing Follow the Leader. My job was to lead the kids around the room moving to the various instrument sounds. I turned my head slightly making sure the kids were repeating my actions. To my dismay, one boy had his hand in front of his face. Perplexed, I watched him trying to figure out what he was doing. Low and behold! He was attempting to protect himself from the possibility of my big butt trying to smush him! (Another reason why the game was never my favorite –even as an adult.)
Mom taught us the importance of being a team. She often declared, “Girls, we will make it or break it as a team.” Teams consist of leaders and followers, without both, there is no team. Mom ingrained the importance of being a good follower, one who cares, maintains, listens to directions, and supports!
Mom’s Words
I cannot imagine being a single mom of four when we were all in our teenage years. There must have been many days when fret and frustration would almost overtake her. During these times, Mom exclaimed another one of her frequent saying of “Get behind me, Satan.”
One of my favorite attention grabbing, church signs reads, “If you give Satan an inch, he will take over as your ruler.” I want to be a good follower, but not one of Satan’s. No one I know purposely says or acts in a way that allows Satan to take charge! But in my lifetime, I have known many who have unconsciously permitted Satan to acquire them one act at a time.
Following the One, True Leader
In a time where sin runs rampantly, we cannot consent to casually walking along, meandering here and there. We must proceed with diligence—asking God to be our leader. Then, we must follow The Ultimate Leader!