“No, Karla, You Get To!” -By Karla

I have hosted a small group Bible study in my home for almost five years, and we have formed a close bond. Last summer one of them mentioned going to the beach together. So, that October we were off on a long weekend adventure, had a blast, and began planning for this year the minute we pulled out the condo complex, where we had stayed.

Is It Worth All the Hassle?

As the October holiday approached this year, so did the hurricanes. Several friends looked at me like I was crazy when I told them I was headed closer to the storm. I quietly wondered if we would need to cancel, but I was so busy that I left the decision up to the rest of the group. They said go. For me, there were several factors:

  • It’s 9:30
  • I am just getting home from taking things to Rach in Atlanta,
  • It’s such a long drive there, a little over 700 miles round trip
  • I have so much school work to do
  • I haven’t even packed
  • It’s a lot of money for a short time.

Decision Made 

Meeting at my house at five o’clock, the five of us loaded suitcases, a cooler (packed with homemade chicken salad, waters, and of course, chocolate), computers for a little work, and seaside apparel.

Avoiding the five o’clock Atlanta traffic, we routed ourselves through Rome (Olive Garden with Donna) and hit Highway 27 southbound. The trip seemed longer than usual because of my recent tiredness and excitement to get there. So, I started wailing like a child and asked often, “Are we there yet?”

Never Too Old for a Road Trip Game

We giggled, and I proceeded to share a game that I had played on trips with the girls when they were young.

“My father owns a grocery store, and in his store, he owns something that begins with the letter –.” The other players ask yes or no questions until the mystery is solved. During the game, someone’s father got wealthy and must have owned a Super Walmart because hammers and fish tanks were added to the items for sale.

As we rolled on, we switched thoughts, “Do you remember the TV show ‘Chico and the Man’?”

Hey, “What about the ‘Rookies’”?

“What about ‘Sigmund and the Sea Monster?’” Then I proceeded to share the story of how I was once talking to a missionary and asked if he had seen that show, Semen and the Sea Monster!

We had laughed so much that it was time for a bathroom break, and a snack. Climbing back into the van, we continued. Games, laughter, stories, laughter, stop for a potty break, grab a snack, and repeat until 1am.

What Happens on a Girl’s Road Trip . . .

When we got there, we were quite saddened to discover that the Pirate Festival that had been where we stayed this same weekend last year had been canceled due to the weather. Yes, really, a pirate festival! Not our cup of tea, but it did provide some fun conversations.

We planted ourselves on the beach for about four hours Saturday enjoying blue skies. I walked feeling the sand between my toes and jumped the rough waves for at least an hour. But, I have never felt such an undertow! I kept a watchful eye on my friends lounging in their chairs so not to worry them. At one point while trying to move back nearer to them, they swear I was swimming without moving an inch!

Did I Mention It Was Windy?

The evenings were spent playing games and eating snacks: popcorn and chocolate, chips and salsa, smoothies and fresh baked bread with butter and jelly! The games, Like Wise and ImaginIff, brought some hoots and hollers of laughter. One of the questions was “name a cheesy town”. The other four ladies cleverly wrote Green Bay. I was struggling a bit, and invented Velveetaville. The reply to this was, “Hey, I think I know that song,” and she started singing only to discover the words were Margaritaville!

Important to Note: And if you ever play and have the category of gross things at the circus do not answer the bearded lady, elephant dung is the most popular answer.

How wonderful to have friends that want to pray with you and laugh with you too. What a blast we had and a bond we made.

Hard Choices

Mom had some famous words in our house. Often my three sisters and I would say, “Mom, do I have to?”

Her reply was always the same, “No, Karla, you get to.”

Packing my things for Thursday night at 10:30, I thought how some people would think over 700 miles for just two full days at the beach was crazy, especially when one of the days is forecast to be a total wash out.

But, packing, I looked up and smiled, “Yes, Mom, I get to go to the beach.”

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