Temptation: In Need of a Sign -By Karla

Panama City Beach or Bust

For the past 6 years, several precious friends from church have packed our bags and head south for a long weekend. Like always, I hesitated in my excitement. Those hurricanes seem to enjoy the Gulf of Mexico every Columbus Day weekend as much as I do. Even still, God has always provided some hours of sunshine to brighten our weary souls. (Red Tide and No, Karla, You Get To)

On the Road Again

Though this past weekend came with the threat of disappointment in the weather, we forged ahead. Friday at four fifteen, the car was loaded and off we zoomed to pick up Donna in Rome. Our traditional first stop, Olive Garden, always begins the weekend of feasting and fellowship.

Along the journey, we played board games that we have altered into a point system, but honestly, none of us care who wins or loses. The point of our games is to pave the path with laughter and memories. Occasionally, a forecast update was shared as we anticipated our beach time.

Beach, Here We Come

Rolling into our Panama City Beach condo spot around 12:00am, we had realized Saturday’s beach time would be shorter than we hoped. We were a little tuckered. So, we opted to sleep in a little and stroll on down around ten in the morning. Leaving our floats because we knew they would only serve as kites swirling in the wind, we decided to leisurely lie in our chairs. 

Double Red Flags

As our toes touched the sand, we noticed not one–but two red flags, which forbids swimming in the ocean. Within minutes a lifeguard was pacing down the shoreline followed by a beach patrol vehicle. Clearly marked signs protruded from the shore, demanding that beach dwellers stay out of the water and threatened arrest if a person did not comply. I have been to Panama City Beach many times over the past fifteen years, and I have never seen such safety measures. They monitored the shore all afternoon. 


Donna and I discussed the incident that we observed in fear a few years ago. Though double red flags flew, a mom had her three young children in the water with her. Perhaps, it was the first time they had experienced the pleasure, which persuaded her to risk any danger, but within minutes, two of her three had swiftly drifted from her reach. She began yelling for help.

Dining at the time, we were at a distance too far to be of assistance. We watched and fretted while a man ran to the aid of the two kids. In the meantime, the mom was frantically attempting to get herself and the youngest child safely to shore. The situation was unnerving. Danger can so easily overtake sometimes.

Too Risky

Over the weekend, the four of us watched the waves bounce, swirl, and spray in a fashion I have rarely seen. While we had strong desires to swim and splash in the waves, we knew to respect the mighty strength of the warned riptide.

But, others–not so much! We watched as the on-foot lifeguard protected his stretch of the water. Over and over he stated, “Get out of the water”. When he would make his announcement, the defiers would leave the water. The patrolman would turn his back as he walked to the next perpetrators. But the people would be right back in the foamy swirls within minutes. The same scenario was happening with the patrol vehicle. As the driver drove alongside the water, her voice projected through the speaker.

“The water is closed today. Get out of the water!”

People reluctantly walked out. But as she drove away, they would return.


As we watched the waters churn, we were delighted with a flawless work of water Fantasia. I thought of how the show seemed to taint us into its illusion of thrills. It looked so fun, so enticing, so harmlessly filled with pleasure. And yet… the riptide was rippling underneath.

To the spontaneous, the excitement was too great to simply stand on the sidelines. Still, there in plain sight was a warning. The writing on the wall could not have been any more plain! In addition, lifeguards were tirelessly urging people to stay away. Did many listen? No, the illusion was too tempting. We heard sirens in the distance.

As we shook our heads at the boldness of others in the face of danger, we discussed how God must get frustrated with us all at times like these. His word tells us to resist temptations just as clearly as the “stay out of the water” sign aims to deter the foolish swimmer. 

“Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Matthew 26:41

But nevertheless, in life, we ignore the signs of danger and are lured in by the appeal of fun. Later to find ourselves trapped in sin. We flail about desiring to be rescued. Luckily for us, God walks alongside us with a presence abundantly stronger than any lifeguard. Although He warns us many times, with His loving grace, He forgives us and guides us back to shore, where He longs for us to abide in Him.

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Dolphins: The Best Day, Ever — By: Donna

One of the things I love about teaching younger children is their joy. During a 180-day school year, you wouldn’t believe the number of days I hear, “This is the best day, ever!” All it takes is doing something different. Now I know that whatever that day held, it was not as great as Christmas morning, vacation, or their birthday party. Why do they say that…because they live in the moment.  They find joy and fulfillment in the here and now.


On my birthday this year, I had the “best day ever!’ I have always loved dolphins. I suppose my love came from the TV show Flipper. The first time I went to Florida, at age 6, I came home with a stuffed dolphin, and a dolphin hat, and T-shirt. A few years later I chose a Miami football satchel, just because it had a dolphin on it. Growing up not far from Six Flags over Georgia, I loved watching the daily Dolphin show multiple times when we went.

One of the items on my bucket list is to swim with dolphins in the ocean. I have always wanted to, but it is pricey. I didn’t want to swim dolphins in captivity because I thought that aspect would make me sad. Karla and I were in Florida on my birthday this year, and we decided to find something fun to do. As we looked for options, the dolphin advertisement kept popping up. I decided to just do it. I booked with Panama City Beach Dolphin Tour and More. They had a 98% rate of seeing dolphins.

Anchors Away

I was so ready to have a blast. But when we loaded the small ship, many of the other passengers were drinking heavily and cursing a lot. It made me uncomfortable. As adults, we sometimes let distractions deprive us from the moment of fun. I decided not to allow their actions to spoil my opportunity.

I was very excited! When we sailed far out, Captain Dane pointed saying, “There they are!”. I became a three-year-old. I stood up, bouncing up and down, clenching my fist with anticipation. The captain began shouting, “jump in, jump in.” Passengers jumped in and began treading water. Not me. I took off swimming as fast as I could. I soon found myself swimming underwater with three dolphins. The dolphin in the lead had a huge fish dangling from his mouth. It was an incredible site. I was swimming with dolphins in the wild!! As a first timer, I was required to wear a life jacket. I am a rule follower, so I obliged, even though I felt I did not need the safety measure. To my dismay, the jacket would not allow me to dive down deeper. It was pure exhilarating torture.


Incredible Memory

When they swam away, we loaded the ship and headed to find more. I asked if I could remove my life jacket. I was given the okay. This time when we stopped, I did not wait and let all the children go first, like I did before. This was my chance, and I wanted to make the most of the experience. I was the second off and swam toward their fins as fast as lightning. However, they submerged, and I lost sight of them. The captain pointed and yelled to me, “Right there! There!” I assumed he could see them since he was up high, so I just dove straight down. I was soon underwater right beside three dolphins.

There are no words to describe my feelings. I took it all in — creating an incredible memory. I listened to their conversation of clicks and squeaks. Their long bodies bent and their mouths opened and closed. It was as if I was watching a movie. It was surreal. Then one turned around and began swimming toward me. Needing air, pressure began building in my chest and I knew I couldn’t last much longer. I kicked my legs as hard as I could, extending my arm. I was within 6 inches from his sleek body when he dove down. So close, I almost touched him. I tried to swim down but decided I wouldn’t make it and headed for air.

It’s Your Birthday

When the dolphins retreated and we took our seats, thunder roared. Captain Dane took off his shirt so it wouldn’t get wet and announced, “Ladies and Gentleman, look what we have ahead”. We looked and knew we were about to get drenched. The small canvas at one end of the boat was only big enough for a couple of people. As the cold rain began pelting us like crushed ice, the expressions of the passengers were not good. But suddenly it was as if everyone decided to be present in the moment and enjoy. Laughter began ringing out from everyone.

Karla burst into the Happy Birthday song and everyone joined in. Our captain cranked up the music, “Go shorty, It’s your birthday. We gonna party like it’s your birthday.” Some began to dance. It was truly raining cats and dogs. We could have all been miserable, but instead we had a blast.

After the rain storm, our captain passed out crackers and we fed the seagulls that were circling above the ship. Later, we stopped to snorkel. We saw pufferfish, starfish, seahorses and much more. Our skipper Patrick let us hold them and told us all about each one. 

On Friday, I turned 54, but what fun I had seeing the ocean through the eyes of a child. Be childlike. You can’t go swimming with dolphins every day, but find something to make your day the best day ever. Once this day is gone, you will never have it again.

“What day is it?” asked Pooh.

“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.

“My favorite day,” said Pooh.

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The Red Tide -by Donna

Last weekend I was asked by Karla to join her ladies’ small group on a trip for the long weekend. Saturday morning the seven of us headed to the beach. We ranged in age from late twenties to early sixties. Some of us rented chairs and others laid on the sand. We cranked up the Eagles Pandora station and enjoyed the sun.

Karla and I coughed occasionally, and while she worried her allergies were starting to act up, I was concerned I was getting the upper respiratory infection I get every fall.  When our bodies had toasted nicely in the sun, we headed down to the water. As we walked in, we found it was difficult to breathe. Jumping into the cool waves, our eyes began to burn immediately as did our noses. The water tasted awful. But despite of the toxic air we had a blast floating and around swimming.

That evening we went to eat at Runaway Island. We sat on the deck eating seafood watching the sun set over the ocean and listening to the live music. After we went back to the condo and played one of my favorite games, “Imagine If…” We laughed until it hurt.

Karla knows I love to research things, so she wasn’t surprised that curiosity got the best of me. Earlier that day we heard someone say something about the Red Tide, but my comment was, “I can’t look it up until we are done at the beach. I am afraid I won’t get in if I do.”

The next morning about 6:30 am I went for a walk on the beach. As I walked and listened to my praise music, I noticed the dead eel and several deceased fish. About 20 minutes into my walk, I began coughing thinking that I might have to go back because I had no water. Thankfully, I was able to continue and enjoy an hour and a half walk.

Day 2

The seven of us spent another day on the beach. As we walked into the water, it was as if you were breathing in hot vapor. We could feel a heavy sensation coat our lungs. Our eyes burned like fire!  We laughed when the young boy ran out of the water, up to his parents, yelling, “I’m going blind.” But we certainly understood his thoughts. Karla had to flush her eyes out with her water bottle the day before. Our noses felt like they were searing on the inside. As we lay on the chair at one point I began laughing to myself. Karla, who was dozing, woke up and said, “What’s are you laughing at?”

“Listen.” As she held her head up and looked around, she heard and saw it. “Oh my gosh! This is crazy! People are coughing everywhere!” People in the water, on chairs, in the sand–coughing until they could catch their breath.

As we headed back to the condo, even people sitting on their balconies were coughing. “This is like something in a Stephen King story….The Red Tide.”

That evening, three of the younger girls went crabbing. They came back talking about how they had to walk with their noses under the neck of their shirts because of the smell that was comparable to sewage! One even moistened a Q-tip and cleaned out her nose, so it would stop burning.

A Phenomenon

On the trip back home, I researched it. The Red Tide is a phenomenon that occurs when a species of algae blooms out of control and puts off toxins. “The toxins get up in the air and if you go down to the beach, you’re breathing it in. It’s a neurotoxin. It’s like a tear gas.” (USA today)

A hurricane was heading toward Panama City beach, I wondered if it would make the Red Tide better by washing it away or make it worse because it would come ashore. I researched that and found out it could go either way. I thought of how life can be like this Red Tide scenario.

Sometimes when we are dealing with a difficult situation, we carry on with life, laugh and have a good time. Yet we are burning on the inside. At some point the burden is more than we can bear and we want to go running and screaming, like the little boy. And then comes the storm. Life seems to fall apart. It may be a storm as devastating as Hurricane Michael, and it tears apart not only us, but those around us. What happens then is up to us.

Like the Red Tide, our reactions can go either way. We can stand, look at the destruction, and continue to let the storms in life bring us down, burning and irritating us. On the other hand, we can let wash away and make a choice to move forward. Yes, life’s storms can cause damage, and there will be repairs that need to be made. But just like the people in the gulf area, they will rebuild, and given a time for healing, they will flourish. Will things ever be the same as before? No. But sometimes we just have to accept change. Let the past wash away, and with God’s help welcome the new.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

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“No, Karla, You Get To!” -By Karla

I have hosted a small group Bible study in my home for almost five years, and we have formed a close bond. Last summer one of them mentioned going to the beach together. So, that October we were off on a long weekend adventure, had a blast, and began planning for this year the minute we pulled out the condo complex, where we had stayed.

Is It Worth All the Hassle?

As the October holiday approached this year, so did the hurricanes. Several friends looked at me like I was crazy when I told them I was headed closer to the storm. I quietly wondered if we would need to cancel, but I was so busy that I left the decision up to the rest of the group. They said go. For me, there were several factors:

  • It’s 9:30
  • I am just getting home from taking things to Rach in Atlanta,
  • It’s such a long drive there, a little over 700 miles round trip
  • I have so much school work to do
  • I haven’t even packed
  • It’s a lot of money for a short time.

Decision Made 

Meeting at my house at five o’clock, the five of us loaded suitcases, a cooler (packed with homemade chicken salad, waters, and of course, chocolate), computers for a little work, and seaside apparel.

Avoiding the five o’clock Atlanta traffic, we routed ourselves through Rome (Olive Garden with Donna) and hit Highway 27 southbound. The trip seemed longer than usual because of my recent tiredness and excitement to get there. So, I started wailing like a child and asked often, “Are we there yet?”

Never Too Old for a Road Trip Game

We giggled, and I proceeded to share a game that I had played on trips with the girls when they were young.

“My father owns a grocery store, and in his store, he owns something that begins with the letter –.” The other players ask yes or no questions until the mystery is solved. During the game, someone’s father got wealthy and must have owned a Super Walmart because hammers and fish tanks were added to the items for sale.

As we rolled on, we switched thoughts, “Do you remember the TV show ‘Chico and the Man’?”

Hey, “What about the ‘Rookies’”?

“What about ‘Sigmund and the Sea Monster?’” Then I proceeded to share the story of how I was once talking to a missionary and asked if he had seen that show, Semen and the Sea Monster!

We had laughed so much that it was time for a bathroom break, and a snack. Climbing back into the van, we continued. Games, laughter, stories, laughter, stop for a potty break, grab a snack, and repeat until 1am.

What Happens on a Girl’s Road Trip . . .

When we got there, we were quite saddened to discover that the Pirate Festival that had been where we stayed this same weekend last year had been canceled due to the weather. Yes, really, a pirate festival! Not our cup of tea, but it did provide some fun conversations.

We planted ourselves on the beach for about four hours Saturday enjoying blue skies. I walked feeling the sand between my toes and jumped the rough waves for at least an hour. But, I have never felt such an undertow! I kept a watchful eye on my friends lounging in their chairs so not to worry them. At one point while trying to move back nearer to them, they swear I was swimming without moving an inch!

Did I Mention It Was Windy?

The evenings were spent playing games and eating snacks: popcorn and chocolate, chips and salsa, smoothies and fresh baked bread with butter and jelly! The games, Like Wise and ImaginIff, brought some hoots and hollers of laughter. One of the questions was “name a cheesy town”. The other four ladies cleverly wrote Green Bay. I was struggling a bit, and invented Velveetaville. The reply to this was, “Hey, I think I know that song,” and she started singing only to discover the words were Margaritaville!

Important to Note: And if you ever play and have the category of gross things at the circus do not answer the bearded lady, elephant dung is the most popular answer.

How wonderful to have friends that want to pray with you and laugh with you too. What a blast we had and a bond we made.

Hard Choices

Mom had some famous words in our house. Often my three sisters and I would say, “Mom, do I have to?”

Her reply was always the same, “No, Karla, you get to.”

Packing my things for Thursday night at 10:30, I thought how some people would think over 700 miles for just two full days at the beach was crazy, especially when one of the days is forecast to be a total wash out.

But, packing, I looked up and smiled, “Yes, Mom, I get to go to the beach.”

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Fiftieth Birthday: Hawaii Five-O. -By Karla

The Reason for the Travels 

Our blog, Smorgasbord of Sisterhood, is centered on faith, family, and laughter. For this special 50th birthday, I received a trip that embraced all three. I love lying on a float in the ocean! This trip we may not have been in Hawaii, but my 5-0 birthday brought us to the beach.

Sisters, cousins, and an aunt accompanied me to Florida. I do believe our laughter might have been heard all the way back in Georgia. Some names have been changed to dashes (-) to protect the innocent (or guilty).

Spotted before We Realized

On the way down, Donna and I spotted an aunt who was driving alone. We came up with this great plan, which amused us! Donna was going to put the pedal to the metal, catch up, and strategically pull parallel with her at nearest red light. My job was then to hang out the window waving my arms frantically yelling at her. We did catch up and tailed her, waiting on the opportunity. But being the human jukeboxes we are, when an old favorite came on we got distracted.  While sitting in a turning lane, we were singing and videoing ourselves, as she spotted us, got out of her car, and came back to give us a hug, surprising us!

Games and Laughter

Four out of the six nights we played board games; one of my favorite things to do. Ranging in ages from forty-nine to seventy-six, games can be quite interesting. One game required us to pick from a multiple choice list of different things that best described us while the other players try to guess “who you are”. This is when we learned that one cousin considers herself apathetic. Now, that was like wearing a target for the rest of the trip! Anytime there was a choice to be made someone would shout out, “Well, — doesn’t care!”

Another game was somewhat like Pictionary. One contestant felt so successful when her teammate guessed her drawing to be an action. Sadly, her bubble was quickly burst when we told her the word “action” was just the hint not the word to be guessed!

Fatty Wad Ryder

Later in the week, one player stated, “Well, I’m just sucking hind ***” because she was in last place. This caused someone to almost spit out her water she had just gulped! Turns out, that is a farm saying for what happens often to the little runt. Sometime during the games, we heard of a story from “the good old days” in which a cousin’s best friend’s brother was named Fatty Wad Ryder. I lie you not! I cannot make that one up!  

“Well, it’s true! I don’t even know his real name. His parents and teachers even called him Fatty Wad.” She pronounced. I am still laughing over that one, and might be at my 100th birthday party!

One night between a round of the game, I received some birthday cards. As one cousin handed me my card, she announced, “Here you go. It’s a funny one. I didn’t sign it in case you want to reuse it!”

Only a Few Arguments 

We had such a blast. With almost no arguing, except every time we got in the van! Two of the eight attendees have back problems. They were constantly arguing about who was not going to take the front seat because the other one needed it more. It even came to a few “friendly” shoves!

A feud occurred over who would pay for the pizzas. One cousin had declared she would pay for it, and laid her debit card out. Donna and I volunteered to go pick it up. Walking out the door, I said, “Oh, I forgot –‘s debit card.”

Donna whispered, “It’s my turn to pay for something. Don’t get it.! Go and shh!”  When we were almost out the door, — yelled, you forgot my card.”

Donna tried to push me on out the door, “Pretend you didn’t hear her.”

“I can’t lie.”  I trudged over and got it. Donna thought she had the last laugh and paid the $20 at the counter. Upon leaving the beach, the aunt gave Donna a card (whose birthday happens to also be in July). Inside, yep!  You guessed it. There was a $20 bill.

Our family loves to eat! We enjoyed several meals and lots of ice-cream. There would be no arguments over extra ice-cream because — not only ate her’s every night, but the leftovers of everyone else too! “Don’t throw that away!  I’ll eat it!”

Beach Time

At the beach, the fun continued. The ocean is not on the top ten list of favorites among some of our family. One of these cousins was being oh-so-brave as we coaxed her out further and further. I stated, “You know, I am pretty proud of you being out here.”  Her reply, “Yeah, I’m pretty proud of myself too!” Donna and I were careful not to discuss the helicopters that were flying back and forth over the water and what they might be looking for.

Our family is so awesome. to care for one another. One night, Donna and I were taking the trash to the dumpster. We detoured to swing a while on the kid’s swing set. An aunt met us at the door when we got back. “Y’all been gone for a long time. I was not going to bed until you got back!”

One of the bad “back” ladies was in the ocean. After a while she tired and another cousin treaded back with her to the beach. I looked up from my float to see them holding hands. Taking care of each other is what we do. At meal times, we all held hands saying grace and thanking God for our safety, our families, and birthdays!

-Karla (Who will withhold the names of the innocent because what happened in Panama City Beach stays in Panama City Beach, except the memories!)

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