Childhood Memories: Slipping Away -by Karla

Some of the Greats

Growing Up with Harriet

Within ten days Lyle Waggner, Kenny Rogers, and Fred Neal, better known as Curly from the beloved Harlem Globetrotters, all three died. Though they are not the most important people to the world as a whole, they are a piece of my childhood. It seems more and more famous people, who were a big part of my growing up, have passed in the last few years. 

One might think I am a little cheesy, but I am one of “those people” who enjoy TV series reunions. When Katherine MacGregor, Harriet Oleson on Little House on the Prairie, died in 2018, I googled her and found myself thinking, What I missed that reunion! I didn’t even know they made one! Oh how I love asking Siri to show me current pictures of celebrities from my childhood. Of course, then I am hooked and have to read entire articles about their lives. It is not uncommon for me to send Donna and my sisters a current picture of someone we watched as a child to create a “guess who this is” game.  

Disliking Unfamiliar Faces

This is not new for me. Not at all. If I could find my senior yearbook and looked up my adbors, I would find, “doesn’t like an unfamiliar face”, and not being able to recall from where I knew them. Mostly, that applied to celebrities that I could not remember what show or movie they played in. My sister Gail still teases me about the lady that we refer to as “Janice’s mother”, a character from Days of our Lives back in the 1970’s. In fact, the other day, I was watching some old TV show, and I thought, There’s Janice’s mother! I walked over and took a picture. I sent it to Gail, and she replied, “Wow, I think you are right!” Well, I just had to know or sure. So, I started googling, and yep, after about 30 minutes of research, I realized it was really her. Honestly, how can I remember what a character from the 1970’s looks like when I can’t find my car keys or cell phone on a regular basis! 

As I began reminiscing about Lyle Wagner, Kenny Rogers, and Curly, who are attached to wonderful childhood memories, I began thinking of others that have died in the last few years. And so, I invite you into my memories…

Lyle Waggoner

Now, really I was too young to watch him in one of my all time favorite shows, Carol Burnette, but I have so enjoyed the reruns of his scenes on the show. Then there was Wonder Woman! I so loved Lynda Carter and him. I must have done a million twirls in my childhood trying to get a hold of my golden truth lasso and my headband boomerang! 

Kenny Rogers

My memories that relate to him are about as long as his list of hits! I will contain myself to the early 70’s as not to share them all–expect the memory of 1982. 


I must have sung that song thousands of times in the back of Granddaddy’s blue ‘74 truck. My cousins and sisters would ride in the bed of the truck singing to the top of our lungs while we took turns sitting on the tire-bump-seat. This drive always took us to the Lakewood Grocery to pick up a few necessities but also included a treat from Grandaddy. He gave allowed u to pick out our favorite ice cream or candy bar. I selected a Mayfield’s chocolate ice cream cup complete with a wooden spoon or a 100 Grand candy bar.

   The Gambler

Again, the memory pulls me back to Nana and Granddaddy’s with seven adults and eight grandkids sitting around my Uncle Max, who had his guitar in hand and harmonica in mouth. Two cousins would sing The Gambler among so many other songs. We sang and laughed and listened to story after story of the olden days while people took turns churning the homemade peach ice cream. 

 Islands in the Stream

    : My sister Gail and I worked at the Burger Hof, a small fast-food restaurant in Blue Ridge, Georgia. Man, we had such fun times that summer. We were 18 and 15. There was a jukebox, and people were always putting in quarters to play their favorites. Once a man–like a full-grown thirty-something kind of man–put in his change and played Islands in the Stream. Then he walked up to Gail and told her that he was playing it for them! I think we both almost died! He was a regular, and he regularly played the song “for them” when he was in there. Oh, the laughs we have had over that memory! 


I watched Curly, Medowlark Lemon, and the other Harlem Globetrotters out jump, steal, and out smart their opponents for years. I wanted to spin my basketball on my index finger and make trick shots just like they did. If they were on TV, my sisters and I were in the living room watching them sail their way down the court or dump a bucket of red, white, and blue confetti on someone in the audience. They totally entertained and amazed me! 

Tim Conway

Mom took us to see The Apple Dumpling Gang when I was about nine. Tim Conway, Harry Morgan (MASH), Bill Bixby (The Incredible Hulk) starred in the movie. I think maybe that’s where my love for simple TV westerns came. The High Chaparral, The Rifleman, or The Big Valley were always playing at my house on Saturday afternoons.. Mom and I had so many laughs watching Tim Conway as Mr. Tudball or “the old man”. I would be laughing at Tim Conway while Mom was laughing at me rolling at his antics. 

Penny Marshall

Tuesday’s nights were Happy Days and Laverne and Shirley. “Aaaaaa!” Need I say more?

Roy Clark

HEEEE-HAWWW! Saturday nights at Nana and Granddaddy’s  were the only “acceptable” times that my little sister Julie and I could spit on each other! “You met another and pfft you were gone!”

Charlotte Rae

One evening when Julie and I were spending the night with Nana and Granddaddy, we asked if we could watch the Facts of Life. I thought my sweet Nana was going to have a coronary with just the mention of the title. Nope, we missed that episode. 

Gloria Vanderbilt

Oh! How I wanted a pair of her jeans. I lived for a little swan to be sewn on my pocket. In the early 2000’s when I was wearing a pair of pants that I purchased a couple of months before, I was talking with a co-worker. As we discussed the designer clothes we wanted as a kid, I noticed the swan on my pocket. It was then that I knew I had finally arrived! 

Though there are many more, I will end with . . .

Glenn Campbell

I believe every time I rode in our station wagon with the side panels made of wood, Rhinestone Cowboy was playing. “The way back” was not carpeted in ours and no seat belts were worn, so on purpose Julie and I would sling ourselves as hard and fast as we could from one side to the other singing “Riding out on a horse in the star-spangled rodeo” to the top of our lungs, until we heard the words, “Girls, settle down.”

Yep, “the oldies but goodies” keep slipping away one by one. But my precious childhood memories…they are as alive as ever! 

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Adoption: Mother Miracle -By Karla

My friend Tonya was born with Turner Syndrome, which is a chromosomal abnormality that affects the development in females. Maybe you are like me and had never heard of this condition, but I know you have heard of God. Having a child was impossible, but adoption is God’s miracle.

Miracle Number One: Tonya’s Birth

Approximately ninety-eight of pregnancies with Turner Syndrome abort spontaneously. Tonya was among the two percent!

Physical Features of Turner Syndrome

  • Shorter stature
  • Neck with a webbed appearance and shorter
  • Lower-set ears that often stick out
  • Elbows with a deformity that causes them to turn outward instead of having the ability to lay flat when the arm is straightened
  • Puffy feet and hands
  • Low hairline
  • Upturned finger and toenails
  • High arched palate
  • Receding lower jaw
  • Large pigmented moles
  • Broad shoulders
  • Lessen breast growth

Medical Issues of Turner Syndrome

  • Born with heart defects (often a narrowed section of the aorta)
  • Aorta tearing with age
  • Droopy eyes and cataracts
  • Frequent ear infections that can cause hearing loss
  • Kidney issues due to their horseshoe shape
  • Scoliosis
  • Diabetes
  • Underactive thyroid (often resulting in weight gain or slower weight loss)
  • Blood pressure issues
  • Stomach issues like Crohn’s disease
  • Lack of ovaries

Social Concerns of Turner Syndrome

  • Lack of ability to understand social cues
  • Low self-esteem
  • Struggles with “fitting in

Cognitive Disabilities of Turner Syndrome

  • Spatial misjudgments
  • Nonverbal learning disabilities
  • Developmental delays
  • Possible behavioral problems

Tonya has some of the issues in all the above categories, but like most who have Turner Syndrome, she does not have all. When Tonya was born, doctors told her mom not to expect her to even know what a brush was used for! However, God had other plans for Tonya. I believe that is due to His supreme knowledge. He knew her heart, and He knew how she would use this heart to love others.

Education Miracles

She did know how to use a brush–and so much more! Tonya graduated from high school in 2003. God planted a love for children, so she went to Berry College and received her teaching degree in Early Childhood Education. On her 12th year of teaching, Tonya has positively affected about 900 students. She cares for them as if they were her own. As the years have gone and she has matured as a woman, the desire to be a mom has grown as well.

Miracle of Service

Moving back to her hometown, she began teaching and started serving in her church with children and youth departments. Her sweet little ears went under four surgeries to help their physical appearance and hearing abilities when she was young. As she aged, with the help of a hearing aids, she has listened, heard, and advised many girls, who needed a Christian friend, over the years.

Music Miracle

In addition, she uses her beautiful voice to minister to others. Learning to depend on others to help her in the areas of weakness, she is careful to make sure she is blending with her praise team, singing with a voice that always glorifies the Lord! Her solos leave me inspired.

Humbling to Ask for Help

Often she asks her passengers for parking help; she eases into spots careful not get too close to obstructions. She asks for assistance and reassurance from those she trusts most to compensate in the areas that Turner Syndrome has left its permanence.

About three years ago, Tonya asked me to accompany her in meeting with a Christian adoption agency. They were encouraging, sharing that they accept singles’ applications and thought Tonya would be a good candidate to adopt. Hearing the process, I became hopeful that this could in fact be a reality for Tonya to become a mom!

However, when we left, Tonya and I discussed the money part of adoption and how this would be the biggest obstacle. She reviewed her finances as we ate lunch. Overwhelmed but enthusiastic, we prayed. As the years past, she continued to pray for God’s will and His timing.

Miracle of Love

In July of 2018, Tonya came for a visit with a tone and facial expression that could hardly be contained. Her announcement has become among the most precious miracles I have personally ever seen develop. An older teen-ager, who needed a home was taken in by a family friend. Over the years, she gave birth to a child. The family continued to provide a home for both the girl and her baby. As the girl matured and cared for her own child, she continued to have a steady, loving relationship with the couple who was providing for them.

When her first child was around two, she became pregnant again. Being a loving mother, she knew she could not care for both children. She prayed and sought Godly wisdom. It was then that Tonya’s name entered the scene. The single mother knew in her head and heart that Tonya would be the best mom for her baby. She and the foster family continued to pray as they kept the possibility to themselves. As the days went by, the reality of her baby continued to develop. In the lady’s final trimester, Tonya was asked a question that only a mother, who truly loves her child, would ask.

Would you take my child and raise her as your own?

I worried more than Tonya that the girl might change her mind, and who could blame her! It takes unselfish love to sacrifice for your child.

Tonya shared that she concluded her two choices: Exist with worry for the next twelve weeks living guarded, or freely enjoy every moment on this possible path God was unfolding

So, enjoy she did, going to every doctor’s visit and buying necessities. Praying for the little girl’s lungs to fully develop, her nails to completely form, and perhaps to even find her thumb to suck as she progressed in pounds and length, she delighted. Tonya also prayed for the mother’s health and her emotional well-being. While others worried; she rejoiced for the upcoming birth of a newborn.

Insurance Blessing

Her insurance allowed her to not only have maternity-leave, but they also covered a room at the hospital for Tonya and Baby Evie to share! When she was born, the nurses helped both mom and baby transition and bond.

Walking into the hospital the day after Evie was born, I was the one who could not contain my tone or facial expressions. In fact, the realization of the Lord’s grace left me almost shaking in awe.

Holding little Evie, tears rolled down my face. I look to my precious friend, whose face held the glow of a new mother. While I was comprehending what was taking place, she had already accepted the magnitude of God’s gift that she had been granted.

Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms37:4

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:11-12

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Christian Walk: Do You Hear What I Hear? -By Karla

Song By: by Noël Regney
Music By: Gloria Shayne

Said the night wind to the little lamb,
Do you see what I see
Way up in the sky, little lamb?
Do you see what I see?

Jesus, Name of All Names

The babe who was sent by God, is called over 50 names in the Bible. He was born to be our Savior, Emmanuel, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Light of the World, Wonderful Counselor, The Lamb, The Lion, the Alpha and Omega…

Many thousands of years ago, He was born in a stable to give us more: more life, more peace, and more joy. It is amazing to me, that the greatest gift of all mankind started with such simplicity and humility.

What does He Hear from Us?

Our world is so different from those days. Sometimes I am cringe thinking of what God hears, sees, and knows about us. Mankind most surely disappoints Him daily, and here in America, I fear we have strayed a million miles from being One Nation Under God.

What Do We Hear from Him?

Why can’t we slow down so that we can hear His Word and see the simplicity of His message?  He so desires us to know His plan, but we must stop and listen.  For only then, we will flourish.

Being More Like Him

So, I pray for us to . . .

To share far more than we desire to receive,

To love far more than we expect in return,

And experience contentment far more than jealousy.

To appreciate more than we complain,

To give grace more than we hold grudges,

And laugh with others more than snicker at them.

To display respect more than we retaliate in rebellion,

To respond in true praise more than we criticize, 

And love more even when love is not deserved from others.

So, I pray because . . .

For our Savior was born to give us abundant life,

For we must completely rely on God to navigate us through trials,

And give Him praise during all times.

For we should draw close to our Savior daily,

For His ways are not our ways,

And His love will prove tenfold over the world in which we live!

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Perseverance: Where There’s a Will; There’s a Way – By Karla

Nana’s Perseverance

Like most families, we too have many “famous stories” that have been retold over and over. One of these is the time that we took an impromptu spend the night t Nana’s. Mom didn’t have our gowns stuffed in her pocketbook as she normally did, anticipating that Julie and I would beg to spend the night. When the pleading began, Nana held up her finger indicating she had a brilliant plan and headed to the back of the house. Perseverance! Nana was not going to let a little thing like not having pj’s stop us from staying!

In about five minutes she returned and proudly displayed our make-shift pillowcase gowns! Being a young woman during the depression, she knew how to make things work. Perseverance! She worked until she made a way. She cut two arm holes and a neck hole. Wha-la! Two nightgowns. Julie and I wore them so proudly.

Unplanned Surprise

Last Saturday, I drove to Donna’s in Rome. We went to lunch and ran some errands together. Afterwards, we hung out at her house, doing some writing while we sipped our hot tea. Around five, I started dreading the drive home. It’s only an hour, but it was so yucky outside with the cool damp air. Knowing it would be dark when I got home. I halfway joked and said, “I wish I’d just packed a bag; I could have just gone home early enough to get ready for church.”  

We continued talking until the conversation wrapped around to my first cousin Lucie, who also lives in Rome. Before I put much thought into it, I blurted out, I’d love to surprise her by going to church with her in the morning.  

Donna texted her to make sure she would be at church and mentioned that she was thinking about joining her. Lucie seemed excited, saying she would save Donna a seat.


With that confirmation, I happened to look down to realize what I had on! Sweatpants and tennis shoes. Now, I know that the Lord does not care what a person wears to church, but sometimes I do struggle with not dressing too casually. I grew up wearing my Sunday best.

Donna laughed and said, “Well, I don’t think I can offer you shoes or pants to wear, but I might have a T-shirt you can sleep in.” (Her shoes size is a 61/2 versus my 91/2, and I could not button her pants around me if my life depended on it!)

Perseverance and Ideas

“I’ll go to Walmart in the morning to get another shirt, some leggings, and shoot, some underwear too,” I added as I realized I’d need that as well. “Man, I just broke down and bought new undies last week!”

We wrote and talked and wrote and talked until around eleven. I walked into the bathroom and hollered, “Ugh, got an extra toothbrush?”


“Face wash?”

“You know I don’t use any, but I’ve got soap,” she unwrapped a new bar.

“Shoot, I don’t have my mouth guard. You know how I clench my teeth at night. Ugh!”

“Don’t have one of those.”

“Man, I don’t have my melatonin to help me sleep.”

“Don’t have that either.”

“Your shirt didn’t fit me!” I yelled into her room and got into bed with the one I had worn for the day.

“I’ll get a pillowcase and the scissors!” she burst in laughter.  

Intentional Perseverance Continued

The next morning I woke to realize I did not have my thyroid medicine with me. Donna hollered that the deodorant was under the cabinet. I soon realized I didn’t have my make-up! What was I thinking? With our totally opposite skin tones, I knew I couldn’t wear Donna’s so I added that to the Wal-mart list. However after some convincing from Donna, I used hers anyway.

As we got ready, we thought about giving Lucie a gift. Donna has a book of questions about yourself. You answer them as a gift for your children. We thought she would enjoy this to share with her grandchildren one day.

Showered and dressed, we headed to Walmart to grab the needed things. We discussed how although there have been times in my past when I have changed in the car, I was probably a little too old to change my panties there. I took everything out of my purse and stuffed in my new clothes as Donna pulled into the parking place at Barnes & Noble. She darted to the shelf she knew housed the desired book as I headed for a stall. (Note to self: when changing clothes in a public restroom, use the larger stall, the one that has a changing table. This will allow a place for the extra pair, so they do not need to be draped around your neck.)

We walked in to Friendship Baptist Church, with a smile on our faces, and were greeted with an even bigger one in return.

  • New shirt at Walmart $8.99
  • New pants at Walmart $14.59
  • New pack of panties at Walmart $12.50

The surprised look on the face of someone you love and have persevered to surprise, priceless!

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God: Our Father Who Knows Best -By Karla

My Favorite TV Shows

I love old television shows. The 70’s and 80’s, with Happy Days and Laverne & Shirley, were great, but I even enjoyed the older black and white ones. Father Knows Best was one of my favorites. Betty, Bud, and Kathy were always into some situation that needed solving. For the most part, the mom and the dad worked together to solve the problems. Robert Young played the family’s wonderful dad. He always thought he had an answer to everything. Wise as he was; he was human and made mistakes now and then.

The Best Father

Our heavenly Father is not human. He is not flawed. In fact, the only way that He is limited is when I limit Him!

Real Life Living

More like the TV shows from modern times, real-life happenings seem to sneak up on us, hit us from the side, and even smack us head on. We get passed over for promotions, leaving us to wonder what we did wrong? Friends can treat us so disrespectfully that they sometimes even abandon us. Meanwhile, we are in total confusion.

Our personality weaknesses can cause us such frustrations, even when we strive desperately to overcome. Death in general either comes as a shock, leaving us to pick up the pieces. Other situations can cause us agony, watching a loved-one suffer so badly while our insides are retching. When you add a young-age factor to the equation of death, the grieving process seems unbearable. Business endeavors can rise and fall in a heartbeat. In today’s world, some adults abandon their young like savage animals. Is it easy for us to be in a continuous world of disbelief and in a why state-of-mind.

The Patient Heavenly Father

Two-year-olds are so precious with their little mannerism and immature letter pronunciations. However, their why’s often drive me crazy after a time because I grow tired of trying to explain everything. But don’t we do that with God? Why this, and why that? Day after day after day.

When we are suffering, we often revert to our two-year-old selves. “Lord, I wish you would explain?”, “God, seriously, why?”, “Lord, I don’t understand?” “Why would you let this happen?”, “Enough is enough, Lord.”

Do we really have the audacity to think we could handle our lives better? Hey, God, come over here a minute, and let’s talk about a better way to handle this situation.  

God’s word amazes me! He can even illuminate new revelations that we have studied several times before. Studying the book of Job over the years, I have learned different lessons.

  • The Lord giveth and He taketh away, but as we remain faithful to Him, He restores.
  • Be careful who we seek as our encouragers.

Job faced many of the obstacles; He was left, trying to understand the why. I think he is like many people, including me—explain the why, and I can probably deal with the situation better.

God’s Word Asks Us to Trust Him with Our Why’s

Psalm 34:9 says, “O fear the Lord, you His saints; For those who fear Him there is no want.  

Later in Psalm 103: 11 it is written, “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, So great is His loving-kindness toward those who fear Him.” Bible scholars share there are about 300 verses that address the need for us to fear God.

In fact, when we study the idea of suffering, without Jesus dying on the cross, aren’t we doomed to an endless anguish? It is by Our Father’s grace that we have any hope of joy in the first place.

As we journey through our life on earth, we would do well to fear God in reverence to His sovereignty. We should remember the idea from my World of Life quiet time book: Life does not help us understand God; Our Father helps us understand life.  

For our Father Knows Best!

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Left-Handed: Slice and Dice -By Karla

Left-Handed Meat Cutting

When I was eight, Dr. and Mrs. Lee were good friends with mom and dad. One Sunday, Mrs. Lee asked me to go home with her after church. They had a missionary family staying with them and this would give the daughter someone to play with. Mom said yes, but promptly gave me the “Karla, you’d better be on your best behavior” speech.  I remembered to put my napkin in my lap when I sat down at the table. But, I was not prepared for the pork chop that adorned my plate, and I knew I was in trouble! Ugh! Being left-handed.

I had NO idea how to cut meat! In fact, I had little abilities to cut much of anything at that time of life – including paper! Those stinkin’ left-handed elementary scissors with the green rubber molded grippers! My fingers got twisted and stuck in there.

I sat at the table staring at it. Mrs. Lee must have noticed and asked if I liked pork chops. I remembered to say yes ma’am, using the manners I was taught. Then I went back to eating all around it. Finally, she leaned toward me and whispered, “Would you like me to cut your meat for you?”

To say I was grateful was an understatement! As I think back on my meat-eating days at home, I can share with little doubt that I bet Mom cut my meat until I left for college! I think watching me holding any kind knife is always scared the right-handers of my family.

Left-Handed Watermelon Cutting

My cutting stories have accumulated over the years. In my late twenties I was in Oregon for a wedding. When I arrived, most family was in town bustling around for the ceremony that was to occur the next day.  My aunt’s friend, who I had never met, was there preparing food for the rehearsal dinner. Attempting to be the southern lady that was instilled in me, I timidly walked into the kitchen and offered to help, because manners should always trumps shyness. I guess I did NOT think that one through because it NEVER occurred to me that someone would ask me to cut!

Apparently glad that someone had offered, the lady politely turned around with the biggest watermelon I had ever seen. I grew up in Granddaddy’s eight-acre garden where watermelons grew regularly. So, I had seen my share of large melons–This one was BIG!

She smiled and said, “Sure!  Will you cut this into little chunks?”

I went into panic!  But, there was no way I was going to tell her I couldn’t nor that I did not want to. That would have been impolite! So, I commenced as Nana would have said. I had to get towel after towel because there was juice running all down the cabinet into the floor. I butchered that watermelon, and it took me two and a half hours to chunk that bad boy! There is no telling what that lady thought as she was watching me, but I can venture to think it might have been something on these lines: Good grief, you left-handed girl! You’re going to cut your fingers off as you are slaughtering that melon and causing a sticky flood in here!

Left-Handed Wedding Cake Cutting

I’d like to say that is the end of the slicing and dicing stories, but that would be a lie. At Donna’s parents’ 40th wedding anniversary, somehow Donna and I ended up behind the cake!  Just so you know, Donna is a lefty too, and she cuts about as good as I do! We started giggling simply at the thought of slicing and serving the cake. It was as if we were teenagers back at her house. The more we tried to stop our snickering, the worse it got.

Neither one of us could get up the courage to start dividing up the cake into sections. Instead, we kept trying to convince the other one that she could do it better. Then we’d laugh some more. Finally, her daddy came trotting over, smiled, and scolded us for not getting on with the task. “Gals, get to cuttin’, these people done drove a long way for cake.” With that, we straighten up, and the slaying began.

Left-Handed Potato Peeling

A couple of months ago, I was preparing dinner for the ladies’ small group that meets at my house weekly. Peeling potatoes with this handy-dandy, peel-o-matic thing I brought from a kid’s school fundraiser, I hulled a hunk right out of my pointer finger. It did not quit bleeding for three hours! Sadly, I loaded my bloody finger and my embarrassed pride into the car and headed for the ER.

Now, I share all the above to say I wish Mom could have seen me serve the wedding cake last Sunday for my sweet friend’s daughter. I sliced the moist pieces like a pro!


Disclaimer:  Okay, well…
  1. I was thankful it was dimly lit in the beautifully decorated room where the cakes were displayed.
  2. I was equally thankful there was a trashcan nearby so I was able to scoot up to the table when no one was looking and rake all the loose chocolate crumbs into it!

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Transformation: Pearls – By Karla

Recently at school, one of my reading groups and I were previewing a book about oysters. Some were grossed out at the thought of eating a raw one. A few students knew that pearls came from oysters, but all were amazed at how they were formed.

The Very Idea

Like really, what in the world made God think of such an incredible idea. Okay, He is God, so I won’t put too much thought into how He came up with the process, but seriously, I find it very cool. According to, pearls usually form when some parasite works itself into the oyster, or other shelled sea creature.  Out of defense, the oyster produces a fluid to coat the invader. For the next six months to seven years, the coating process continues as it forms this valuable beauty.

Life’s Parasites

In everyone’s life, we face little pesty situations. We also face more serious circumstances where we have either allowed irritants into our lives or Satan weasels his way into our lives, acting like a parasite.  When these nasty things enter our bodies, it makes us feel bad, cause us to get sick, or even worse.

Transformation to a Pearl

How cool is it that God allows the parasite in an oyster to transform into such a beautiful gem! Isn’t that the way God wants it for us? He desires for us to bring the “parasites of our lives” to Him in prayer. He wants to protect us when we are vulnerable and need to shut out the harshness of the world around us. Like the physical forming of a pearl, our trials can last for what seems to be a lengthy time span. But we can rest in His arms, knowing He is our defender.

When we turn inward to God and bask in His word and wisdom, He can slowly soften the sting of our hurst and sorrows. As time passes and we continue to allow Him to be our fortress, He makes us stronger. If we persist, remaining in His glow, He will totally transform our parasites into pearls.

Transformation of Pearl after Pearl

We should strive always to stay in a daily walk with God. Thus, each time we encounter life’s leeches we don’t have travel great distances to find our Defender. Trial after trial, we have the opportunity to transform what Satan meant as destruction into pearl after pearl after pearl.

Alone these gems are magnificent, but when strung together into a necklace, it can represent strength, grace, and wealth. When Satan strived to tear you into a million pieces, God rebuilds you with surpassing strength. For when the world tried to make you bitter, God grants us grace for others. As ones around you tried to trapped you in poverty, the King of Kings provides you with wealth.

As you adorn yourself with the strand of pearls that God has tailored specifically for you, He will allow you to be His witness sharing your pearls with others who need His encouragement.

“God intentionally allows you to go through painful experiences to equip you for ministry to others.” -Rick Warren

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Friendship: Thank You for Being a Friend – By Karla

Summer Exchange Program

During the summers of my teenage years, I spent a week at Donna’s house, and she spent a week at mine. We commonly refer to these moments as our summer exchange program. Oh, the stories we can tell of those adventures, and the friendship that began.

One of our favorite things was the moments when we gained some independence. Donna’s mom Nikki decided it was okay for us to go by ourselves to Shannon Mall near their home in Fayetteville, Georgia. Dennis, her brother, would drop us off, and our freedom began! At least we thought; years later we found out he spied on our friendship like big brothers do.  

People Watching

With little money, we rarely bought anything but an ice cream. Those were some fun times sitting on the benches analyzing people’s hairstyles, outfits, or actions. I would like to say we were not being judgmental, but by definition, we probably were.

Donna usually used her “soft voice” laugh ,while I have a rambunctious chuckle. No wonder I usually got called down more often. At some point, we would decided covering our mouths with a piece of paper or napkin if possible would be a secret way of talking about others. If we did not have either of those items, we began to whisper talk out of the side of our mouths, which became a trademark for us. Yep, we still do it sometimes. Honestly though, maybe it was not as judgmental as it sounds. I believe we were two young, innocent girls trying to figure out the world around us; honestly, we were a little shocked at times!

As I licked my chocolate cake cone and Donna her butter-pecan sugar cone, one of us would mouth, “Look, coming from the left. Hair. Slowly turn your head.” The other would try to nonchalantly swirl her head in that direction. Then we would both try to keep ourselves from bursting out in laughter. It was almost like a game to see who could find the most outlandish situation. We sat there analyzing mohawks, puffy sleeves, big hair teased into a mountain, Madonna look-a-likes, shorts, leg warmers, or turquoise triangle earrings. Then our game would progress to new heights when we would share a crazy comparison. Again with the lips glued on one side and spewing in whispers on the other, “Look, here come Mr. Jefferson struttin’ by us. I think he just stole Mr. T’s gold chains!”

Figuring It Out, Together

Donna and I often still find ourselves trying to critique others, but somewhere over the years, our analyzing has moved more from fashion to the behaviors of others. Life is filled with moments that leaves a person pondering. So, now we mostly help each other sort out the motives of others, whose behavior is not acceptable or who have done hurtful things.

We have all had strangers, coworkers, and even family members, who do things that did not seem to make any sense. We are left, trying to process the situation. Donna and I call each other and discuss it, shake our heads, laugh about it, and sort it out as to why in the world the person would have chosen the words or actions they did. Sometimes these situations have been a brief moment in time. However, other incidents have taken weeks, months, or even years to walk through. For decades, we have relied on the other to navigate life.

We all Need Someone

Everyone needs a Donna friendship in their life. 

  • A Christian friend who will listen to you say anything, knowing sometimes you just need to get it off your chest or out of your mind
  • That true confidant, who will interrupt you when needed and gently guide you back on course
  • The buddy, who helps me see the other side of the coin, even when you don’t want to 
  • A honest companion, who will teasingly call you a “pompous-butt princess” when you are acting too uppity

Donna, thanks for listening to my woes over the year, and thanks for helping me figure out how to handle many, many situations over the years. In fact, thanks for taking me to Waffle House to eat raisin toast for the first time. And thanks for bringing me back to my youth, talking out of the corners of our mouths about the man in the purple jacket. Thank you for being a friend!

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9/11: That September Day – By Karla

Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day?

-Alan JAckson Song

Remembrance of an Answer

I love the question posed by Alan Jackson in his song. That September day I was in my classroom teaching a group of innocent children. During my planning, a co-worker came in and turned on the television. I whirled around from typing an email and froze as I saw the continuous recounts aired. The magnitude of the event was immediately felt.

Fear Brought Unity

At the time, I was married; he was a soldier in the Army Reserves. I instantly felt the sting of what this moment meant. I had lived through Desert Storm as an army wife while he was on active duty. For many months while we lived in Germany, his bags remained packed, and I did not know if he would return home when he left for work every morning. But this time was different. We had two girls, one in kindergarten and one in fourth grade.

In the week or two that followed the attacks, I sensed the fears as did everyone, and the urge for closeness with those we loved most. Like in the lyrics of Jackson’s song, I think many Americans did dust off their Bibles for a time and come together in churches. I vividly remember sermons reminding us that God is in control, and I recall our congregation joining together in prayer while forming a band of unity as we held tightly to each other.

Comings and Goings

In the years that followed, my girls and I said hello and goodbye to their dad often. Sometimes, it was for short period, only a week to a month, but others it was for a year or more. There were times when I had to shield them from noticing angry protesters. They exhibited their right to express themselves, while it cut me deeply to see their lack of support for our family’s sacrifice. But most often, we noticed the honor that others gave to soldiers and their loved ones.

There is a special twinkle in the eyes of children waving a flag as they watch their dads, moms, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, and cousins, return home from serving overseas. I have stood in a crowd with all my family together and cried at the joy of another family reuniting.

Responsibility to Remember

I think we have a responsibility to remember 9-11. This weekend I was going through old home movies with the girls. Through the Easter egg hunts, school chorus shows, and Christmas mornings, we found two video clips of where I had taken questions from my students to my nana and my girls’ great-grandpa.

First-Hand Sources

Nana grew up in North Georgia, while Grandpa Harold lived his life in Michigan, New Mexico, and California. Both had such deep sadness when asked about Pearl Harbor and WWII. My students learned more from those two interviews than they from any textbook. One student wanted me to ask them both if they would rather live in today’s world or years ago. Their answers were the same, in fact almost word for word. “Well, you have more conveniences today, but it was better back then. There was less violence, and you spend more time with your family.”

Family Importance

I pondered that thought for a while. If I could choose what stage of life I would like to remain, I think it would be anytime I was surrounded by my family. Though we can’t stay home indefinitely and cling to our family like the song discusses, we can strive toward a simple life to spend more time with our family. For these are the people who love us most and have our true best interest at heart.

My life has changed so much since 9/11 as I have weathered many storms. I wish that we, as a nation, strived to maintain our need for a tighter togetherness. Sadly, I believe we laid our Bibles back on the shelf to collect dust all too quickly.

Peace from God

This morning my quiet time began with Psalm 62:1-2. In all the changes that have occurred since the morning of 9/11, I can say these verses have held true for me. I wish that America could keep these truths, which we so dearly clung to that September day, and act upon them in our daily lives.

Truly my soul finds rest in God;

my salvation comes from Him.

Truly He is my rock and my salvation;

He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

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Slowing Down: Rush and Rush -By Karla

Rush and Rush

In the early 90’s Alabama recorded a song, I’m in a Hurry. The lyrics were so true of how I was living; I often felt that I was running about like a chicken with my head cut off. (One of Mom’s favorite phrases to describe situations in life.)Never slowing down, also rush, rush.

Growing up, one of my favorite musical groups was Alabama. They are one of the few bands I have seen in concert. Mom surprised us with tickets one Christmas. This was the olden days when people flicked their Bics instead of using a cell phone as they swayed along with the songs. My sisters and cousins sang along to Tennessee River and Old Flame soaking up every moment of the experience.  

I’m in a hurry to get things done

Oh, I rush and rush until life’s no fun.

All I really gotta do is live and die

But I’m in and hurry and don’t know why.

-Alabama Song

A Sign of Weakness?

Many people have no desire to slow down, even saying, “I’ll slow down when I die”. My daughters were this way when they were younger. In the back seat, they sat tired from the days activities. Their exhaustion resulted in biting each others’ heads off! (Yep, one of Mom’s favorite sayings). I would say, “Y’all need to take a nap today.” They would reply in union, “I’m not tired.”

As they aged, often I felt beaten down with work, their extra after school hustle, and church activities. There were times when all I felt like I was doing was rushing from one place to another. Sometimes while I was driving, clothes were flying from their bodies as they slid from their school clothes into their basketball jerseys. Simultaneously, they inhaled chicken nuggets and fries.

Too Much

Even alone, I felt the need to rush. I would stand in the grocery line, sit in the doctor’s office, and even idle at a red light thinking, Hurry, hurry, I have somewhere I had to be, or something to do!” I spent these moments in near panic, fearing being late or unprepared.  

The anxiety that accompanied this fret was seriously real for me. God love my girls having been the recipients of my snapping words, which had to have hurt their little hearts. What concept of time did they have?

Tired and overwhelmed by my hurrying around to get things, my life wasn’t much fun. In fact, my life was becoming more and more hectic filled with more and more stress.  

Trying to do things by myself only left me going through the motions of life. Oh, If I could relive these days knowing what I know now, my life would have been much more calm.  

Not Alone

I believed I had to accomplish everything before I could stop. My own power source is not enough; I needed to be recharged!

Be still and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10
Plug in with God and recharge

Knowing this verse and living it are two separate things. I did not even try to be still very often Yet, I was on pause so often. I could have been plugging up and recharging during those times.

  • Braking at the red light, I could have been praying
  • Sitting  in the doctor’s office, I could have been made a mental list of ten reasons to praise Him
  • Standing in the grocery line, I could have prayed for a friend
  • Waiting in the car for the girls, I could have been reading a devotional from the book tucked under my seat or from my phone

For our God desires our lives to be more than rushing around until life’s no fun.  This is accomplished not on our own, but with His aid. He is the battery from which we must recharge.

“Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.” Proverbs 19:2

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