Panama City Beach or Bust
For the past 6 years, several precious friends from church have packed our bags and head south for a long weekend. Like always, I hesitated in my excitement. Those hurricanes seem to enjoy the Gulf of Mexico every Columbus Day weekend as much as I do. Even still, God has always provided some hours of sunshine to brighten our weary souls. (Red Tide and No, Karla, You Get To)
On the Road Again
Though this past weekend came with the threat of disappointment in the weather, we forged ahead. Friday at four fifteen, the car was loaded and off we zoomed to pick up Donna in Rome. Our traditional first stop, Olive Garden, always begins the weekend of feasting and fellowship.
Along the journey, we played board games that we have altered into a point system, but honestly, none of us care who wins or loses. The point of our games is to pave the path with laughter and memories. Occasionally, a forecast update was shared as we anticipated our beach time.
Beach, Here We Come
Rolling into our Panama City Beach condo spot around 12:00am, we had realized Saturday’s beach time would be shorter than we hoped. We were a little tuckered. So, we opted to sleep in a little and stroll on down around ten in the morning. Leaving our floats because we knew they would only serve as kites swirling in the wind, we decided to leisurely lie in our chairs.
Double Red Flags
As our toes touched the sand, we noticed not one–but two red flags, which forbids swimming in the ocean. Within minutes a lifeguard was pacing down the shoreline followed by a beach patrol vehicle. Clearly marked signs protruded from the shore, demanding that beach dwellers stay out of the water and threatened arrest if a person did not comply. I have been to Panama City Beach many times over the past fifteen years, and I have never seen such safety measures. They monitored the shore all afternoon.

Donna and I discussed the incident that we observed in fear a few years ago. Though double red flags flew, a mom had her three young children in the water with her. Perhaps, it was the first time they had experienced the pleasure, which persuaded her to risk any danger, but within minutes, two of her three had swiftly drifted from her reach. She began yelling for help.
Dining at the time, we were at a distance too far to be of assistance. We watched and fretted while a man ran to the aid of the two kids. In the meantime, the mom was frantically attempting to get herself and the youngest child safely to shore. The situation was unnerving. Danger can so easily overtake sometimes.
Too Risky
Over the weekend, the four of us watched the waves bounce, swirl, and spray in a fashion I have rarely seen. While we had strong desires to swim and splash in the waves, we knew to respect the mighty strength of the warned riptide.
But, others–not so much! We watched as the on-foot lifeguard protected his stretch of the water. Over and over he stated, “Get out of the water”. When he would make his announcement, the defiers would leave the water. The patrolman would turn his back as he walked to the next perpetrators. But the people would be right back in the foamy swirls within minutes. The same scenario was happening with the patrol vehicle. As the driver drove alongside the water, her voice projected through the speaker.
“The water is closed today. Get out of the water!”
People reluctantly walked out. But as she drove away, they would return.
As we watched the waters churn, we were delighted with a flawless work of water Fantasia. I thought of how the show seemed to taint us into its illusion of thrills. It looked so fun, so enticing, so harmlessly filled with pleasure. And yet… the riptide was rippling underneath.
To the spontaneous, the excitement was too great to simply stand on the sidelines. Still, there in plain sight was a warning. The writing on the wall could not have been any more plain! In addition, lifeguards were tirelessly urging people to stay away. Did many listen? No, the illusion was too tempting. We heard sirens in the distance.
As we shook our heads at the boldness of others in the face of danger, we discussed how God must get frustrated with us all at times like these. His word tells us to resist temptations just as clearly as the “stay out of the water” sign aims to deter the foolish swimmer.
“Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
Matthew 26:41
But nevertheless, in life, we ignore the signs of danger and are lured in by the appeal of fun. Later to find ourselves trapped in sin. We flail about desiring to be rescued. Luckily for us, God walks alongside us with a presence abundantly stronger than any lifeguard. Although He warns us many times, with His loving grace, He forgives us and guides us back to shore, where He longs for us to abide in Him.