Perseverance: Where There’s a Will; There’s a Way – By Karla

Nana’s Perseverance

Like most families, we too have many “famous stories” that have been retold over and over. One of these is the time that we took an impromptu spend the night t Nana’s. Mom didn’t have our gowns stuffed in her pocketbook as she normally did, anticipating that Julie and I would beg to spend the night. When the pleading began, Nana held up her finger indicating she had a brilliant plan and headed to the back of the house. Perseverance! Nana was not going to let a little thing like not having pj’s stop us from staying!

In about five minutes she returned and proudly displayed our make-shift pillowcase gowns! Being a young woman during the depression, she knew how to make things work. Perseverance! She worked until she made a way. She cut two arm holes and a neck hole. Wha-la! Two nightgowns. Julie and I wore them so proudly.

Unplanned Surprise

Last Saturday, I drove to Donna’s in Rome. We went to lunch and ran some errands together. Afterwards, we hung out at her house, doing some writing while we sipped our hot tea. Around five, I started dreading the drive home. It’s only an hour, but it was so yucky outside with the cool damp air. Knowing it would be dark when I got home. I halfway joked and said, “I wish I’d just packed a bag; I could have just gone home early enough to get ready for church.”  

We continued talking until the conversation wrapped around to my first cousin Lucie, who also lives in Rome. Before I put much thought into it, I blurted out, I’d love to surprise her by going to church with her in the morning.  

Donna texted her to make sure she would be at church and mentioned that she was thinking about joining her. Lucie seemed excited, saying she would save Donna a seat.


With that confirmation, I happened to look down to realize what I had on! Sweatpants and tennis shoes. Now, I know that the Lord does not care what a person wears to church, but sometimes I do struggle with not dressing too casually. I grew up wearing my Sunday best.

Donna laughed and said, “Well, I don’t think I can offer you shoes or pants to wear, but I might have a T-shirt you can sleep in.” (Her shoes size is a 61/2 versus my 91/2, and I could not button her pants around me if my life depended on it!)

Perseverance and Ideas

“I’ll go to Walmart in the morning to get another shirt, some leggings, and shoot, some underwear too,” I added as I realized I’d need that as well. “Man, I just broke down and bought new undies last week!”

We wrote and talked and wrote and talked until around eleven. I walked into the bathroom and hollered, “Ugh, got an extra toothbrush?”


“Face wash?”

“You know I don’t use any, but I’ve got soap,” she unwrapped a new bar.

“Shoot, I don’t have my mouth guard. You know how I clench my teeth at night. Ugh!”

“Don’t have one of those.”

“Man, I don’t have my melatonin to help me sleep.”

“Don’t have that either.”

“Your shirt didn’t fit me!” I yelled into her room and got into bed with the one I had worn for the day.

“I’ll get a pillowcase and the scissors!” she burst in laughter.  

Intentional Perseverance Continued

The next morning I woke to realize I did not have my thyroid medicine with me. Donna hollered that the deodorant was under the cabinet. I soon realized I didn’t have my make-up! What was I thinking? With our totally opposite skin tones, I knew I couldn’t wear Donna’s so I added that to the Wal-mart list. However after some convincing from Donna, I used hers anyway.

As we got ready, we thought about giving Lucie a gift. Donna has a book of questions about yourself. You answer them as a gift for your children. We thought she would enjoy this to share with her grandchildren one day.

Showered and dressed, we headed to Walmart to grab the needed things. We discussed how although there have been times in my past when I have changed in the car, I was probably a little too old to change my panties there. I took everything out of my purse and stuffed in my new clothes as Donna pulled into the parking place at Barnes & Noble. She darted to the shelf she knew housed the desired book as I headed for a stall. (Note to self: when changing clothes in a public restroom, use the larger stall, the one that has a changing table. This will allow a place for the extra pair, so they do not need to be draped around your neck.)

We walked in to Friendship Baptist Church, with a smile on our faces, and were greeted with an even bigger one in return.

  • New shirt at Walmart $8.99
  • New pants at Walmart $14.59
  • New pack of panties at Walmart $12.50

The surprised look on the face of someone you love and have persevered to surprise, priceless!

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Pedicures: Little Piggies- by Karla and Donna


  About once every two months Karla and I meet and treat ourselves to pampering our piggies. As with everything else in our lives, there’s always humor involved.

It all started once when we were in need of  some girl time. So, we invited Lynn, Gail, and Julie (Karla’s sisters) to lunch.  After we ate, someone suggested we get our toes done. Now, those words alone brought a burst of laughter. It was well-known that Gail and Donna had never had a pedicure because they hate feet! Reluctantly, they agreed. One sister, who shall remain nameless, was the first to go. She plopped down into the massage chair to relax. While her feet soaked, she closed her eyes and took it all in until she heard our cackling. All of us in our early 40’s, we were learning that our bodies weren’t what they used to be. The vibrations from the massage chair were causing her arm flab to jiggle like Jell-O in her sleeveless shirt. Though we tried to mask the reason of our giggles, she sat up and loudly announced, “I know y’all are laughing at me and my arm flab!” The five of us were so loud bantering back and forth that other customers began laughing. One even noted that we had to be related and was loving our camaraderie.

Pedicure for Jail

Since getting our toes done is a luxury for us, we have learned that when we do them right before going to the beach it is usually a waste. More than once, one of our toes got messed up while walking in the sand. So, one year, we decided to have them done at a random Wal-Mart before we headed home. Like normal, we sat giggling at dumb things that no one else would find funny. A lady came in and sat down in the chair beside us. She was rather loud; there was no way to miss her conversation. As she talked, we looked at each other trying not to react too much. The more she gabbed, the more we realized she was saying something about jail. We got quieter, but our eyes were doing a lot of talking as it became clear that she was getting a pedicure before she went to jail the next day!

If You Break, You Buy

Walking inside one summer day, we were greeted with, “Pick out your color.” As usual, we began searching for a shade similar to the colors in our non-flashy range. Donna reached for a shade a little darker than her normal. Making sure the bottle was mixed to its true color, she shook it back and forth. To our surprise, it flew out of her hand, burst, and left a plum puddle at her feet!  The owner yelled, “Don’t move!” There she stood with plum pudding dripping down her legs. The man came over with a towel and began wiping her legs, before he commenced to mopping up the mess. Needless to say, she went with the more toned down color and had to throw her polish stained sandals away. A sign now graces the wall of the salon…If you break it, you buy it!

While I Wait

Recently, our wildest pedicure may have happened as we were tried out a new place. It was a bit crowded. We had already selected our colors and were awaiting our turn. A nicely dressed lady, who was probably in her 60’s, strolled in. When she inquired about the wait, she seemed deflated, but cheered herself up with this comment, “Okay then. I guess I’ll just go back to the car and smoke some weed while I wait.” Dumbfounded we stood there with our mouths hanging open!  This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home, her little piggies had marijuana, but our little piggies had none! (and never have!)


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