The Armor of God: Put Your Shoes On–by Donna

Are you one of those people who always feel like you are forgetting something? Recently, I got in the car to go to work. I had that nagging feeling I’d left something behind. I did a check. Lunchbox, cell phone, teaching bag, and keys. All is good, I thought, until I put my foot on the pedal. I instantly knew what was missing…my shoes. 

National Go Barefoot Day

Today, June 1st, is National Go Barefoot Day. That is right up my alley. I don’t care for shoes. The day I got in the car without them, I realized I might be turning into my Aunt Anna. She is always barefoot. In fact, many of our extended family is that way. I have a picture of my niece’s wedding shower, and almost every person is barefoot!

To Wear or Not to Wear. That Is the Question

There is freedom in bare feet. You can feel the soft carpet in a room, the lushness of the grass, the grittiness of the sand, and the squishiness of the mud. Your toes can wiggle freely and your nice pedicure can shine.

However, I learned the hard way that there are times when shoes should be worn. At my brother’s baseball game when I was five, I stepped on a huge piece of glass, slicing my heel open. Another time a few years later, I didn’t see the nail that was sticking out of a board. The nail went all the way through my foot! 

Most of the time, going barefoot is not an option. When we get dressed for work, church, shopping, and any other public place, we put on clothes AND shoes. 

The Armor of God

The same is true when we put on the armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-17 tells us what we need to wear so that we can battle spiritual warfare. I’ve known these verses most of my life, but it was always the helmet, breastplate,  sword, and shield that always stood out to me. But verse 15 reads, and having strapped on your feet the preparation of the gospel of peace.” 

What does that verse mean to us? Using our feet, we must take the gospel out into the world. We need to be grounded in His Word and ready to share with others the Good News of JESUS. Always be prepared to talk about Jesus. Tell of His death, burial, and resurrection. Share His gift of grace.  

Suit up and head out for battle! 

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