1, 2, 3…jump. The preschooler leans over the vast depth of the pool water, eyes wide with excitement, trusting the loved one to catch her.
Peddling and swerving; peddling and straightening. The youngster continues, believing the parent will keep holding his bike, guiding him until he is balanced and free to continue on his own.
The “flyer” on a cheerleading squad is tossed high above the others, trusting her teammates will be waiting below ready to protect her descend with wide open arms.
“Take the keys to the car and run to the store,” are perhaps the most exciting trust words ever spoken to the sixteen-year-old.
The Concept of Trust
As we age, trust can become more difficult. According to the dictionary, trust can be defined as having confidence, faith, or hope in someone or something.
Sadly, in today’s world, the concept of trust has grown rather weak over the years, like a man’s handshake that has been diluted into a “yeah, whatever” agreement.
Most of us have dealt with the feeling of mistrust when it comes to others. Some days, it might seem the only one you can trust is your faithful dog, but he might even run off if tempted with a juicy bone.
Christian Friends
Let me tell you, I have some wonderful Christian friends: companions who have listened to me cry, rant, cheer, and laugh. Some pals have stood with me through thick and thin. How did I get so blessed to have such truly trusted friends? I looked in the right place. I found the ones with their hands stretched out ready to serve. Although Christian friends will not be perfect, they will give of themselves to the best of their ability.
God, I thank you for your creation of Christian friendships and what they mean to me. I will end with a short summary of recent events which illustrates the kind of friend I wish for you…
Moving Day
Donna and I were moving boxes, most were very heavy. Scorching heat steamed around 95 degrees! Arms loaded, we traipsed back and forth getting boxes and moving them to the car. At times, when we were heaving and hoeing, we laughed until we cried. We’d pick up a box and look wide-eyed at each other as if to say there’s no way we can get this box of lead into the car. Our giggles started draining even more strength from our weak and flabby arms, which usually resulted in the box dropping. Though some of our laughter left us snorting and almost having tears run down our legs, we somehow managed to get everything loaded for each trip to and fro.

While moving the contents, we often used hand trucks. Stacking the boxes higher and higher, we discussed how much the dollie could hold. Many times, Donna would say, “I’m telling you; this thing can hold a refrigerator!” So, we stacked on another box. Driving the loaded cart was not an easy task, but Donna continued to say, “This thing can hold a refrigerator!”
Somewhere along the path when I had an empty cart and exhaustion had about set in, I said, “Hop on, Donna. I’ll take you for a ride.” Her tired eyes cut to the corner, “You already pushed me and let me surf on the flat utility cart. It’s your turn!”
“You can’t push me! I replied.
Without skipping a beat, she replied, “This thing can hold a refrigerator!”
Trust Fall
“You can’t hold me.” I repeated as we continued walking in silence. I glanced over, seeing her eyes calculating my weight and her strength. Then her mouth twisted to the side. Donna has been my best friend (and cousin) for as long as I can remember. I knew the determined look: I can too! I immediately stopped the hand truck leveling to the floor and took my rightful place, standing on its flat metal platform.
Talk about a trust fall! The thought that she could NOT hold me steady never crossed my mind. She is my devout friend with whom I trust. Crossing my arms over my chest, I felt my body leaning slowly backwards, and backwards, and backwards. Uhhh, I’m not stopping!
Gradually, I reclined until I was jolted flat onto the floor. Now crashing to the ground while lying on metal might sound very painful. But when you have a good friend, she will do everything in her power to protect you. And that is exactly what Donna did. She broke the fall and went down with me.
Then we just sat and laughed and laughed.
Trust God
God is the ultimate trust. He, and He alone, will never fail us.
- “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6
- “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.” Psalm 125:1
God is so good to us, being available 24/7. However, He knows His creation well. He knew we would need fellowship. He knows we need someone that we can physically see. Thus, Christian friendship was born.
*Even if you totally trust your friend, human strength can give way. However, trust in God, for He will NEVER fail you.
Your story is so so very true. Trusting in my Lord has helped me sleep better and go through these uncertain times with faith that the answer will come.