Armor of God: Never Leave Home Without It -By Karla

Dining at Cracker Barrel, Donna and I noticed an elderly man. Simultaneously, we said, “Bless his heart.” We whispered about him having to eat alone. At a second glance, I noticed he did not have his teeth in. 

Donna and I often joke about how we promise to make sure that the other does this and that or does not do this or that when we reach that certain age. Please note that I mean no disrespect to anyone who has dentures; we all have things we must deal with. (I especially mean no disrespect to Aunt Anna. She has entertained the little ones over the years by flipping hers in and out with just the push of her tongue!) 

It was no surprise to Donna that I mouthed, “Never let me leave the house, forgetting my teeth.” Of course, she agreed and added some other words that I could not hear. So, she suggested I need to buy a hearing aid and add it to the list of things I should never leave home without. I shook my head as I realized my list was getting longer; I made a mental note to add my glasses too. 

When the waitress brought his food, Donna grew concerned about him getting sore gums noticing he had ordered crispy tater tots. 

Our Mom’s List

Our conversation then wandered into the list of items our mothers made sure we were never without when in our cars. 

  • Always have a blanket in case you are stranded on the side of the road on a frigid night
  • Make sure to have a flashlight in case you need to walk at night because your car breaks down
  • Have a pair of scissors–though I am not sure why…maybe in case you meet a bear while you are walking with your blanket and flashlight! (But, honestly, those scissors have come in very handy over the years!)
person holding flashlight during nighttime
Photo by Wendelin Jacober on

My List

Among Mom’s advised car list, I have added a few “musts” for my purse as I have aged.

  • Yes, like the American Express commercial said, “Never leave home without it”: your credit card (It comes in handy during emergencies or if you see a really, cute little dress.)
  • Your phone cord and charger (I have learned a dead phone and worried children can be a problem.)
  • A healthy snack & a bottle of water (No one wants to hear a growling stomach in church.)
  • Safety pins (Those buttons can pop off at the most inconvenient times.)
  • Band-Aids (Nobody wants blood on their clothes.)
  • Hand sanitizer (Covid-19…Need I say more.)
  • Tissues (I’m snot kidding)
  • Lip Gloss (A shiny smile says so much.)
  • Breath mints or gum (You remember the Big Red commercial: “say goodbye a little longer.”)
  • Small tube of lotion (Who wants rough hands?)
  • Power compact (Will this oily skin ever end?)

In my young adult life, I would have included an extra tampon or pad on the list, but at my age I will have to say a clean pair of panties. Mom might have said those are needed in case of a car wreck, but I am much more concerned about getting tickled with a friend and need a pair to change into. 

 We can powder our noses, gloss our lips, stick on the Band-Aid, clean and smooth our skin, pin a hole, quench our temporary thirst, and disguise our breath, but to be prepared in life, we need more than supplies from our purse.  

The Armor of God

All kidding aside, “Mama said there would be days like this”; ones filled with the devil’s schemes. The Bible gives us a list of things never to leave home without. We must guard ourselves with… (Ephesians 6:10-18)

  • Belt of truth 
  • Breastplate of righteousness
  • Fit your feet with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace
  • Shield of faith
  • Helmet of salvation
  • Sword of the Spirit

The armor of God is the thing to truly never leave the house without! When we make time to read God’s word, pray, and listen, we armor ourselves with a relationship with the Lord, the most important thing to never forget!

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Teachers: Not Naming Names –by Donna

If you were a fly on the wall in a school in August, you would hear many humorous stories. Not about the students, but the teachers. Teachers have to retrain themselves, right down to our bladders. During the summer we “go” whenever the urge hits, but in school, you may be holding it a very long time. Going back to school can be exhausting: emotionally, mentally and physically. We all love our job and are thankful for summer break, but retraining our minds and bodies is difficult. Getting up early, being on your feet most of the day, and being responsible for umpteen students is exasperating at times.

I have many friends and family members who are teachers. I shan’t name any names, but these are some things that have happened the last two weeks.

Teacher Troubles

Teacher A was so tired she was asleep last night by 7, yet she overslept. But being the dedicated teacher she is, she made it on time. She came with wet hair, but whatever it takes.

Teacher B went to bed on Friday. Woke up the next morning and her contacts were not in the contact case. They were not in her eyes either. She had no recollection of even putting the contact solution in the case. Where are they? Only God knows. 

Teacher C wore her dress to school backwards. She wore it all day long before noticing.

Teacher D sprayed her hair with foaming bathroom cleaner rather than hairspray.

Teacher E drank her thermos of hot tea as she does every day. After a few hours, she thought it tasted bland and opened it up to see she had forgotten the tea bag and had only been drinking hot water all morning.

Teacher F may take the prize. Teacher F decided to have flowers delivered to her principal. But, she accidentally put her own name as the receiver. She had beautiful flowers delivered to herself! She was the giver and receiver.

National Teacher Exhaustion Month

Several years ago I was diagnosed as slightly anemic. During that time, I could barely function in the evenings. My children would tell me something important, and we would have an entire conversation about it. The next day I would have no memory of it. They began to say, “Don’t tell Mom anything after ten. She won’t remember it.” It was true. I would fall asleep in the recliner almost every night. It didn’t matter what was on TV or what was going on. That is how August is for a lot of teachers. We could name it, National Teacher Exhaustion Month.

I am thankful that God never tires. He is always wide awake. He never forgets our conversations, and never loses His focus. Our Father is never late or confused. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow–always at His best for us.

Psalms 121:4 …indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

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Trust Fall – by Karla

1, 2, 3…jump. The preschooler leans over the vast depth of the pool water, eyes wide with excitement, trusting the loved one to catch her.

Peddling and swerving; peddling and straightening. The youngster continues, believing the parent will keep holding his bike, guiding him until he is balanced and free to continue on his own. 

The “flyer” on a cheerleading squad is tossed high above the others, trusting her teammates will be waiting below ready to protect her descend with wide open arms.

“Take the keys to the car and run to the store,” are perhaps the most exciting trust words ever spoken to the sixteen-year-old.

The Concept of Trust

As we age, trust can become more difficult. According to the dictionary, trust can be defined as having confidence, faith, or hope in someone or something.

Sadly, in today’s world, the concept of trust has grown rather weak over the years, like a man’s handshake that has been diluted into a “yeah, whatever” agreement.

Most of us have dealt with the feeling of mistrust when it comes to others. Some days, it might seem the only one you can trust is your faithful dog, but he might even run off if tempted with a juicy bone.

Christian Friends

Let me tell you, I have some wonderful Christian friends: companions who have listened to me cry, rant, cheer, and laugh. Some pals have stood with me through thick and thin. How did I get so blessed to have such truly trusted friends? I looked in the right place. I found the ones with their hands stretched out ready to serve. Although Christian friends will not be perfect, they will give of themselves to the best of their ability.

God, I thank you for your creation of Christian friendships and what they mean to me. I will end with a short summary of recent events which illustrates the kind of friend I wish for you… 

Moving Day

Donna and I were moving boxes, most were very heavy. Scorching heat steamed around 95 degrees! Arms loaded, we traipsed back and forth getting boxes and moving them to the car. At times, when we were heaving and hoeing, we laughed until we cried. We’d pick up a box and look wide-eyed at each other as if to say there’s no way we can get this box of lead into the car. Our giggles started draining even more strength from our weak and flabby arms, which usually resulted in the box dropping. Though some of our laughter left us snorting and almost having tears run down our legs, we somehow managed to get everything loaded for each trip to and fro.

While moving the contents, we often used hand trucks. Stacking the boxes higher and higher, we discussed how much the dollie could hold. Many times, Donna would say, “I’m telling you; this thing can hold a refrigerator!” So, we stacked on another box. Driving the loaded cart was not an easy task, but Donna continued to say, “This thing can hold a refrigerator!”

Somewhere along the path when I had an empty cart and exhaustion had about set in, I said, “Hop on, Donna. I’ll take you for a ride.” Her tired eyes cut to the corner, “You already pushed me and let me surf on the flat utility cart. It’s your turn!”

“You can’t push me! I replied.

Without skipping a beat, she replied, “This thing can hold a refrigerator!”

Trust Fall

“You can’t hold me.” I repeated as we continued walking in silence. I glanced over, seeing her eyes calculating my weight and her strength. Then her mouth twisted to the side. Donna has been my best friend (and cousin) for as long as I can remember. I knew the determined look: I can too! I immediately stopped the hand truck leveling to the floor and took my rightful place, standing on its flat metal platform.

Talk about a trust fall! The thought that she could NOT hold me steady never crossed my mind. She is my devout friend with whom I trust. Crossing my arms over my chest, I felt my body leaning slowly backwards, and backwards, and backwards. Uhhh, I’m not stopping!

Gradually, I reclined until I was jolted flat onto the floor. Now crashing to the ground while lying on metal might sound very painful. But when you have a good friend, she will do everything in her power to protect you. And that is exactly what Donna did. She broke the fall and went down with me.

Then we just sat and laughed and laughed.

Trust God

God is the ultimate trust. He, and He alone, will never fail us.

  •  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6
  • “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.” Psalm 125:1

God is so good to us, being available 24/7. However, He knows His creation well. He knew we would need fellowship. He knows we need someone that we can physically see. Thus, Christian friendship was born.

*Even if you totally trust your friend, human strength can give way. However, trust in God, for He will NEVER fail you. 

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