Teachers: Not Naming Names –by Donna

If you were a fly on the wall in a school in August, you would hear many humorous stories. Not about the students, but the teachers. Teachers have to retrain themselves, right down to our bladders. During the summer we “go” whenever the urge hits, but in school, you may be holding it a very long time. Going back to school can be exhausting: emotionally, mentally and physically. We all love our job and are thankful for summer break, but retraining our minds and bodies is difficult. Getting up early, being on your feet most of the day, and being responsible for umpteen students is exasperating at times.

I have many friends and family members who are teachers. I shan’t name any names, but these are some things that have happened the last two weeks.

Teacher Troubles

Teacher A was so tired she was asleep last night by 7, yet she overslept. But being the dedicated teacher she is, she made it on time. She came with wet hair, but whatever it takes.

Teacher B went to bed on Friday. Woke up the next morning and her contacts were not in the contact case. They were not in her eyes either. She had no recollection of even putting the contact solution in the case. Where are they? Only God knows. 

Teacher C wore her dress to school backwards. She wore it all day long before noticing.

Teacher D sprayed her hair with foaming bathroom cleaner rather than hairspray.

Teacher E drank her thermos of hot tea as she does every day. After a few hours, she thought it tasted bland and opened it up to see she had forgotten the tea bag and had only been drinking hot water all morning.

Teacher F may take the prize. Teacher F decided to have flowers delivered to her principal. But, she accidentally put her own name as the receiver. She had beautiful flowers delivered to herself! She was the giver and receiver.

National Teacher Exhaustion Month

Several years ago I was diagnosed as slightly anemic. During that time, I could barely function in the evenings. My children would tell me something important, and we would have an entire conversation about it. The next day I would have no memory of it. They began to say, “Don’t tell Mom anything after ten. She won’t remember it.” It was true. I would fall asleep in the recliner almost every night. It didn’t matter what was on TV or what was going on. That is how August is for a lot of teachers. We could name it, National Teacher Exhaustion Month.

I am thankful that God never tires. He is always wide awake. He never forgets our conversations, and never loses His focus. Our Father is never late or confused. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow–always at His best for us.

Psalms 121:4 …indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

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