Homeless: A Touch of Kindness

A friend of my mine recently posted about a homeless man, woman, and their dog. If you live in Rome, you have seen them. I think we all have. For they travel all over Rome with their brown dog and their wagon. The man is always pulling their belongings while the dog is hooked to the side of the cart. She was questioning if anyone knew anything about the couple, because she wanted to assist them. After her post, another friend offered to go with her to speak with them and possibly devise a plan.

The Plan

They wanted to get them a warm place to stay during the winter months by paying for a couple of nights and encouraging others to do the same. Several people were very supportive. But some comments from people surprised me. People were writing about how “mean” the woman was, how “rude” she was or how she could have “at least she could say thank you.” These people were not just assuming, they knew from experience. For they too had tried to help. One person said they offered her food and the woman said she only wanted cash.

I can understand how we often see things from our perspective. One day when my daughter Emily was in high school, I gave her ten dollars for lunch money. The next day she asked for more. “I gave you enough lunch money yesterday to last a few days.” Her reply, “I gave it to some man in a parking lot. He said he was hungry.”  My first reply was, “Emily! You know he probably went and bought alcohol with it!” Her reply, “But what if he didn’t? What if he really was hungry?”


Many very competent people stand on the street corners and beg/scam people for money. People are approached at  gas stations or parking lots by people asking for cash. Some have elaborate stories, but some just ask. If you give them something, are you foolish?  They may have just eaten a four-course meal and use the money to go buy cigarettes. But even if they do, God knows your heart; He knows theirs too. However, many people out there do need help, even if they don’t realize they need it.

Who Knows

Who knows this homeless woman’s story? A quote from Emma Bombeck I have always liked is, “A child needs your love most when he deserves it least.” As a teacher, I experience that often. Children who act out are usually in need of something. Adults do sometimes too. Or perhaps she is mentally unstable and that is the reason she behaves as she does. I am not excusing her ways, but until you walk in someone’s shoes,we cannot understand his ways. She may be mean and rude, but I don’t recall the Bible stating to only help those who are nice and those who say thank you.

Despite the negative comments that were made, these two ladies have stuck with the goal of helping this “couple” and their dog. Together they have found out that the man and woman are not a couple as most of Rome assumed.  They are actually brother and sister. The ladies located a motel that will let their dog stay too. Monica, the lady, may never be appreciative or say thank you. And that is ok.

Helping others is not about getting a “thank you.” It’s about reaching out and showing God’s love to others, like these two ladies have done. 

“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice Hospitality”   -Romans 12:13

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2 thoughts on “Homeless: A Touch of Kindness

  1. This is a wonderful post. I agree with your thoughts on this. I often give money to people I see on the street. Who knows what they do with it. I don’t and don’t care. Once they have it it’s up to them. I saw a man, woman and two children at the side of the Walmart parking lot. He was holding a sign thT said, “Nofood, no gas. They were sitting beside an old mini van. I had already passed them, but I pulled into a space and waved them over. The man came over and since I had some cash n my wallet, I gave him most of it. He seemed very grateful and his wife waved from where she and the children were. I went ahead and parked and when I got out of the car, I looked back and they were already gone. I hope the went straight and bought some food for the kids and themselves. Did they? I don’t know, but I like to think they did.

  2. You see the same thing with people giving money to the Church. If they don’t know where the money is going they will not give. It’s like they think they want to be in control of everything. If you give money to people on the side of the roads there is a good chance the money is going to be used for something other than food. But if you pray and tell the Lord, Lord I don’t know what they are going to do with the money but I am giving this gift to you Lord because you asked us or me to help the needy. So you deal with their hearts about what they are going to spend the money on but I am giving it to you Father and I believe you will bless me know matter what happens because I am obeying your word. So I always look at it that way. Now you have to use common Sense. If you know for a fact it is a scam then stay away. But you can’t go wrong by giving it to the Lord.

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