Take It To the Limit! -By Donna

Here at Smorgasbord of Sisterhood, we will be taking the next few weeks off for the holidays! If you are enjoying our weekly blogs, have no fear, we shall return. In the meantime, we will be working on our upcoming Facebook page and re-posting some oldies. So, read a story you didn’t before or enjoy a repeat!

Enjoy your holiday season and be sure and spend some quality time with not only family but best friends!  

Many years ago, in our college days, two guy friends were taking a drive and Karla and I rode along.  As we sat in the back, a song we loved came over the radio. We began singing to the top of our lungs. In an attempt to shut us up, they rolled down all the windows in the car. But despite the frigid winter air there was no stopping us. We only sang louder. From that day on, every time that song is on the radio, we must belt it out! This holiday season, take something to the limit! Sleep later than ever, laugh harder than before, smile bigger than possible, love larger than imaginable…enjoy life!

–Donna and Karla

Click on the link below for a musical treat! Not!



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Memories: “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” -By Karla

I love the holidays!  I mean LOVE them! There is something magical about this time of year.

Turkey Cookies

When Lindsey was four and Rachel was almost a year old, I started making cookies with them the day before Thanksgiving. I have always cheated and used a mix because it is easier. It’s never been about how they actually taste; it’s the process and the memories.

In the early years, Lindsey had a blast tracing her elementary-school hands with a butter knife. Meanwhile, I worked the dough around Rachel’s little fingers, trying to place them just right to form the head and feathers. We made turkey cookie after turkey cookie with sprinkles galore!

Year after year we baked. Sometimes it was just the three of us, but other times we invited friends and extended family.  It seems like I blinked and they had grown up. Though our schedule does not allow us to make our turkey cookies the day before Thanksgiving, we manage to still carve time sometime over the holidays to gather, roll, cut out our turkeys, smile, and make memories.

Mom’s Famous Dressing

When Mom was sick years ago, I offered to help cook her part of the holiday meals. I consider myself fortunate that she taught me how to make her dressing. That first year without Mom, I can remember being so nervous making it. It’s not like any of the forty-plus family members and friends, who gather for meals over the holidays, would have cared if it did not taste good, but I did! For some reason, I needed it to be as good as hers.

It never failed. Even fifteen years after her passing, Papa Berry, my adult dad, always made sure to walk by me with his plate filled, and pat me on the shoulder. “Karla, your mom would be proud. It tastes just like hers.” He was such a sweetheart; I know some years the dressing was much drier than others.

As one decade rolled into another Rachel started helping make the  dressing, and I know this would make Mom smile.

New Traditions

With the girls being older, I try to put up the Christmas tree the week of Thanksgiving because they have more time to visit.  Over the years the location of the tree has seen different spots, but the golds and reds still grace its branches.  In the background we play Christmas music, usually drink hot chocolate, and sometimes even have a muted football game on.

Family Time While Shopping

On the days that follow Thanksgiving, my sisters and I do some shopping. For us, it is more about spending time together than the materialism. We always have some fun story from these trips.

This year, one store had a line a mile long. We took turns standing in line while the others browsed the racks for that special something. Finally, I told everyone to head toward Panera with my great-niece. Sharing that I would pay for everything now, we could divvy up later. Looking in the stroller, I was surprised that Gail was buying three stuffed animals, but I paid for them as well as everything else.

That evening, we had some serious laughter as we divided up our purchases. My sister Gail grimaced when she realized she owed me money for the two stuff animals she was only letting her granddaughter hold in hopes to keep her satisfied. had let my great-niece hold simply to occupy her time in line.

I then explained the problem with the third stuffed animal.” It did not have a price tag, so they just charged me the same price as the larger one she had just rung up. ” Gail said, “She only had two. Where did the third one come from?”  We burst with laughter when she shared that I had paid for a twenty-five year-old-stuffed animal.  She had brought old one from home and did not realize they had even taken it into the store!

Most Importantly

These are just a few of the reasons, plus the beginning of the possibility of a snow day, that make me love this time of year. How blessed I am to know the most important meaning for the glow of the season. I have in my heart, the birth of Jesus.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

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Broken: The Shell -By Patty (Guest Blogger)

On a recent trip, Karla and I took a walk down the sandy shores of Panama City Beach. As we strolled, we talked about many things. On this particular day, Satan was accusing me of being a bad parent. This is a fear that haunts me daily and torments me when I allow it. Feeling broken, I bared my soul to my dear friend. We would occasionally stop and pick up a seashell that drew our attention. Through my teary eyes, I searched that sandy beach for the perfect shell.

Later after we had returned to the condo and showered, I gazed in amazement at a little shell that Karla had given me. It was a beautiful Calico Scallop. It had pink and white tones and was just perfect! But then, I began to look at it closely, marveling at the workmanship. As I examined it, I noticed a crack here and a chip there, and finally, I saw that it was not perfect. The shell had been out in the ocean, being pounded and beat into the shore. Despite all the storms it had endured and the cracks that it had acquired, it was still beautiful and was serving its purpose: to glorify God.

I am Broken

Suddenly, I was this shell. I saw myself in the ocean being beaten and tossed about in those strong waves. My mind reflected over the many storms that I had gone through and the times that my heart had been broken. Tears flowed as I thought back to the day my biological mother left me at nine years old to be given up for adoption. Painfully, I thought of the adopted parents, who after nine years of living with them told me that they had done everything they could for me, I was now on my own. I remembered the day that the man I loved walked out on me and our week-old baby.

Sadly, I thought of how I had been chipped and cracked and even rejected by those who passed by. I had been broken and cracked and felt useless to others. Then, I remembered that this is how God found me, broken, chipped, and scarred. But He picked me up anyway.

No Such Thing as Perfect

My thoughts went back to the many shells that we passed by because they did not make it through the harshness of the ocean. They were broken and useless. This is how the world often views us. They look at our chips and our cracks, and they do not have any use for us. The world does not care that we are beautiful despite our environment. You see, the world is looking for that perfect shell. Webster’s dictionary defines perfect as “Complete in all respects; without defect or omission; sound; flawless.”  Well, that is quite a definition to live up to. Especially since there is no such thing as perfect in this world.

I smiled through my tears as I realized that there is a God who looks at me through perfect eyes. When Jesus found me, I was broken, weak, and useless. But that’s where I had to get to allow Him to pick me up and to make use of me.  I still have the chips and cracks that the world left me with, but I know that God uses those imperfections so that I can encourage others with similar wounds. Far from perfect am I, but I am no longer useless. I am fearfully and wonderfully made by the same God that created that shell (Psalm 139:14). The shell and I have the same purpose: to glorify God by being who He made us to be.

If you are feeling broken and cracked and beaten down by the ocean, don’t despair.  All you have to do is ask Jesus to pick you up. He will gladly do so. Take courage, you are useful despite your cracks and chips. He will use you to do what we were made to do: Glorify Him by being us.


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Thankfulness: Attitude of Gratitude -By Donna

As I sat on my porch steps dropping candy into trick or treat bags, I was thrilled at the number of children who said thank you. It was more than I expected in this day and age.  But those who didn’t reminded me of a story in the book of Luke. Ten men with leprosy cried out begging Jesus to heal them. He told them to go show themselves to the priest, and as they went, they were healed.  One  man, when he saw he was cured, came back to thank Jesus.  One! Jesus asked, “Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the other nine?”

I believe many people feel entitled and therefore they don’t say thank you. Yes, it’s the cashier’s job to take your hard-earned money for the overpriced item you are buying.  But, thanking her is respectful, and those may be the only kind words she has heard that day.

“Say thank you.”  If you have children, you have probably said that umpteen times to them.  At first, they say these words because they are told too, even when they aren’t thankful. Then it may become a habit, but hopefully with time they will say it with a grateful heart.  Being thankful to others blesses both the giver and the receiver.

When something of magnitude is done for us or given to us, we are quick to say those words, but we often forget to say thanks for the little things. As a teacher, I try to emphasis the importance of saying thank you to my kindergarten students.  Some day, as I am passing out papers, I hear “thank you” twenty times in a row, and I have to say, “you’re welcome” back each time. It seems excessive, but it makes me smile.


With Thanksgiving approaching, we all get “thankfulness” on our minds. But shouldn’t it be a daily practice? We often get overwhelmed, distracted, or in a hurry and forget those words. We slip into a mode of negativity, worry, and frustration. Gratitude can alter our frame of mind by helping us realize all we have to be thankful for.

The old saying, every cloud has a silver lining, may be true if you look hard enough. For 25 years, I lived in the middle of 40 wooded acres. When our surrounding land was clear cut, I listened to all the negatives from others about how it looked like a tornado had come through and wreaked havoc. And truly it did. I was accustomed to driving through the canopy of trees and acres of plush greenery. Now, it was a bare and dusty wasteland. But one night while sitting in my recliner, I saw the most beautiful sky as the sun was setting. I had never seen that glorious view because the trees had blocked it for years. Thus, the silver lining.

Thank God -Even for the Bad

Thanking God should be a daily practice. It is easy to thank Him for all our blessings, but the Bible says, “in all things give thanks”.  Depending on your circumstances that may be difficult. Thank God during hard times. I have had to learn to do that over the past two years, but God blesses me when I do.

One time recently on the way back from Daytona, the truck broke down. It was at least 95 degrees. We pulled off the highway into a vacant parking lot. As I sat in the back seat sweating like a pig, and the boys were out looking under the hood, I thanked God that the truck broke down. As weird as it sounds, for no reason, it just came out of my mouth. And I meant it. Literally, when I opened my eyes, someone pulled up beside us. He had seen us from the highway. He went to Autozone, got the part we needed and brought it to us.

When Tucker jumped back into the truck, I said, “Well, I am glad I thanked God for the truck breaking down.”

In disbelief he questioned me, “Why would you thank God for that?”

“Because you’re suppose to thank Him for everything, and look what He did in return.”

Teach children the importance of the words thank you and that it is not just for the Thanksgiving holiday. Let it last throughout the year. Thank someone everyday, and thank your God. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love endures forever.”, 1 Chronicles 16:3


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Autumn: Golden Memories -By Karla

On Saturday, my twenty-one year old daughter Rachel was home from college and took a short nap on the couch.  Awaken, she announced, “I swear that tree outside had green leaves when I went to sleep!  And now, it is yellow.”  We laughed but discussed how it truly seemed to turn golden overnight. 

That following Monday morning, I glanced out the window as I walked into the kitchen to make my hot tea. I promise you there was a golden tint outside. Dressed and heading to the car, the gold was still in the air.  It made me think of some the golden things throughout my life.

Golden Tunes

As you might have noticed from past blogs, I love music. Driving to school, I wondered about song titles with the word gold or golden.  I began humming and recalling some words to the song, Sister, Golden-Hair by America.  It made me smile. Of course, when I got to school I had to look up the song on YouTube, so I could reminisce. I do not have a special memory of this song; it’s just attached to an era of 70’s days at the Copperhill, TN swimming pool. Another great one is the Larry Gatlin Band’s song, All the Gold in California. With three sisters and a mom who loved to sing, there were many days the 8-track accompanied us as we rode alongside the River Road trying to harmonize. Later in my life, I can vividly remember Michelle Kwan ice skating to Sting’s Fields of Gold. I was an adult, but I cried. She was such a talented artist. I hurt for her that night that she didn’t win the gold, but glided on the ice with such grace.

Late Nights with the Golden Arches 

Surprisingly, another golden item that brings back so many memories is the McDonald’s golden arches. Late Friday evenings after ballgames, the band bus would pull into Mickey-D’s. About 75 famished high-school kids would invade the small dining room, probably disturbing all the poor souls who were trying to eat a meal. We hooped and hollered as if we didn’t have a care in the world. By this time in the evening, most of my food money had usually been spent at the concession stand during the game. But, I always kept enough money tucked in my navy band pants to have a golden-fried apple pie! Ah, the simple things in life. 

The Golden Boob Tube

In 1985, my sister Gail and I just to loved watching Moonlighting with Cybill Shepherd and a much less violent Bruce Willis. Kurt Cameron and his family began the series Growing Pains. This was one of younger Julie’s and my favorites.  That same year, MacGyver came on the scene (and his poster on Donna’s bedroom wall), and he could escape any situation with a pack of dental floss and a bottle of nail polish. But perhaps the funniest of shows during this year was the Golden Girls. Rose and her Saint Olaf stories always cracked me up!  

Golden Transformations

Many years ago, I was driving over the mountain from Dalton to Blue Ridge, Georgia. Because Mom had been sick with colon cancer for about two years, I had made this trip many more times than usual. I was tired and weary as I wove along the windy road. The gold, red, and orange shone so beautifully that day. She was still having some enjoyable days with family, but was no longer working and had slowed a lot. All the prayers I had offered for Mom’s healing were beginning to turn into the realization that God might soon give her the ultimate gift of health. To say I was sad, was beyond an understatement.

Alone in the car, I saw the golden hues a little differently that fall.  I cried and talked to God, and He talked to me. He reminded me that as a Christian death is as beautiful as these golden leaves that were fading. For the first time, I saw the beauty in the completion of this life as one nears their Heavenly life. So, I drove and began to start the process of grieving the beautifully golden transformation that was to come.

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Photographs: Not Just a Picture, But a Memory -By Donna

   If your house were on fire what items would you try to save? Many people say old pictures. I do too! I have always loved pictures, and they can be so powerful. Photographs leave a legacy. People don’t often realize that a picture of themselves can very well outlive them. Through pictures we can see relatives we never met, but we can preserve their image.

    Pictures are small pieces of the puzzle of our life. Some of those pieces bring back laughter, while others bring tears. Everything is so digital now that most pictures are hidden in a phone or computer, so I try to print off my pictures. I love my photo albums as do my children. What looks like “just a picture” to one person, may be a whole story to another.

Sorrow Behind a Smile

   To anyone else this picture of Tucker and me, may just seem like a sweet moment. But behind my smile was sorrow. I had just returned from the hospital where I had a DNC for the baby that I miscarried. It reminds me of the ultrasounds, the tests, the bad news, and telling the kids.

The Cool Aunt

   This picture on the other hand brings laughter. It reminds me of Emily’s junior year in high school when I took her and her best friend to Florida. On the way back, our car broke down. My nephew and his friends happened to be in Florida at the same time. He was about an hour behind us. When he came by he picked us up. He had room for five, but there were seven total. So, two boys volunteered to ride in the back of the truck, under the cover with the luggage. My nephew was driving, Emily and Anna sat in the front passenger side sharing the seat. I sat in the back with two teenage boys. To save gas, he drove with the windows down. My hair was covering my face from the wind. The one type of music I despise is rap. I had to listen to it from Florida all the way to Atlanta! I was really feeling my age. But I smiled when they said I was the “cool” aunt because I didn’t make them turn it off.

Halloween Memories

   Today was October 31. I have many pictures of past Halloweens. This year Tucker was a lion, and from the picture you can tell he wasn’t feeling so well. My brother Keith was with us when we went trick or treating. Tucker’s hot costume wasn’t helping any and making him feel worse. So my brother jumped out of the van and began “trick or treating” for soda crackers to soothe Tucker’s tummy. That’s also the year that the first house we visited, “Dracula” answered the door and Travis was so scared he wouldn’t get out of the car again. My nephew, Justin had to collect candy for him.

   Last Christmas I was trying to think of what to get Mamaw, who was 96 and surely didn’t need another robe. I decided to sneak an old picture and have it restored and framed for her. Rather than getting a studio type picture, I chose the one of Papaw and her sitting on the hood of his truck. He had passed away over twenty years ago. In the picture they were in their teens and full of life. As her wrinkled, arthritic hands unwrapped the gift, her eyes filled with tears. She said, “Oh, this isn’t a picture, it’s a memory,” and she proceeded to tell every detail about that day.    –Donna

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Original or Extra Crispy? -By Karla

I have often said, “If there were lines in Heaven where people gather personality traits before we came into this world, I missed a few booths and went to others twice.” Like mom, it could be said that I might be late for my own funeral. In fact, I probably didn’t even see the booth marked “punctuality”, and just got into the “generosity” line a second time.

Today for instance, my friend Jenni called asking for a little favor. Her family has done so many things for the girls and me over the past five years. While we do things for them as well, I am not sure I can ever repay the care they have given us. Being an honorary Nana to her children is a blessing that keeps on giving.

Thus, there was not an ounce of hesitation on my part when she asked a favor. Her car had been towed to the shop in town. She had forgotten a few things in it and asked if I would bring them to her after school.

“Sure thing!” I continued by offering to pick up anything else she might need for our church’s trunk-or-treat while I was in town also. “I have after school tutoring, then I will run the errands and be there.”

“Running around like a chicken with my head cut off” was a common phrase Mom used to say to me. Organization is another booth I missed out on. Trying to plan the best route for my errands, I started walking to the car. Man, I have got to go to the bathroom. I should have gone before I left the building. I can’t get back in! Walking a little faster to the car, I decided I would make that my first stop inside the store.  On the way I swung by the bank to make a deposit.

This particular ATM is a walk-up with no run-through option, so I patiently waited for my turn. The sky is so pretty.  Just enjoy the moment in the sun. Don’t stress; the car place does not close for another hour.  You have time. Often when I step into the sunlight a sneeze hits me. I felt it coming. If I could just get back to my car and sit down, I would be fine! But nope! The sneeze came and so did a little pee. Well, that is just great! Got to love being a woman when you hit fifty!

Strategically, I ran into Kmart to get my prescription after a quick trip to the bathroom. Then I got a text from Jenni.  “Can you add a white boa to my list? I need it for my chicken costume for tomorrow night.” Well, a person doesn’t get that request often!

Sending a thumbs up emoji, I darted toward the Halloween costumes and the dress-up clothes, but no luck. Next, the Ford place and on to Walmart.

“Are you two together?” the man behind the desk asked me pointing to a gentleman waiting in line.

I bet he hopes not since I might have a pee stain on my pants! Luckily, he politely said no.

“I have a friend who had her Ford Suburban towed here, and I need to get a something out of it for her.”

Both men laughed. “Probably not since a Suburban is a Chevy. Maybe an Expedition?”

“Ugh, yea. Probably.” I added Jenni’s name. “It had to be towed here last night.”

He looked up the location of her car and said, “Follow me please, but be careful in here. The guys leave lots of things laying around.”

I didn’t get in the “graceful” line either.  “If I fall, I promise to get right back up,” I tried to smile. “I pray I do not smell like urine.”

Not smiling, he asked, “Where are you from?”

“Here for the last twenty-five years, but originally from Blue Ridge, GA.

That seems like a random question? Why did he ask me that? Is he flirting with me?

“What did you say your name was? I guess you aren’t stealing anything.”

“I am Karla. Jenni and I are really good friends.” I said as I jumped  into the back seat rummaging around. It was about that time when I realized how dumb I was about to look. “Here it is!” I bellowed as I came up with an empty KFC bucket.

Confusion covered his entire face.

“It goes with the chicken costume for tonight’s trunk-or-treat! I guess if he was flirting with me and the pee stain did not deter him, the empty KFC bucket just did!

Walking to my car, my phone buzzed again. “Can you get two more things for me…”

“Excuse me sir. May I go back and get the baby carrier and the bread maker?” I so tried not to laugh.

If Mom could see me now…running around like a chicken with my head cut off and carrying a chicken bucket!

The things we do for those we love!

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Laughter: LOL. -By Donna

    “Giggles, Thank you for visiting Shorter College…” was how the letter I received began, after Karla and I toured the school in 1986.  And oh my did we get a look that day from Mama because of those giggles, but that’s another blog. I love to laugh and I have spent a lot of my life chuckling.  However, laughing at myself was not something I was able to do.  Embarrassment always took over, and I always worried about what others thought of me.   

    The first Sunday after moving to a new house, I misjudged the distance to my church. On the way, I realized how much further the drive was now and I would be ten or fifteen minutes late! I knew Satan would love for me to turn around and go home, so I decided I was going regardless. Walking across the parking lot I decided, being the braver new me, to speak to a man who was also late. “Better late than never!” His reply, “Yes, ma’am.”

   As I walked up the front steps, he allowed me to go first. He then opened the doors for me and said, “Perfect timing!” As I looked, they were doing the “turn around and shake someone’s hand.” Oh, thank you. Now it won’t be as obvious that I am late and people won’t be staring at me. I slid in about four rows from the back and began shaking hands with the people in front of me. Although we had now begun singing, I felt hands on my shoulders. I turned around and a lady leaned in and whispered, “Your skirt is up in the back.” I nonchalantly pulled it down and said, “Thank you.”

“Why didn’t he tell me?”

    Yep, I had walked in with a man behind me and was standing in church with my skirt tail up. I shook my head and grinned to myself. Thoughts filled my head. Why didn’t he tell me? He must have been embarrassed to say anything. What color underwear do I have on? Yellow with white flowers. Oh, you just think you are going to distract me today, Satan. I casually glanced back to see how many men were sitting in the three rows behind me. Then I realized how in the past I would have been devastated, probably to the point of not coming back. I would have worried myself crazy that people were laughing or talking about me. But although embarrassing, I was able to laugh at myself. I know I am far from perfect, but that is OK because I am secure in God’s love. He made me who I am, and I am the only one that can be me.

Laughter is a Gift

     We live in a fallen world, and if we are going to survive it, we need to laugh along the way. There are times when we should be serious, but sometimes to face the day we need to laugh at ourselves. (Proverbs 15:15) “All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.” God gave us the ability to laugh. It is a gift from Him. He knew how important laughter would be and how it can benefit us physically, mentally, and spiritually. God doesn’t want us to just live; He wants us enjoying life.

    Your happiness is a witness for Christ. When life is tough, laugh and have joy. People will notice the gladness in your heart and wonder where it comes from. “Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, ‘The Lord hath done great thing for them.’ (Psalm 126:2)

    My favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 31:25 “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” Recently, I have had to find humor in the unknown future. We can all do that because God exists and He keeps his promises.–Donna

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“No, Karla, You Get To!” -By Karla

I have hosted a small group Bible study in my home for almost five years, and we have formed a close bond. Last summer one of them mentioned going to the beach together. So, that October we were off on a long weekend adventure, had a blast, and began planning for this year the minute we pulled out the condo complex, where we had stayed.

Is It Worth All the Hassle?

As the October holiday approached this year, so did the hurricanes. Several friends looked at me like I was crazy when I told them I was headed closer to the storm. I quietly wondered if we would need to cancel, but I was so busy that I left the decision up to the rest of the group. They said go. For me, there were several factors:

  • It’s 9:30
  • I am just getting home from taking things to Rach in Atlanta,
  • It’s such a long drive there, a little over 700 miles round trip
  • I have so much school work to do
  • I haven’t even packed
  • It’s a lot of money for a short time.

Decision Made 

Meeting at my house at five o’clock, the five of us loaded suitcases, a cooler (packed with homemade chicken salad, waters, and of course, chocolate), computers for a little work, and seaside apparel.

Avoiding the five o’clock Atlanta traffic, we routed ourselves through Rome (Olive Garden with Donna) and hit Highway 27 southbound. The trip seemed longer than usual because of my recent tiredness and excitement to get there. So, I started wailing like a child and asked often, “Are we there yet?”

Never Too Old for a Road Trip Game

We giggled, and I proceeded to share a game that I had played on trips with the girls when they were young.

“My father owns a grocery store, and in his store, he owns something that begins with the letter –.” The other players ask yes or no questions until the mystery is solved. During the game, someone’s father got wealthy and must have owned a Super Walmart because hammers and fish tanks were added to the items for sale.

As we rolled on, we switched thoughts, “Do you remember the TV show ‘Chico and the Man’?”

Hey, “What about the ‘Rookies’”?

“What about ‘Sigmund and the Sea Monster?’” Then I proceeded to share the story of how I was once talking to a missionary and asked if he had seen that show, Semen and the Sea Monster!

We had laughed so much that it was time for a bathroom break, and a snack. Climbing back into the van, we continued. Games, laughter, stories, laughter, stop for a potty break, grab a snack, and repeat until 1am.

What Happens on a Girl’s Road Trip . . .

When we got there, we were quite saddened to discover that the Pirate Festival that had been where we stayed this same weekend last year had been canceled due to the weather. Yes, really, a pirate festival! Not our cup of tea, but it did provide some fun conversations.

We planted ourselves on the beach for about four hours Saturday enjoying blue skies. I walked feeling the sand between my toes and jumped the rough waves for at least an hour. But, I have never felt such an undertow! I kept a watchful eye on my friends lounging in their chairs so not to worry them. At one point while trying to move back nearer to them, they swear I was swimming without moving an inch!

Did I Mention It Was Windy?

The evenings were spent playing games and eating snacks: popcorn and chocolate, chips and salsa, smoothies and fresh baked bread with butter and jelly! The games, Like Wise and ImaginIff, brought some hoots and hollers of laughter. One of the questions was “name a cheesy town”. The other four ladies cleverly wrote Green Bay. I was struggling a bit, and invented Velveetaville. The reply to this was, “Hey, I think I know that song,” and she started singing only to discover the words were Margaritaville!

Important to Note: And if you ever play and have the category of gross things at the circus do not answer the bearded lady, elephant dung is the most popular answer.

How wonderful to have friends that want to pray with you and laugh with you too. What a blast we had and a bond we made.

Hard Choices

Mom had some famous words in our house. Often my three sisters and I would say, “Mom, do I have to?”

Her reply was always the same, “No, Karla, you get to.”

Packing my things for Thursday night at 10:30, I thought how some people would think over 700 miles for just two full days at the beach was crazy, especially when one of the days is forecast to be a total wash out.

But, packing, I looked up and smiled, “Yes, Mom, I get to go to the beach.”

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Surviving: “The Search is Over” by Survivor – By Donna


I had a month to pack up twenty-seven years of stuff and find a place to live.  September 30th was my deadline.  Every few days I went by two local realty companies for an updated list of available houses to rent.  First, I marked out those that read “no pets” and others I was concerned were out of my budget.  With few remaining on the list, I would ask for keys and venture to have a look.  Being afraid to walk into empty houses alone, (maybe I’ve seen too many mystery movies) I would call Karla and give her a verbal tour of each room.

Purple People Eater

In my starting price range, I saw some pretty rough houses in nerve-racking areas.  At the very first house, I believe the Purple People Eater had taken a bath there.  The entire tub had a purple stain, and a big one where his head would have laid. So after a couple of houses, I gave myself a little higher allowance.

Sometimes Karla would drive down and join me in my search.  Even with the 100 dollars increase in rent, we saw some sketchy places.  The first thing we saw at one house was a blood stain on the floor, or so we thought!  Not to mention the hardwoods in other rooms looked as if someone had a bonfire in the middle of the floor. One home was so bad that I stopped walking, looked at Karla and said, “I’m going no further. You can do what you want, but I’m out of here!” 

No matter how bad they were, Karla always tried to be optimistic and point out the positives she noticed. Though often her face was saying something totally different than her mouth!

Time Was Ticking

In the evenings when I wasn’t filling boxes, I was surfing the web on every rental site that exists. With only a week to go, I decided to open my mind to other possibilities like an apartment or a duplex.  Nothing is wrong with them. I have just lived in the middle of 40 wooded acres for almost 30 years.   love the trees and especially the lake I see as I look out the window every day. And Carlton, the dog, adores the yard to run in. But time was ticking.

A blessing came my way when some wonderful people offered to help with the rent so that I could go up in price, find a safe area, and something a little nicer. So Wednesday, Karla came down, and we went to look at another house and an apartment, both in better areas. We went to the apartment first. It was nice, roomy, and had three bedrooms. The carpet was filthy, but I knew the real estate company would clean it. There was a sliver of yard. I had finally found a possibility.

Next was the house. It was a cute, old restored house, downtown. It had all I desired: three bedrooms, a kitchen that included all appliances, and a small yard for Carlton. But we quickly discovered it must have been the residence of Roy G. Biv. The house was blue, and the brick wall was red. The kitchen and dining area were bright yellow and the bedroom lime green. The den was florescent orange! We never saw the indigo or violet, but I’m sure it was there somewhere. Now I had two possibilities! But I wanted the house, with a fresh coat of paint. I called the real estate company the next morning and was told to hurry and turn in my application because many people were interested in that house. So, I did and I prayed for that house.

On Thursday, I got a call and it had been narrowed down to one other person and me. They had a few questions for each of us before making their decision. I waited all day and heard nothing. So at the end of the day, I called and was told I wasn’t chosen. I never panicked and when friends asked if I had found a place, I would just smile and say, “Moving day is Saturday, and nope I don’t know where I’m going.” I knew God knew where I was going and He had a plan. 

5 Hours to Go

Friday was a teacher workday, and the last day to find a place since I had to to move Saturday. The offices closed at 5 so I was down to 5 hours! After lunch I didn’t have to return to school, so I planned to go straight to claim the apartment I really didn’t want. However a friend invited me to lunch for her birthday, which I had forgotten with all that was going on! On the way to the restaurant, I decided to run in the other realty place to grab a flyer. They weren’t in their usual spot. I asked the receptionist, and she said they had just been printed and handed me one and I threw it in the car.

After lunch, I went to sign the lease for the apartment. But the lady informed me that the apartment would not be ready for two weeks, unless I wanted to clean the carpets myself. I decided to think about it because they were really nasty and I didn’t know if they would dry by morning. Sitting in the car knowing I only had two hours to find a place to live, I picked up the paper and saw they had added one new house to the rental list. Well, might as well check it out. I ran and got the keys and hurried to see it. The minute I walked in the door I knew it was the one! I called the lady to tell her I wanted it, and I was on the way over to do the paper work.

“OH, I can’t do it today!  It’s Friday afternoon, the end of the month, and we are swamped.” she said. My heart sank as I sat there in stunned silence, knowing I had to move somewhere tomorrow. Suddenly her tone changed, and she said, “Well, if you can come now, I’ll do it.”

God’s Timing

While I sat waiting on her to write up the lease, the receptionist said, “You are lucky. We just put that house on the list right before you came and got the paper. Since you took the keys, four people have called wanting it.”

At 4:30 I signed the lease! I knew it wasn’t luck. It was God. He never fails me. He did wait until the last possible minute, but it had to be His timing not mine. I have a cute little home that has a nice backyard with a deck and lots of trees. It is 200 dollars less than Roy G. Biv’s house! 

And God even gave me a view of a lake!


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