Rain, Rain Go Away -by Donna

Rain, rain go away. Come again another day. We all sang that familiar verse as a child. If you currently live in the South, you may be singing this song as an adult. It has rained day after day. When the rain finally ceased briefly and the sun came out, social media was flooded with comments about the wonderful sunshine.

When Karla and I were in college, we had a small black and white TV. One Friday night “The Wizard of Oz” was coming on. We were so excited as that is one of our favorite movies. I ended up getting asked out on a date, which interrupted our evening plans for popcorn and a movie. So, Karla had to watch it alone

When I returned, I remember her saying, “It just wasn’t the same with the whole movie being black and white.” I envisioned that dramatic moment when Dorothy opens the door, leaving the 1939 gray scenery, and enters the colorful “Land of Oz”. Without the color, it just wouldn’t be so breathtaking. If Karla had always seen the movie in black and white, she would not have known difference.


If all we knew were the rainy or cloudy days, we wouldn’t recognize any difference. But we know the sun so well. The light it gives off, the warmth on our faces, and the way it glistens on the water. We admire how it colors the sky in the morning and at dusk. So, after days and days of clouds we look forward to its return.

Life is very much the same. When we are dealing with tough times, we long for relief. But if we didn’t go through struggles sometimes, we wouldn’t know how great the good times are. We must experience the dreariness to really enjoy the sun.

We all know that plants need both the sun and the rain to grow. As children of God, we need both the struggles and the joys to grow in Him. When you feel you are walking in the rains of life, say a prayer of thanks. For Romans 5:3-4 states, “No only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.”

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