Cousins: Fruitcakes –By Karla

Recently, “the cousins” got together for a snowball fight! Okay, actually our reason for our gathering was a Christmas celebration. However, we did not leave before large, synthetic snowballs started flying! As Donna and I drove over the mountain back to our houses, I started thinking about how my cousins and I are a bunch of fruitcakes! 

At first thought, the word fruitcakes can conjure up a negative connotation, but chew on the following and let these words simmer in your thoughts. 


Like most fruitcakes, a variety of fruits add to the mix. In our cousin mix, we have a lawyer, some bankers, a receptionist, a dental hygienist, some insurance specialists, some housewives, a nurse, a seamstress, some government workers, and a home title-researcher, and teachers a plenty! We are unique as are the different fruits in the cake, and when the fruits blend together, it creates something special Over the years, all fruitful cousins have bonded together to help each other survive and thrive. 

Nutty Cousins

Nuts! Oh, we have those too! While none of us are truly nutty enough to be institutionalized, we have questionable moments. I will simply share a few because if I shared them all, you would be bringing several straight jackets!

One was known to have carried a leftover biscuit in her purse to have when needed, and her daughter once brushed her teeth with Preparation H! One of us must not be drinking anything when a funny story is told, lest she spew it everywhere. Another was testing out a media chair in Walmart, when it unfolded. She was sprawled out on the floor and laughing so hard that she could not get up! Perhaps one of my favorites is the one who was searching for funnel clouds because of an apparent “newly installed city tornado warning siren” only to remember ten minutes later that she had changed her ringtone. And during the “snowball fight” that evening, we caught a glimpse of one of us stuffing her bra with two! I guess our nutty sides add spice to our lives resembling the nutmeg in a fruitcake loaf. 

The Holy Spirit

Many recipes call for the bread to be soaked in “spirits”. Honey, I tell you the truth when I say that my cousins know the true spirit that we need to immerse ourselves in: The Holy Spirit of God. We’re bred from a lengthy line of Christians. Fruitcakes can get better with age, so can we! Christians that don’t just say they know God; ones that desire to learn more of the true bread of life. (John 6:25-59). 

December is declared the fruitcake month; these breads are made for special occasions. They are not intended to sit on the shelves taking up space, but given to others. As we are God’s special creation, we are to give of ourselves to others. 

Fruitcake Cousins

While doing some quick research, I learned that fruitcakes can get stale. To refresh them, one only needs to steam them. Christians too can become stale; life can beat us down. By spending time in God’s word, we can revive. God amazes me! He designed Christian fellowship to help us out. Fruitcakes are known for their solid consistency. Well, my friend, my fruitcake cousins have serious substance.They know the Lord, and they surely know how to rejuvenate me with laughter, listening ears, kind words, and hugs.

Did you know a fruitcake once traveled into outer space? Yep, it launched its way on Apollo 11. I have no idea why, but it did! Since it was not eaten, it now sits in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum! But, I do know where my fruitcake cousins and I will be traveling one day: to be with our Savior far beyond the space we can see in this world.  

While fruitcakes are known to last for a long time; some even say “forever”. I know my fruity and nutty friends will live eternally with the true Bread of Life. 

Snowball fight!

(Thanks Mental Floss: 15 Fun Facts about Fruitcake; April 16, 2016 & Fill Your Plate: Interesting Facts About Fruitcake; Dec. 9, 2011 for providing me with some quick research.) 

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Sisters: Adopted In -By Donna


According to the internet, the first Sunday in August is National Sisters Day! Many of my friends and cousins had sisters, but I was the only girl in the middle of two brothers.  (You can read more about that in the blog, Brotherly Love, located in the February Archives.)

Growing up, I never longed for a sister. I believe it was for several reasons. When I was very young, my little brother played everything a sister would have from Barbie dolls to house. As a teenager, my cousin Lisa spent most of the summer at my home, so I had a temporary sister. In addition, two weeks out of the summer Karla and I stayed together.  Obviously, when I went off to college, I had my fill of females in my dorm. Who needs a sister?


When I lost my mama in February 2007, I realized the reason I never yearned for a sister was because she was that “sister” figure in my life. She was my confidant, shopping buddy, shoulder to cry on, psychologist, and more. Mama was the one to call when there was an embarrassing question that I didn’t want to ask anyone else. She always had advice about my kids. She knew me inside and out. But when Mama died, despite my close cousins and friends, I felt a gaping hole. 

Karla was always there for me, above and beyond, but over the course of the year, after Mama’s passing, I really became aware of what it meant to have a sister. I had watched it from afar. I saw Karla, who had lost her mother a few years prior, and her three sisters.  During the months and years after their mom died, she always had her sisters checking on her, helping her, loving her, and grieving with her. Over the years, Karla had become the sister I never had. But, wow she had three. When one couldn’t be there, another stepped in. My brothers are wonderful and would do anything for me, but there are things that boys just don’t understand. Now that mama was gone, I realized how special a sister was. 


One day, I expressed my feelings to Karla about how lucky she was to have sisters. I believe it was the next day that I received a text from Lynn, Karla’s oldest sister and the Matriarch of our generation. It stated that I was now a sister to them. I smiled at the gesture and knew Karla had shared with them my thoughts, but didn’t really think a lot about it. But over time, I came to realize it was not just a “gesture”. I began to be included in group texts between the sisters. They began treating me as if I was one of them. And the thing that melted my heart was that all of their children began calling me “Aunt Donna”.

I was not fortunate enough to have a birth sister, but God has blessed me with multiple sisters, and I didn’t even have to share my clothes with them growing up! But as you can see from the picture, mine probably would have been a little too short for them.




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Fiftieth Birthday: Hawaii Five-O. -By Karla

The Reason for the Travels 

Our blog, Smorgasbord of Sisterhood, is centered on faith, family, and laughter. For this special 50th birthday, I received a trip that embraced all three. I love lying on a float in the ocean! This trip we may not have been in Hawaii, but my 5-0 birthday brought us to the beach.

Sisters, cousins, and an aunt accompanied me to Florida. I do believe our laughter might have been heard all the way back in Georgia. Some names have been changed to dashes (-) to protect the innocent (or guilty).

Spotted before We Realized

On the way down, Donna and I spotted an aunt who was driving alone. We came up with this great plan, which amused us! Donna was going to put the pedal to the metal, catch up, and strategically pull parallel with her at nearest red light. My job was then to hang out the window waving my arms frantically yelling at her. We did catch up and tailed her, waiting on the opportunity. But being the human jukeboxes we are, when an old favorite came on we got distracted.  While sitting in a turning lane, we were singing and videoing ourselves, as she spotted us, got out of her car, and came back to give us a hug, surprising us!

Games and Laughter

Four out of the six nights we played board games; one of my favorite things to do. Ranging in ages from forty-nine to seventy-six, games can be quite interesting. One game required us to pick from a multiple choice list of different things that best described us while the other players try to guess “who you are”. This is when we learned that one cousin considers herself apathetic. Now, that was like wearing a target for the rest of the trip! Anytime there was a choice to be made someone would shout out, “Well, — doesn’t care!”

Another game was somewhat like Pictionary. One contestant felt so successful when her teammate guessed her drawing to be an action. Sadly, her bubble was quickly burst when we told her the word “action” was just the hint not the word to be guessed!

Fatty Wad Ryder

Later in the week, one player stated, “Well, I’m just sucking hind ***” because she was in last place. This caused someone to almost spit out her water she had just gulped! Turns out, that is a farm saying for what happens often to the little runt. Sometime during the games, we heard of a story from “the good old days” in which a cousin’s best friend’s brother was named Fatty Wad Ryder. I lie you not! I cannot make that one up!  

“Well, it’s true! I don’t even know his real name. His parents and teachers even called him Fatty Wad.” She pronounced. I am still laughing over that one, and might be at my 100th birthday party!

One night between a round of the game, I received some birthday cards. As one cousin handed me my card, she announced, “Here you go. It’s a funny one. I didn’t sign it in case you want to reuse it!”

Only a Few Arguments 

We had such a blast. With almost no arguing, except every time we got in the van! Two of the eight attendees have back problems. They were constantly arguing about who was not going to take the front seat because the other one needed it more. It even came to a few “friendly” shoves!

A feud occurred over who would pay for the pizzas. One cousin had declared she would pay for it, and laid her debit card out. Donna and I volunteered to go pick it up. Walking out the door, I said, “Oh, I forgot –‘s debit card.”

Donna whispered, “It’s my turn to pay for something. Don’t get it.! Go and shh!”  When we were almost out the door, — yelled, you forgot my card.”

Donna tried to push me on out the door, “Pretend you didn’t hear her.”

“I can’t lie.”  I trudged over and got it. Donna thought she had the last laugh and paid the $20 at the counter. Upon leaving the beach, the aunt gave Donna a card (whose birthday happens to also be in July). Inside, yep!  You guessed it. There was a $20 bill.

Our family loves to eat! We enjoyed several meals and lots of ice-cream. There would be no arguments over extra ice-cream because — not only ate her’s every night, but the leftovers of everyone else too! “Don’t throw that away!  I’ll eat it!”

Beach Time

At the beach, the fun continued. The ocean is not on the top ten list of favorites among some of our family. One of these cousins was being oh-so-brave as we coaxed her out further and further. I stated, “You know, I am pretty proud of you being out here.”  Her reply, “Yeah, I’m pretty proud of myself too!” Donna and I were careful not to discuss the helicopters that were flying back and forth over the water and what they might be looking for.

Our family is so awesome. to care for one another. One night, Donna and I were taking the trash to the dumpster. We detoured to swing a while on the kid’s swing set. An aunt met us at the door when we got back. “Y’all been gone for a long time. I was not going to bed until you got back!”

One of the bad “back” ladies was in the ocean. After a while she tired and another cousin treaded back with her to the beach. I looked up from my float to see them holding hands. Taking care of each other is what we do. At meal times, we all held hands saying grace and thanking God for our safety, our families, and birthdays!

-Karla (Who will withhold the names of the innocent because what happened in Panama City Beach stays in Panama City Beach, except the memories!)

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Humor: Keep Calm and Eat Cake -By Donna

When Karla and I were at Reinhardt, one of our friends decided to move. Our group decided to throw her a good-bye party. Karla and I were asked to make the cake. Happily, we agreed. Our friend Stephen was a RD at the school, and he had a complete kitchen. He left us at his pad to make our creation. 
 We decided to make a chocolate cake with a white 7 minute frosting. This was one of my mom’s signature cakes. The frosting required a double boiler, which of course a bachelor did not own. So we improvised. I filled a large sauce pan with water and put a Teflon pan on top filled with the egg yolks and other ingredients. It worked! The water below heated the mixture, and we beat it for the required seven minutes as it formed stiff peaks. We quickly iced the cake and headed to the car, as not to be late for the party.
Driving to Pizza Hut, Karla remarked, “What are these black dots in the icing?”
“Oh, I bet a few crumbs flaked into the icing.” We didn’t take the time to decrumb the cake, like I had learned in my cake decorating class.
“No, I don’t think so. Look at it in the sunlight! The icing is full of black specs.”
 On closer inspection I realized she was right. “Oh my gosh! It’s the pan. It’s the Teflon. The beaters must have knocked the non-scratch lining off into the icing.”
“Donna, what do we do? We can’t serve this to people. They will be eating Teflon chips!” Karla exclaimed.

Our Lips are Sealed

“We have to bring a cake! We don’t have time to get another one.  They will never know.”
 “Ok. Our lips are sealed, but I’ve heard Teflon is bad for you.
 After the pizza and presents, we sliced the cake. As our friend Kim passed out pieces, we kept silent. She sat a plate of poison in front of each of us. Everyone was digging in. “This is delicious! Great cake, girls. What kind of icing is this?”
 We looked at each other, took deeps breaths and I replied, “chocolate chip.”We sat there smiling.
 Stephen questioned, “Aren’t ya’ll going to eat it?”
 We silently communicated, “Do we eat it?” “What if we get sick?” Karla and I stared at each other like Thelma and Louise did while preparing to drive over the cliff. We placed a bite on our forks, and together we ate it.
Our apologies to these friends, who at this moment at just discovering our secret.

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