Pity-Party: It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want to

During our college years, Karla and I were partiers! Well, maybe not like you are thinking. We loved a good pity party. I used to send her invitations to the “Donna Turner Pity Party!” Of course, once we unloaded all our complaints and feelings on each other, we usually laughed and moved on.

Valentine’s Day

One Valentine’s Day we decided to invite our boyfriends over to our dorm apartment for a “romantic” dinner. It was all planned. We pushed our desks together and covered them with a white table cloth. We even had a centerpiece and candle. Love songs played on the radio and we ordered dinners from the local steakhouse. At the last minute, Karla’s fellow cancelled. So, I spent the evening eating a romantic dinner in the den, while Karla sat on the bedroom floor alone wallowing in self-pity.


This spring, I had an incident that upset me. I felt like my go-with-the-flow personality was taken advantage of. A week later, a totally unrelated event upset me, to the point of anger. Anger is not an emotion I possess very often, and crying is something I rarely do. This day I was crying out of anger.

Later that day, I drove to Karla’s. Driving alone gave me time to mull it all over and I became very offended. The more I thought, the more agitated I got. I am always nice to people. and I always show respect, when others don’t. Don’t I always do what I am told? I went on and on in my little mind. Why do people run over me. Because they know I will not pitch a fit. I’ll be nice no matter what.

Self-pity Train

By the time I got to Karla’s, I was on a self-pity train. I am a nice person. I’m nice to everyone. How can people treat me this way? Who gets treated like this? As I arrived and stepped out of the car, it was as if I audibly heard a whisper, “Jesus.”

“Oh.” I said, shaking my head at myself. Jesus, the most loving, caring man that ever lived, was treated terribly. Others mocked, spat upon and much worse. But, He did not complain. He continued to focus on others not himself. There I was feeling sorry for myself and having a pity party. The definition of pity party is: self-absorbed unhappiness over one’s own troubles. Self-pity comes from the wrong belief that “I don’t deserve being treated like this.”

While we can’t always control how we are treated, we can control our attitude. We have the choice to respond by trusting God. 

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Humor: Keep Calm and Eat Cake -By Donna

When Karla and I were at Reinhardt, one of our friends decided to move. Our group decided to throw her a good-bye party. Karla and I were asked to make the cake. Happily, we agreed. Our friend Stephen was a RD at the school, and he had a complete kitchen. He left us at his pad to make our creation. 
 We decided to make a chocolate cake with a white 7 minute frosting. This was one of my mom’s signature cakes. The frosting required a double boiler, which of course a bachelor did not own. So we improvised. I filled a large sauce pan with water and put a Teflon pan on top filled with the egg yolks and other ingredients. It worked! The water below heated the mixture, and we beat it for the required seven minutes as it formed stiff peaks. We quickly iced the cake and headed to the car, as not to be late for the party.
Driving to Pizza Hut, Karla remarked, “What are these black dots in the icing?”
“Oh, I bet a few crumbs flaked into the icing.” We didn’t take the time to decrumb the cake, like I had learned in my cake decorating class.
“No, I don’t think so. Look at it in the sunlight! The icing is full of black specs.”
 On closer inspection I realized she was right. “Oh my gosh! It’s the pan. It’s the Teflon. The beaters must have knocked the non-scratch lining off into the icing.”
“Donna, what do we do? We can’t serve this to people. They will be eating Teflon chips!” Karla exclaimed.

Our Lips are Sealed

“We have to bring a cake! We don’t have time to get another one.  They will never know.”
 “Ok. Our lips are sealed, but I’ve heard Teflon is bad for you.
 After the pizza and presents, we sliced the cake. As our friend Kim passed out pieces, we kept silent. She sat a plate of poison in front of each of us. Everyone was digging in. “This is delicious! Great cake, girls. What kind of icing is this?”
 We looked at each other, took deeps breaths and I replied, “chocolate chip.”We sat there smiling.
 Stephen questioned, “Aren’t ya’ll going to eat it?”
 We silently communicated, “Do we eat it?” “What if we get sick?” Karla and I stared at each other like Thelma and Louise did while preparing to drive over the cliff. We placed a bite on our forks, and together we ate it.
Our apologies to these friends, who at this moment at just discovering our secret.

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