Choices, Choices -By Karla

The second Tuesday in November is one of the most important dates in the United States. Of course, how could we not know as it approaches since everywhere we turn, we see reminders!  Sadly, many of our current advertisements focus on slamming the other candidate. Meanwhile the media thrives to uncover and magnify mistakes a person has made. We tend to be sick of most elections even before the important Tuesday draws near.

When someone asked, “Taking advantage of the early vote?” A friend replied, “No, holding out until the final day hoping the choices change. 

Over the decades, America has changed. Our values are dwindling and our self-control unruly. After the tragedy of the World Trade Center, I took comfort in the bond Americans formed. Why did we not continue to draw nearer to our Lord over these last fifteen years? Our world is such a mess; chaos continues creeping into our nation.  More and more signs point to the end of time.


The right to worship remains one of America’s original rights. Yet, within a ten-mile radius of my house, statistics show over 10,000 unchurched people. Considering we live in the Bible Belt, this statistic is insane! Christians must voice our thoughts based on God’s word, and this voice must be exercised in our right to vote.


Perhaps the names on our ballots do not list the “perfect Christian candidate”, but our right and duty to voice our opinion remains imperative. Thankfully, Jesus did not wimp out in choosing to take a stand for me even though He knows I am far from perfect.

  • I will go to the polls, and I will vote for the person who most closely aligns with my Christian beliefs. 
  • I will walk out proud that I live in a country that allows me to vote for the person of my choosing.

However, most importantly, I will walk out of the voting booth knowing that whoever becomes our president, my hope is found on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. He is the solid rock on which I stand, for all other ground is sinking sand.


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