Violence: Sick and Tired! -By Karla

Mom’s Words Were True

Truly, I do not know if that is a Southern saying or if it is just one Mom used on a regular basis. She certainly had the right to express it to us—raising four girls! “I’m sick and tired of the way this kitchen looks after y’all get a snack,” or “Girls, I am sick and tired of you putting a wet towel on top of my good clothes. If you do it one more time, I’m gonna pinch your heads off!”

On the skirt tails of the Parkland, Florida shooting on February 14th, our school system experienced several threats, as did several systems near me. Well, let me tell you: I am sick and tired of this madness! Rarely am I as vocal as I am about to be. In my opinion, school shootings has become major a crisis! Something has got to change!

Laws to Protect

In 1901, Connecticut became the first state to pass a law to limit the speed at which a motorized vehicle would travel. (12mph in the city and 15 in the countryside!) The USDA, founded by Lincoln in 1862, became vital for consumers when growth of the meat packing industries began booming after railroad transported meat to other areas. It seems to me that when a crisis arises, public awareness awakens. This attention then creates the need for protection, which often takes the form of a law.

I believe in the second amendment stating that we have the right to bear arms. It is wise to protect yourself. Hunting is a part of our heritage and is still useful to many.

Limits Needed

Boundaries! Seriously, why does any civilian need an assault weapon. The key word being need. Yes, people will find ways around the system to purchase these weapons anyway. But, that does not mean a law should not be made. It would become a criminal act if they went around the system.

Gun at School

Last week walking down the hallway at school, I heard a teacher spout the words, “gunshot, high school, kids running…” I tried to process but no quickly enough.

“Have you heard? Can you please go to —- class for a bit? She is trying to check on her husband (who works at the high school).” Someone grabbed me to provide assistance.

Warranted Panic

I stepped into the room and was almost frozen at what was happening. Another teacher came in and asked, “Should we divide the kids and put them in the other classrooms on the hallway?” Hesitantly, I whispered that I did not really know what was going on. Soon I discovered the gravity of the situation. This teacher had a son at the high school.

Comforting with a Prayer

We stepped into the hallway as fear shown in her eyes and asked her if I could pray with her. I petitioned God for His protection over students, teachers, and emergency responders. Then I told her I would stay with the class. Rounding into the doorway, I tried to keep normalcy. I told them their teacher had to step out for a few minutes and asked the kids up get out a book to read. Within minutes, a student in the hallway spouted the words, “Shooting at the high school!”

Almost Every Student Had a Connection

A girl mouthed to her friend that her mom was a teacher there. I saw her eyes as if the scene were from a fictional movie, but I snapped into the realization of truth. I took a deep breath. Sharing with the class, I reported shots were fired. but I did not know any details except that the high school was on lock down. Several students began frantically searching the room for their friends making eye contact. I asked who had siblings there, and five responded. Others said, “I have a cousin.” “I have an aunt.” One boy in the back of the room had eyes filling with tears. I tried not to call attention to him, but walked toward him and asked who he had there. He too had a mom teaching. I gently patted his back as I attempted to keep us all calm.

Helping Students Calm

“Guys, I always think it is best not to think the worst or to go into a panic until we know facts.” I shared that in times of danger and stress it is good to have a friend, so we rearranger our desk, allowing them to sit with friends.

Over the intercom twice during the afternoon, we heard updates. Eventually, we learned that a high school teacher had brought a gun to school. He had barricaded himself in a classroom and fired shots toward the window. Praise God no one was physically hurt. But, the emotional damage of the day will be forever etched into our minds. For almost a week, every time I closed my eyes I could still see the terror in those innocent faces.

A Needed Change

I do not pretend to have all the answers. But, I do know that one by one we should be standing up asking for some legislation to be passed soon. Houston, we have a problem, and something needs to change!

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