Materialism: Treasures on Earth-by Donna

Growing up I adored cats. My room was full of cat statues and posters. At one point I even had a cat bedspread with matching curtains, lamp and alarm clock.

From 1990-2017, I lived on 40 acres. We had several cats, but they were mostly outdoors. When I moved into my current home, I quickly discovered a stray cat. Well, actually it discovered me. It gladly accepted the food I placed outside, but would never let me get close. After about six months, I heard a faint meowing under my porch. I discovered she had given birth to a little white kitten. It was the most beautiful kitty I had ever seen. It was white and brown with blue eyes, and it had a bobbed tail. My daughter called it the Gerber cat, because it was so precious. Of course like its mom, it would come eat but never let me get close.


But I was determined to win her over. I sat outside while it ate, carefully watching me out of the corner of its eye. I was trying to build trust. One day, I just decided to take my chances and grab it. To my surprise, it only took a few times, and it became tame. It loved attention. Every time I walked the dog, if I didn’t pick it up and carry it around, it would climb up my leg. I began to let it come inside, and it quickly made itself at home.

The Gerber Cat

One day while it lay upside down on arm, I looked down at it and thought, I forgot how much I love having a cat. I thanked God for giving me such a sweet blessing.

Nine months later, she vanished. I was afraid someone had gotten her because she was so beautiful. But after three days, I went a different way to work, hoping to see her in someone’s yard. Instead I saw her lifeless body in a ditch. I was so sad. I had enjoyed her so much. It was like so many things in life…here today, gone tomorrow.

Letting Go

After living on the same land for twenty-seven years and having built our dream house, I had to leave my home. Due to downsizing I had to let a lot of things go along with the house. I had my kids’ varying heights marked on the door frame as they grew. Walking away was difficult.

Within two years, I found myself helping empty out my childhood home to be sold. So many memories; so many things. At the estate sale, I had to watch a young man carry out the gun cabinet my mama bought my daddy for their first Christmas together. It was like watching people buy your memories. I had to remind myself, they are only objects. No one can take memories.

Just like with the Gerber cat, we can adore and get so much joy from something only to have it leave our grasp forever. We have to deal with the loss of these prized possessions and be thankful for the time we had with them. But it’s important to move forward knowing God has future treasures in store for you.

Matthew 6: 19-21
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

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